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“Janette's Marketing/PR Process TM" ("JMPP") ...all the marketing support you need to lead in your marketplace!

and succeed Marketing/PR Coach, Consultant, Trainer, Speaker and Columnist Tel: 905.882.6893 Fax: 905.882.6898

E-mail: [email protected]

Websites: www.yourmarketingmagnet.com

[email protected]


______________________________________________________________________ ’

CTN/SIP Promoting Your Business

“Getting Your Name in Print”

November 1, 2007

This ppt file consists of two parts:

1. Presentation conducted at the CTN/SIP Meeting on Nov 1, 2007 2. Details of my profile and services, titled “hand out”

What We’re Going to Cover

• The fundamental differences between PR and advertising • What you need to know about turning the media into a client and pitching your story to them • What you need to know about devising your media plan and leveraging your exposure

The Fundamental Differences Between PR & Advertising

What Advertising Is:

• Selling to prospects • Sponsored • Self-motivating • Biased • Forcing a message on the consumer • Costly • Paid Promotion

The Fundamental Differences Between PR & Advertising

The Plus Side of Advertising:

• You have total control • Over content, format, layout, repetition, timing and size • Your ad appears in the media exactly as you created it

The Fundamental Differences Between PR & Advertising

What PR Is:

• Communicating your specific message to select target groups • Highlighting your unique and distinctive characteristics, benefits and advantages • Separating yourself and your products and services from your competitors

The Fundamental Differences Between PR & Advertising

What PR Is Continued:

• Soft-sell promotion • Disguised as news • Taken to be true because it is newsworthy • Credible words • Media endorsement

The Fundamental Differences Between PR & Advertising

What PR Consists Of:

• A series of marketing campaigns and strategies that engage or have your dealing with the public, including: • Branding & Packaging • Conveying Your Essential Marketing Message • Copywriting & Copyediting – of press releases, media kits, articles, brochures, websites, etc.

The Fundamental Differences Between PR & Advertising

What PR Consists of Continued:

• Media Relations/Media Training • Special Events • Promotions – contests, draws, giveaways, product samples, gifts, prizes, etc.

• Networking/Online Networking/Relationship Building

The Fundamental Differences Between PR & Advertising

More of What PR Consists Of:

• Strategic Partnering/Joint Ventures/Alliances, Etc.

• Image & Etiquette • Online Promotion – Blogs, E-zine’s, Etc.

• Sponsor & Investor Relations

The Fundamental Differences Between PR & Advertising

More of What PR Consists of Continued:

• Speaking Engagements & Tours • Customer/Client/Employee Incentives & Rewards • Crisis Management • And much more!

The Fundamental Differences Between PR & Advertising

The Common Link: All of these PR measures are designed to:

• Brand • Position • Promote • Market • Identify • Distinguish • A person, company or organization • And tell their essential marketing message or story

What You Need to Know About Turning the Press into a Client & Pitching Your Story to Them

Understanding the Media & Media Relations:


print, radio, TV & Internet exposure • The process of telling & selling your story to the media • Increasing your chances for exposure by providing the media with what they need to make their job easier – such as a press or news release, media kit, tip sheet & other supporting press materials

What You Need to Know About Turning the Press into a Client & Pitching Your Story to Them Understanding the Media & Media Relations Continued:

• The media is in competition with itself and the Internet • They are only concerned with selling papers and winning the

ratings war

• They are content starved and looking to entice their readers, listeners and viewers

What You Need to Know About Turning the Press into a Client & Pitching Your Story to Them Understanding the Media & Media Relations Continued:

• You can write whatever you want in your press releases and media kits • But editors, journalists, reporters, radio and TV producers (and their staff) decide what they want to use and how • You can’t dictate otherwise

What You Need to Know About Turning the Press into a Client & Pitching Your Story to Them Understanding the Media & Media Relations Continued:

• They want captivating hooks and engaging themes or angles • The free space they give you is limited and hard to come by • So you must convince them that you deserve it!

What You Need to Know About Turning the Press into a Client & Pitching Your Story to Them Understanding the Media & Media Relations Continued: Why?

