Neutrino Astrophysics - Vanderbilt University

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Transcript Neutrino Astrophysics - Vanderbilt University

Controversy and Mystery in
Highest-Energy Cosmic rays
Tom Weiler
Vanderbilt University
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
Cosmic Photo- Proto-Spectra
SN87a sun
hadron wall?
no wall a’tall
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
The Cosmic Ray Timeline
Hess (Austrian) balloons to 5km, his sparks increase;
also sees no change during solar eclipse
Cloud chambers,
and the birth of particle physics:
Anderson’s positron;
Kunze’s muon (Rostock)
Anderson’s muon
Auger’s remarkable PeV air-shower
1949-54 Fermi’s “Doppler” acceleration via magnetized shocks
3K CMB discovered; GZK predict cutoff at 5x1019 eV
(But Linsley already reported (PRL) event at 1020 eV)
IMB/Kamiokande neutrinos from SN87a
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
AUGER’s key discovery
Auger, in 1938, separated two particle counters by a km
high in the Swiss Alps (Jungfrau, near Bern), he discovered coincident signals.
He calculated ETOT to be about 1015 eV.
His inference was correct.
His energy was 107 times the prior record event,
And now thought to be typical of emission
from a SN remnant.
Fly’s Eye reports 3x1020 eV, with proton-like profile;
Akeno/AGASA Xpt begins
mid-90sDUMAND taken off life-support
SuperK neutrinos from the sun (directional astro)
AGASA reports event clustering within 2.50 ang. res’n
and: F(E  1020 eV) ~ 1/km2/century,
with shower diameter ~ 5km, N(e) ~ 1011
20 events at and above 1020 eV
HiRes withdraws 7 events; AGASA adds 6 (from z > 45o);
And the controversy has begun!
Importantly, Auger gets first “light”
AMANDA pushes to 1014 eV thru-Earth neutrinos
Auger Observatory data expected
Extreme Universe Space Observatory (EUSO) ?
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
CR Spectrum above a TeV
from Tom Gaisser
(100 TeV)2
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
Highest Energy Event
The CR record energy is 3x1020 eV (0.3 ZeV).
Found by Fly’s Eye a decade ago (they got lucky!).
This is truly a macroscopic energy:
3x1020 eV = 50 Joules
equivalent to a Roger Clemens fastball,
a Tiger Woods tee shot,
a Pete Sampras tennis serve,
Or a speeding bullet.
(Also to 12 Calories, which heats a gram of water by 12oC)
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
3 x1020 eV = macroscopic 50 Joules
Clemens does this with 1027 nucleons;
Nature does this with one nucleon,
1027 times more efficient !
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
Fly’s Eye 3x1020 eV event (1992)
This longitudinal profile is
consistent with a primary
proton, but not with a
primary photon;
Disfavors “local” top-down
sources such as massive
Particle DK, topo-defects,
Z-bursts, etc.
Cosmo2004, September 19
100 billion e+e- pairs
at xmax ~ 800 g/cm2
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
Size matters
EUSO ~ 300 x AGASA ~ 10 x Auger
EUSO (Instantaneous) ~3000 x AGASA ~ 100 x Auger
90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14
19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
Extreme Universe Space Observatory
EUSO onboard the ISS (Or Not!)
Hundredth anniversary of Hess
– EUSO finishes three-year data-taking
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
“clear moonless nights”
Or New York State
power blackout
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
Orbiting Wide-angle Lens (OWL)
3000 events/year
above 1020eV
and UHE Neutrinos!
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
AGASA Spectrum: EeV to ZeV
AGASA, July 2002
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin and
the Cosmic-Ray Wall
Photo-pion production off CMB
p+cmb  p/n+
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
HiRes vs. AGASA UHE spectrum
FlysEye event goes here
GZK recovery ?
Z-burst uncovery ?
EUSO reach x 103 better
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
AGASA hot-spots -- Data
red: E > 4 1019 eV
green: E > 1020 eV
Cosmo2004, September 19
Cluster Component
~ E -1.8±0.5
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
AGASA hot-spots -- numbers
Within 2.5 degree circles,
AGASA identifies six doublet, one triplet,
Out of 57 events;
Opening the angle to just 2.6 degrees,
AGASA identifies seven doublets, two triplets;
Source number ~ N12/2N2 ~ 270 to 50%,
weighting with GZK suppression,
~ 10-5 /Mpc3 for source density
Haverah Park contributes two more paired events
in AGASA directions.
