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November 30, 2005
Health Care Health and Safety Association of Ontario
Eric M. Roher
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
phone: 416-367-6004
email: [email protected]
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What is Workplace Violence?
“Any action, act, omission or incident in
which an employee or worker is abused,
threatened, harmed, injured or assaulted
arising out of his or her employment or
work … ”
Norman Keith
Canadian Health and Safety Law
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What is Workplace Violence? (continued)
“Any act of aggression that causes
physical or emotional harm, including
assault (any attempt to inflict physical
harm on a worker), threat, verbal abuse,
sexual harassment, and racial or
religious harassment.”
Ontario Public Service Employees Union
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Violence includes:
Assault (threat or injury)
Battery (unlawful force)
Threats (intent to harm)
Sexual harassment (unwelcome advances)
Verbal abuse
Ontario Nurses’ Association
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Violence also includes:
Biting, scratching and pinching
Using a weapon
British Columbia Nurses’ Union
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Statistics and Trends
More than ½ of Registered Nurses have
been physically assaulted in the
Study from the Registered Nurses’
Associations in Manitoba and Ontario
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Statistics and Trends (continued)
Of 400 Nurses surveyed, 63% had
experienced verbal abuse in the past
35% experienced attempts at physical
21% had been victims of physical attack.
Nova Scotia Study
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Statistics and Trends (continued)
Of 800 Ontario Nurses surveyed, 59%
had been physically assaulted on the job
in their career.
35% in 12 months prior to the survey.
Ontario Nurses’ Association, 1995
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Statistics and Trends (continued)
Younger clinicians and nurses are more
often the target of client aggression, due
to limited experience and lack of training.
Health care workers face similar level of
risk to that of police.
(Boyd 1995)
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Common Law Principles
Duty of care, breach, causation, and
Protect individuals from reasonably
foreseeable risks of injury.
Legal principles inform violence
prevention and emergency response
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Burden of Proof
Burden of proof is on the plaintiff to show,
on the balance of probabilities, that the
defendant did not meet the standard of
care of a reasonable person in given
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Elements of Negligence
Defendant owed a duty of care to the
Defendant breached the duty of care.
Defendant’s breach was cause of
plaintiff’s injury.
Plaintiff suffered actual damage or loss
as a result of the injury.
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Key in determination of whether an
employer had legal responsibility to
take action.
Not only what an employer knew, but
also what it ought to have known.
Employer took reasonable steps to
reduce risk of injury/accident.
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Applicable Legislation
Occupational Health and Safety Act
Workplace Safety and Insurance Act
Ontario Human Rights Code
Compensation for Victims of Crime Act
Regulated Health Professions Act
Criminal Code (Canada)
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Laws established
Violence is unacceptable.
Offenders are liable for their actions.
Victims or relatives may be compensated
for injuries resulting from an act of
Duties and responsibilities for
all workplace parties.
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Occupational Health and Safety Act
The OHSA came into force in 1979.
Designed to set administrative, legal
procedural standards for health and safety in
Ontario’s workplaces.
Achieves these ends through an “internal
responsibility system.”
Places responsibility for health and safety on
the stakeholders by creating duties for
employers, supervisors and workers.
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OHSA – Employer’s Duties
Employer shall provide information,
instruction and supervision to a worker
to protect his/her health and safety –
Employer must take every reasonable
precaution under the circumstances for
a worker’s protection – s.25(2)(h).
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OHSA – Employer’s Duties (continued)
Employer must prepare and review, at
least annually, a written occupational
health and safety policy.
Must develop and maintain a program
to implement that policy – s.25(2)(j).
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OHSA – Supervisor’s Duties
Supervisor shall advise a worker of any
potential or actual danger to the worker’s
health and safety of which the supervisor is
aware – s.27(2)(a).
Supervisor shall provide a worker with written
instructions about protective measures and
procedures – s.27(2)(b).
Supervisor shall take every reasonable
precaution in the circumstances for the
worker’s protection – s.27(2)(c).
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OHSA – Worker’s Duties
Workers are required to report to his or
her employer or supervisor the
existence of any hazard – s.28(1)(d).