• Because unlike advertising, PR provides you with only one chance to impress the media • To get additional coverage, you must supply them with a new story • Come up with a new spin on the old topic • Find a different topic or angle

What You Need to Know About Turning the Press into a Client & Pitching Your Story to Them Understanding the Media & Media Relations Continued: The bottom line:

• Your topic, angle or spin must appeal to your target audiences as well as the editors, producers and program managers you ’re going after - and to their readers, listeners or viewers

What You Need to Know About Turning the Press into a Client & Pitching Your Story to Them Getting Noticed:

• Simply pitch them with attention-grabbing concepts and copy • Keeping in mind that what is alluring to one publication, radio or TV show, may not be to the next

What You Need to Know About Turning the Press into a Client & Pitching Your Story to Them Getting the Ball Rolling:

• Your message • Press Materials - Press Release - Media Kit

What You Need to Know About Turning the Press into a Client & Pitching Your Story to Them Your Message:

• What do you want the world to know about you, your products and services?

• What distinguishes you from your competitors in your marketplace?

• Why is this information important?

What You Need to Know About Turning the Press into a Client & Pitching Your Story to Them

Composing Your Marketing Message or Story:

• What are your industry trends, needs or concerns?

• What is it about what you do that is beneficial or useful to your target groups?

• How can you tap into their pain points and become their problem solver? • What makes you their chosen expert?

What You Need to Know About Turning the Press into a Client & Pitching Your Story to Them

The Press Release:

• Typed document of news or information about your business and its activities • Prepared mini-article sent to the media for their use • Your message or proposal of interest on a specific idea, topic or angle • If you can write English, you can write a press release!

What You Need to Know About Turning the Press into a Client & Pitching Your Story to Them

Reasons You Need a Press Release:

• Announcement • Capitalize on current news or trend • Launch of a new product or service

What You Need to Know About Turning the Press into a Client & Pitching Your Story to Them

More Reasons You Need a Press Release:

• Position your brand name • Build your credibility • Position yourself as an expert in your field • Alter public perception/image/damage control • Keep up with your competitors & let the public know you’re just as good as they are – if not better!

What You Need to Know About Turning the Press into a Client & Pitching Your Story to Them

When writing your press release, follow these tips:

• Match your needs against the media’s • Be agreeable • Write great copy – no spelling or grammatical errors!

What You Need to Know About Turning the Press into a Client & Pitching Your Story to Them

When Writing Your Press Release, Also Make Sure To:

• Get all the facts and establish perspective before you start writing your release • Keep the news visible, not buried under paragraphs of analysis • Put your opinions and interpretation in quotation

What You Need to Know About Turning the Press into a Client & Pitching Your Story to Them

When Writing Your Press Release, Don ’t Forget To:

• Use straightforward headlines • Leave plenty of blank space • Write for a specific editorial department – news, lifestyles, real estate, financial, new products, etc.

What You Need to Know About Turning the Press into a Client & Pitching Your Story to Them

The Media Kit:

• What is it?

• How does it differ from a press release?

• Why & when you need one?

What You Need to Know About Turning the Press into a Client & Pitching Your Story to Them

What Your Media Kit Should Include:

• Tip Sheet • Topics you’re qualified to speak about • Your bio – background & company profile • Mission Statement, Vision, Core Values • Benefits – why your company, why your product or service?

What You Need to Know About Turning the Press into a Client & Pitching Your Story to Them

What Your Media Kit Should Also Include:

• Service Sheet • Client & Project Overview – success stories (case studies) with testimonials • Attachments – previous media coverage, copies of articles, newsletters, E zine ’s, Blogs, etc.

• Head Shot • Speaking – topics, previous engagements, etc.