NOT corroborated by HiRes.
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
Berezinsky et al Xgal proton flux
Mass-composition data (HiRes 2002)
Theory threshold for p2.7Kpe+eand data (knee) are at 1017.6 eV.
Xgal proton dominance
begins at 1018 eV, not 1019 eV !
Fn ~ 50 x Waxman-Bahcall
 AMANDA/RICE/EAS-sensitive !!
(AGHW, to appear)
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
Xgal proton fit  huge n flux
low Xgal dominance flux,
with no evolution
WB fluxes
x is pion energy/CR energy at source (1 for WB “limit”);
xz is cosmic evolution factor, 0.6 (no) to 3.0 (SFR)
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
Neutrinos versus Cosmic-Rays and Photons
ns come from central engines
- near Rs of massive BHs
- even from dense “hidden” sources
cf. ns vs. s from the sun
ns not affected by cosmic radiation
(except for annihilation resonance)
ns not bent by magnetic fields
- enables neutrino astronomy
Also, besides Energy and Direction, n’s carry flavor
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
n diagnostic of astro-engines:
pp vs. p 
The process ne+e--  W-- is resonant at 6.4 PeV;
IceCube will have flavor ID, and E/E of 25%,
and so can measure On-Res/Off-Res ratio.
pp make nearly equal + nm:nm:ne:ne = 2:2:1:1
 flavor democracy, ne = 1/6 total
p via + make +
 nm:nm:ne = 1:1:1 (no ne)
 ne = 1/15 total
IceCube can resolve this (AGHW in prep.)
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
AMANDA to 100 TeV
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
“Essentially Guaranteed” Xgal n Flux
HiRes 2004 fit:
Green: galactic component
Red: Xgal component
Evolution parameter 2.8 +/- 0.3
Cosmogenic ’s:
Fn(Ep/5/4) = Fp(E>5 1019) x 20
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
“Essentially Guaranteed”
Xgal Cosmogenic n Flux
Cosmogenic ’s:
Fn(Ep/5/4) = Fp(E>5 1019) x 20
graphs from Semikoz and Sigl
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
“Essentially Guaranteed” High-Energy
Galactic Neutrino Flux
ctn = 10 kpc (En / EeV)
En / En ~ Q / mn ~ 0.8 x 10-3
 En ~ PeV, for En ~ EeV
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
Comparing to “guaranteed” cosmogenic flux, Galactic beam (here) is higher !
“More Guaranteed”
Icecube atmos background in 1o circle is just 1.5events/yr,
 3.5 events offers 95% CL detection in 1 yr;
Calculated signal is 4 nm /yr and 16 ne+nt showers/yr.
Conclude that in a few years, IceCube attains 5s
discovery sensitivity for Fe  n  ne  nm,
Providing “smoking ice” for GP neutron hypothesis.
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
Relic Neutrino density – meV astrophysics
Neutrino density from CMB density
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
Resonant Neutrino Annihilation Mean-Free-Path
From Fargion, Mele, Salis
Cosmo2004, September 19
l=(nn sn)-1 = 40 DH/h70
(neglecting higher densities at earlier times)
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
Escher’s Angels and Devils”
Looking back, nn~(1+z)3,
And so the absorption is greatly
Enhanced for n’s from high-z sources
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
Neutrino mass-spectroscopy: absorption and emission
The only possibility to directly infer the relic n density
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
n-mass spectroscopy
Cosmo2004, September 19
zmax=2, 5, 20 (top to bottom), n-a=2
(bottom-up acceleration)
Eberle, Ringwald, Song, TJW, 2004
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
TJW, 1982;
Revival – 1997
~ 50 Mpc
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University
HiRes vs. AGASA UHE spectrum
FlysEye event goes here
GZK recovery ?
Z-burst uncovery ?
EUSO reach x 103 better
Cosmo2004, September 19
Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University