The requirement is interpreted to
include any threat of violence or
presence of a violent person.
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Ministry of Labour - Inspectors
Have the authority to issue work orders
and stop-work orders.
Have exercised this authority when
they deem that a hazard exists
because of inadequate staffing levels.
Will determine if employee has been
provided suitable training and policies
to protect from workplace violence.
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Have ruled that health care workers are
entitled to information about aggressive
or violent clients.
Have ruled that employers must
provide adequate staffing levels as a
protective measure.
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Risk of Violence
Where inspectors determine that
workers are exposed to a risk of
violence, will direct the employer:
to address the risk
to assure appropriate workplace program
is implemented
that the joint health and safety committee
be consulted in workplace violence
prevention program
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Ontario Human Rights Code
Harassment is a prohibited activity under
the Code.
Employee has a right to freedom from
harassment in the workplace because of
race, ancestry, place of origin, colour,
ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, age,
record of offences, marital status, family
status or handicap.
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Human Rights Code
Harassment is defined as:
“engaging in a course of vexatious comment
or conduct that is known or ought reasonably
known to be unwelcome.”
Harassment includes inappropriate
comments, jokes or suggestions.
Sexual harassment includes unwanted
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Human Rights Code (continued)
Employers must prevent or stop
harassment in the workplace.
Workers have a right to file a complaint
with the Ontario Human Rights
Employers cannot penalize a worker
who has filed a complaint.
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Criminal Code
Assault is determined as:
Intentional application of force to another
person without that person’s consent.
Includes attempts or threats to use force,
including gestures that imply a serious
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Criminal Code (continued)
If the police lay a charge under the
Criminal Code, the Crown Attorney will
prosecute the case.
The victim will be called as a witness.
Standard of proof is “beyond a reasonable
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Risk Management
Risk management is the process of
planning, organizing and controlling
activities that contain an element of risk
of injury to the worker.
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Risk Management involves the following
Identify and assess exposures to injury.
Identify various risk management
strategies to address these exposures.
Select and implement the appropriate
strategy or strategies.
Monitor results and make improvements
where necessary.
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Health workers are especially at risk
working alone, especially at night
interacting with violent clients
dealing with public complaints
providing care and advice that impact on
a client’s life
handling money or medications
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Other practices that increase
vulnerability to violence:
understaffing in busy clinics or
emergency departments
letting staff work alone with clients
having staff work at night in high crime
failing to provide sufficient training
failing to provide communication devices
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Develop a Workplace Violence
Prevention Program
1. Obtain management commitment and
employee involvement.
2. Develop a policy, with clear goals and
3. Conduct a worksite risk assessment.
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Develop a Workplace Violence
Prevention Program (continued)
4. Put violence prevention, control and
response measures in place.
5. Educate employees about the program
and train them.
6. Evaluate the program and procedures.
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Environmental Design
Provide a calm atmosphere.
Ensure furniture can not be used as a weapon.
Keep areas well lighted.
Maintain secured areas where public access is
Eliminate overcrowding in psychiatric facilities.
Install and use security systems.
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Program Objectives
Develop a policy of “zero tolerance” for
workplace violence.
Describe the standard of behaviour
expected of all persons in the workplace.
Provide a mechanism that encourages
employees to report all incidents promptly.
Develop a plan for maintaining security.
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Program Objectives (continued)
Develop understood and communicated sanctions
for violent acts.
Train workers regarding the forms of workplace
violence, its effects and how to prevent it.
Provide for a procedure to review incident reports.
Continually re-evaluate existing safety procedures.
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To create major changes in the workplace,
the organization needs:
a sense of urgency;
a guiding coalition; and
vision and strategy.
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Conclusion (continued)
Commitment of the employer to make
workplace violence prevention a priority.
Organization’s management team must
recognize the need to change.
Overall will and allocation of resources to
create a workplace violence prevention
program and communicate it to
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“Someone has to do it and it is
appallingly pathetic that
it has to be us.”
Jerry Garcia
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Thank You!
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