• Who Do You Send Your Media Kit To & When

What You Need to Know About Turning the Press into a Client & Pitching Your Story to Them

Sending Your Press Materials Out & Getting Exposure:

• Researching media contacts & devising a media contact list • Follow-up • Media Plans, Cycles, Timing & Trends • Doing Your Own PR vs. Hiring a Pro - myths - budget - time

What You Need to Know About Devising Your Media Plan & Leveraging Your Exposure

• Common Mistakes Small Business People Make When Dealing with the Media • Janette’s Top 10 Hooks for Scoring Ink & Air Time • Tracking Your Results, Keeping Records & Copies of Your Coverage • Leveraging Your Exposure – pre & post-play


• What We’ve Covered • The Bells & Whistles • Who Needs PR, Anyway?

• Q & A

Thank You!


Meet Janette Burke:

• Founding Publicist,

Prime Time PR



) • Former editor of


- Canada designed to help book authors, professionals and small business owners understand the differences between PR and advertising and effectively use PR to grow their businesses ’s only online PR magazine that I • Marketing/PR columnist (for The York Region Business Times, Women with Vision! Magazine, Elevation Profile Marketing ’s Celebrating Achievement and Women Can Do Anything) • Marketing/PR coach, consultant, trainer, speaker and creator of

“Janette’s Marketing/PR Process TM ” (“JMPP”)

marketing/PR coaching & consulting program that uniquely combines my

agency experience

with - my customized, 1:1,

personalized service



Getting Better Acquainted:

• I started selling men was 15 ’s fashions in my father’s men’s wear store when I was 8 years old & began doing marketing, publicity and promotion by the time I • I hold degrees from The University of Western Ontario, York University & Humber College and also possess training certificates in marketing, business, economics, small business management, journalism/writing and public speaking • I ’m a CTM - Competent Toastmasters -- Toastmaster’s International • Prior to founding industries

Prime Time PR

, I held various marketing/PR in-house roles in the film, fashion, professional development & entertainment


My Life As A Publicist:

• • • • Spent etc.


hours a day branding, packaging, planning & attending numerous special events, promotions, launch parties, press conferences, balls, fashion shows, speaking & book tours, Wrote countless press releases, media kits & other marketing marketing materials, including websites, articles, etc. Secured top media placements for a variety of retailers, cosmetic companies, fashion houses, entertainers, spas, salons, lawyers, dentists, chiropractors, psychologists, specialty doctors, financial planners, pharmaceutical companies, singles/dating services, electronic providers, restaurants, car dealers, home builders, coaches, consultants, speakers, book authors, franchises, malls/shopping centers, hospitals, charities, politicians & media personalities My clients have appeared in The National Post, Post City Magazines, Liberal, Mirror, Toronto Star, Chatelaine, Flair, Toronto Life Magazine, Fashion File Television, Fashion Television, The New York Times, The Montreal Gazette, Canada AM, Good Morning Buffalo, CP 24, Global News, The Toronto Sun, 680 News, Mojo Radio, City Line, Breakfast Television, Report on Business Television, CTV Evening News, Money Matters, The Canadian Jewish News, 20/20, Dateline NBC, The Morning Show, The Erin Davis Show, Women’s World, Toronto Life, York University Profiles, Profiles of Distinction, En Route Magazine, The Financial Post, The Globe and Mail, The Small Business Big Ideas Radio Show, Customer Catcher Radio, Japanese TV & radio, York Region Day Time, Toronto Daytime, London Today - to name a few


Why I Created “Janette’s Marketing/PR Process TM” (“JMPP”):

• • • • •

1. Saw Many Professionals & Small Business Owners Struggling To:

Be remembered for who they are & what they do Convert prospects into buyers Generate targeted publicity & exposure Take their businesses to the next level And not get the help they need • • •

2. Wanted to “Bring PR to the People” & Present Them With a Viable Alternative To:

Hiring an exclusive marketing/PR firm or freelancer at or apply on their own


plus per month Relying on marketing/PR books, courses and CD ’s they couldn’t remember Achieving long-term sustainable results for themselves & their businesses


How I Help You Win Your Marketing/PR Game:

• Function as your personal marketing/PR advisor & on-demand marketing team • Act as another

pair of eyes, set of ears



• Provide you with the

motivation, tools, partner, resources



you need to stay focused & bring your marketing/PR plans to life • Take you where you want to go –

efficiently, effectively



• Why face your marketing/PR issues alone - when you can have an experienced pro like me show you the way??

