Wake Turbulence Separations – the SESAR mid

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Wake Turbulence Topics in SESAR   Dave Booth & Andrew Harvey EUROCONTROL

Wake Turbulence Separations SESAR IP1    Dave Booth EUROCONTROL Project Manager Crosswind Operations


SESAR IP1 EUROCONTROL Involvement  Time Based Separation (TBS)  Closely Spaced Parallel Runways (CSPRs)  Crosswind Operations  Re-categorisation of the Wake Turbulence Separation Minima (RECAT)


Time Based Separation (TBS)  SESAR Operational Improvement Step AO-0302  Validate a concept substituting distance based separation with minima based on time  To prevent loss of runway capacity during strong headwinds while maintaining safe operations 

Considered highly beneficial to capacity constrained aerodromes


Closely Spaced Parallel Runways (CSPRs)  Wake-Independent Departure & Arrival Operations (WIDAO) at Paris, Ch. De Gaulle.

 Collaborative Study / EUROCONTROL & DSNA  1 st Phase of Safety Case for CDG Approved  1 st Phase of Implementation Dec. 2008


Crosswind Operations  SESAR Operational Improvement Step AO-0301  CREDOS - Crosswind Reduced Separations for Departure Operations  Investigating the possibilities of safe

conditional reductions of wake turbulence

separation minima.

 Crosswind Arrival Separations in very early development stage

Wake Turbulence Separations – the SESAR mid-term view    Andrew Harvey EUROCONTROL Project Manager WP6.8.1


What is WP6.8.1?

How does it interact with other programmes?

What will happen in 2009?



The 681 Vision:  Optimised Application of Wake Turbulence Separations  WT separations are reduced or suspended when the operating conditions make their use unnecessary.

 WT separations are tailored to the particular safety needs of a specific pair of aircraft (leader - follower)


Getting there (1): Application Conditions  Identify the conditions enabling reduction or suspension of WT separations:   due to the weather  e.g. CREDOS due to the infrastructure  e.g. WIDAO  Understand the operational & technical issues  Document the concepts and Validate them operationally


Getting there (2): Tailored Separations  Identify the influence parameters:    Generation and persistence of wake vortices; ability of an aircraft to tolerate a wake vortex encounter; that contribute to the actual risk associated with an encounter.

 Define encounter hazard metrics and compute acceptable levels using current ICAO reference system.

 Define safe separations based on maintaining acceptable levels of the identified hazard metrics;


Three Phases for the work  Specification (24 months)  Concepts   Systems Metrics  Validation (60 months)    Collect data Validate Models Validate Concepts  Integration (24 months)   Generalise Optimise


(Scope &) Interactions WP6.8.1

IP1 WV Past & Ongoing WV Projects

First Steps / Next Steps


 planning for 2009…     Identify main partners (& stakeholders) Agree project scope and interfaces Develop WBS Plan & agree resourcing (including sub-contracts).

 Project Execution starts: November 2009… 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Planning Specification Validation Integration