• Think of me as your ‘

marketing mama ’

marketing/PR needs & turn to me with all your


What I Bring to The Table:

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Strong business acumen Solid track record Innovative ideas Expertise, guidance & support Proven promotional techniques Insider tips & trade secrets Doable action-plans Step-by-step instruction & invaluable feedback – as you need it! Reliability Discretion Resources Contacts Performance Guarantee – as stated in my marketing/PR coaching policies & procedures Potential for Government Funding – talk to me about your eligibility!


The “JMPP” Advantage:

• • • • • • • • • • • • • Significantly reduce the amount of time & money you spend on your marketing and promotion - typically by


the cost of paid advertising Learn how to effectively publicize & promote your products and services Stop paying big agency fees – especially if you don’t have the budget for them!

Build a loyal following of satisfied clients who sing your praises & sell your services for you Attract customers/clients to you instead of chasing them Position yourself as an expert in your field Build your credibility & extend your outreach Draw more traffic to your website Increase your confidence when pitching your ideas & speaking in public Grab all the media attention you deserve & capitalize on other cost-effective marketing/PR measures too Avoid making costly errors that set you back Increase sales & exposure Grow your business today!


What “JMPP” Entails:

• Me conceptualizing, brainstorming and working with you on executing & maintaining the following marketing/PR strategies & campaigns: • • • • • • • • • Branding & Packaging Composing Your Essential Marketing Message Copywriting & Copyediting – websites, brochures, press releases, media kits, tip sheets, articles, etc.

Logo, Business Cards & Stationary Design Media Relations/Media Training – writing & placing feature articles, pitching your story, handling media interviews and placements with confidence, etc.

Advertising, Media Buys, Billboards & Endorsements Speaking Engagements & Speaking Tours – 30-60 second infomercial & speech development, as well as bookings Tele-Classes & Webinars Book Tours


What “JMPP” Entails Continued:

• Networking/Online Networking • Image & Etiquette • Telephone Sales & Scripts • Online Promotion/Virtual PR • Pod-casts & Video Production • Special Event Design & Management • Promotions, Cross-Promotions, Strategic Alliances, Joint Ventures & Affiliate Programs • Contest, Draws, Product Samples & Giveaways • Sponsor & Investor Relations • Crisis Management • Any Other Marketing/PR Topic You Wish to Discuss


A Section-by Section Glimpse of What You Can Expect to Achieve for Your Time & Investment: Working with me, you ’ll…

• • • • • • • • •

1. Branding, Imaging & Packaging – Parts 1 & 2

Uncover vital information about your background, accomplishments & target focus Determine your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats Discover what makes you unique & what you bring to the table Learn how to tap into your clients ’ emotional needs, carve out your niche & position you as your clients ’ chosen problem solver Compose & get your essential marketing message down on paper Develop your platform Explore your vision, core values, critical success & distinguishing factors Make sure your chosen business name, logo, tag-line, business colours, business cards, stationary & head shot project the image and message you want to convey Perfect your 30-60 second infomercial, sales pitch & presentations


A Section-by Section Glimpse of What You Can Expect to Achieve for Your Time & Investment Working with Me:

• • • • • • • •

1. Branding, Imaging & Packaging – Parts 1 & 2 Continued

Maximize your networking time & effort – so you’re able to build, foster and maintain the right kind of mutually rewarding, professional relationships Polish your style, appearance, wardrobe & social graces – so you always make a lasting impression Communicate & deal with a cross-section of your desired clientele – so you can approach them on their level Blend interests & locate your target groups at as many places, events and activities they are likely to be involved in See how you interact with others in a variety of settings Find out what you know about different cultures, how you mix, mingle, meet, greet, order, eat, hold your fork, conduct table settings, etc Benefit from my fashion, beauty, grooming, body-contouring, bargain hunting & gift-giving secrets.

Give your clients & customers perfect gifts – including concert and theatre tickets


A Section-by Section Glimpse of What You Can Expect to Achieve for Your Time & Investment Working with Me:

2. Copywriting & Copyediting -

Devise & revise the plan, format, layout and content of your website, brochures, client kits, fliers, post-cards, ads, letters, e-mails, proposals, thank-you notes, articles, E-zine, Blog, videos, CD ’s, DVD ’s, pod-casts, books, E-books and other business correspondence • • • • • •

3. Media Relations/Media Training -

Mastermind & implement your entire media strategy Write press materials that don ’t look like an ad in disguise & end-up in the garbage Create newsworthy hooks, angles, story lines & publicity tactics – being that you only have

30 seconds

to capture an editor ’s, broadcaster’s or producer’s attention Compile a targeted media contact list that marries & matches yours and the media ’s needs – so you can reach your target audiences, obtain optimum results and avoid being a


wonder Pitch your story to the media (with me demonstrating and sitting beside you) – so you know exactly what to say to peak the media ’s attention & not get hung up on Follow-up on these pitches until you secure as much print, radio, TV & Internet coverage as you can possibly handle


A Section-by Section Glimpse of What You Can Expect to Achieve for Your Time & Investment Working With Me:

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

3. Media Relations/Media Training Continued -

Spot, time, monitor & seize your media opportunities, tie-in ’s and trends Fit a particular publication ’s or show’s mandate Produce & submit your own articles Structure & prepare for each of your placements – especially when you are being quoted by a reporter Record & role-play with you – so you remain in control of your interviews, interact well with the interviewer or host, know what to expect and say Tap into your hot topics & stir-up controversy Handle unexpected comments & questions from callers Give useful & relevant information Be personable, look & sound unrehearsed Captivate the audience, tune into their needs & provoke them to take action Be professional, yet entertaining – without seeming blatantly promotional or

“all about you”

Generate buzz, be a good guest & get invited back Measure your results, leverage your exposure (pre and post-play) & make the most of your coverage


A Section-by Section Glimpse of What You Can Expect to Achieve for Your Time & Investment Working With Me:

• • • • • • •

4. Speaking Engagements, Tours, Tele-Classes, Webinars & Book Tours

Become a quality speaker, tele-class or webinar leader

Take your place in the spotlight & convey your marketing message in a fun, upbeat and memorable manner Boost your confidence & overcome your fears Develop a list of speaking topics & a proper speaker ’s kit Book prime speaking engagements at groups, organizations, associations, corporations, annual general meetings, conferences, conventions & trade shows – where your most likely to be received by your ideal customers Deliver powerful presentations (keynotes, workshops, seminars, lunch ‘n’ learns, tele classes and webinars) with panache, flair, vocal variety, props, hand-outs & evaluation forms Minimize your speaking time and effort & generate added revenue using your speaking engagements as prime exposure tools in which to market your products and services to your desired clientele and derive qualified leads and referrals


A Section-by Section Glimpse of What You Can Expect to Achieve for Your Time & Investment Working With Me:

• • • • •

5. Online Promotion/Virtual PR -

Why 30% of your PR should be allocated online What you can do to drive more traffic to your website, enhance your online presence & get ranked higher in Search Engines Web 2.0 & Web 3.0 Internet promotional strategies that will expand your reach, generate quality leads, increase sales & complete your funnel – networking and marketing from the comfort of your own office or home Post a Blog that stimulates client interaction and feedback & significantly increase your chances for media exposure Produce an outstanding E-zine, E-fliers, E-ads, E-videos, E-movies, E-stationary & more - so your website really rocks!

• •

6. Special Event Design & Management -

Whether you’re sponsoring a community fundraiser, open house, conference, convention, banquet, awards night, golf tournament, luncheon, seminar series, holiday party, summer picnic, trade show, booth at a trade show, fashion show, product launch, book signing, company anniversary, birthday party, retirement or other milestone celebration, I’ll help you: Plan an amazing event in which to engage, reward & thank your most deserving clients, patrons, patients, staff, sponsors and suppliers


A Section-by Section Glimpse of What You Can Expect to Achieve for Your Time & Investment Working With Me:

• • • • • •

6. Special Event Design & Management Continued

Budget your event expenses & avoid overspending Minimize stress & stay focused on your timelines Negotiate terms & conditions with party suppliers and save you money Find & reserve venues, tents, etc.


Develop a theme & select invitations, tickets, flowers, balloons, appetizers, menus, buffets, sweet tables, beverages, décor, props, entertainment, music, DJ’s, bands, clowns, jugglers, magicians, vocalists, pianists, photographers, videographers, table & chair rentals, linen, china, cutlery, stem wear, bar tenders, wait staff, models, volunteers, games, prizes, silent auction items, party favors, loot bags, giveaways, clothing, accessories, make-up, hair, etc.

Oversee registration & room set-up


A Section-by Section Glimpse of What You Can Expect to Achieve for Your Time & Investment Working With Me:

• • • • • • • • •

6. Special Event Design & Management Continued -

Adhere to customs, safety codes, legalities, protocols & processions Write, rehearse & deliver speeches Impress the crowd with current dance moves Design fliers, posters, announcements, tickets & signage Publicize & promote your event Increase attendance & stimulate ticket sales by attracting celebrities and A listers Build goodwill & trust Foster better business relations Relax, mingle & enjoy yourself!


A Section-by Section Glimpse of What You Can Expect to Achieve for Your Time & Investment Working With Me:

• •

7. Promotions, Cross-Promotions, Strategic Alliances, Joint Ventures & Affiliate Programs -

Get your name out there & lure new and repeat business administrating effective customer/employee incentives, reward programs, contests, draws, product samples, giveaways and promotional items Forge strategic partnerships, joint-ventures & affiliate programs as a means of further promoting yourself, sharing resources, leveraging your time, off-setting costs and giving back to the community •

8. Sponsor & Investor Relations -

Align yourself with charities and sports teams & host sales presentations, events, awards and other initiatives that attract your ideal client, sponsor or investor and provoke them to back your vision


A Section-by Section Glimpse of What You Can Expect to Achieve for Your Time & Investment Working With Me:

• • • •

9. Crisis Management -

Combat your crisis Sway public opinion & perception Reverse damage Restore your credibility, name, reputation & image

10. Any Other Marketing/PR Topic You Wish to Discuss -


Summary of What You Receive:

• • • • • • • • • • A


issues (not

‘cookie cut’)

approach to solving your specific marketing/PR A trusted marketing/PR advisor to bounce ideas by & share in your effort


minutes of weekly call-in or face time, plus an additional reviewing & editing your homework


minutes of me A session-by-session break-down that addresses your immediate needs & keeps you focused In-between session support by phone (up to


minutes) or e-mail (I ’ll do my best to get back to you) – in case you run into problems or want to run something by me Access to my resources, contacts, links & media directories that would otherwise cost you time to research & over


to buy Advance notice & preferred pricing on my supplemental workshops and tele classes – should you want to delve deeper into a specific marketing/PR topic (beyond what is covered in your sessions) Complimentary issues of

Magnetic Marketing

- my new, soon-to-be-released E zine/Blog (packed with even more of my marketing/PR secrets) A fee schedule – payable by post-dated cheque or Pay Pal


satisfied or

full money-back guarantee

- in accordance with my marketing/PR coaching & consulting policies and procedures


Who I Work With:


representing an array of emerging & established organizations, businesses and professions, including: • Small Business Owners, Coaches, Consultants, Sales Representatives & Independent Sales Agents • Retailers, Franchises, Malls, Spas & Health Clubs • Chiropractors, Naturopaths & Specialty Doctors • Accountants & Lawyers • Book Authors & Speakers • Marketing Directors & CEO’s • Entertainers, Politicians & Media Moguls • Government & Business Development Training Agencies • Publishers, Marketing/PR & Ad Agencies


For more information, please contact:

Janette's Marketing/PR Process TM" ("JMPP") ...all the marketing support you need to lead and succeed in your marketplace!

Marketing/PR Coach, Consultant, Trainer, Speaker and Columnist Tel: 905.882.6893 Fax: 905.882.6898

E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected]

Websites: www.yourmarketingmagnet.com
