Operations Management Class 2

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Transcript Operations Management Class 2

Class 2

Chapter 6 Chapter 8

DECISION Expand Maintain status quo Sell now STATES OF NATURE

Good Foreign Competitive Conditions Poor Foreign Competitive Conditions

$ 800,000 1,300,000 320,000 $ 500,000 -150,000 320,000 Maximums: 1,300,000; 500,000, 320,000 maximax Minimums: 500,000; 320,000; -150,000 minimin

decision/state of nature purchase apt purchase office purchase whse EV w/PI EVPI good economic conditions fair economic conditions poor economic conditions MAX MIN EMV 50000 100000 30000 0.2

20000 5000 25000 30000 15000 0.7

21000 10000 -40000 -10000 0.1

1000 50000 100000 30000 42000 10000 -40000 -10000 28500 37000 15500

Chapter 6 Products and Services

Product Design

Specifies materials

Determines dimensions & tolerances

Defines appearance

Sets performance standards

Service Design

Specifies what the customer is to experience

  

Physical items Sensual benefits Psychological benefits

An Effective Design Process

Matches product/service characteristics with customer needs

Meets customer requirements in simplest, most cost-effective manner

Reduces time to market - haste vs. speed to market

Minimizes revisions - quality designed into the product

Stages in the Design Process

    

Idea Generation — Product Concept - can you create your own market? What role does the voice of the customer play in idea generation?

Feasibility Study — Performance Specifications Preliminary Design — Prototype - testing and redesign Final Design — Final Design Specifications Process Planning — Manufacturing Specifications - make to order/stock – assembly line?

The Design Process

Idea generation Product or service concept Feasibility study Performance specifications Suppliers Customers Marketing R&D Competitors New product or service launch Final design & process plans Form design Functional design Revising and testing prototypes Design specifications Production design Manufacturing or delivery specifications Pilot run and final tests

Idea Generation

 

Suppliers, distributors, salespersons Trade journals and other published material

Warranty claims, customer complaints, failures

Customer surveys, focus groups, interviews

 

Field testing, trial users Research and development

More Idea Generators

Perceptual Maps

Visual comparison of customer perceptions


Comparing product/service against best-in-class

Reverse engineering

Dismantling competitor’s product to improve your own product

Perceptual Map of Breakfast Cereals


Perceptual Map of Breakfast Cereals

GOOD TASTE Cocoa Puffs LOW NUTRITION Rice Krispies BAD TASTE Wheaties Cheerios HIGH NUTRITION Shredded Wheat

   

Feasibility Study

Market Analysis Market Segmentation Economic Analysis Technical / Strategic Analysis Performance Specifications

Not unlike mission analysis or Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield

Risk Analysis

1. Identify the Hazards 2.

Assess hazards to determine risks.


Develop controls and make risk decisions.


Implement controls.


Supervise and evaluate.

From FM 100-14

Preliminary Design

How will it look?

Create form & functional design

Build prototype

Test prototype

Revise prototype


Functional Design

(How the Product Performs)


Probability product performs intended function for specified length of time


Ease and/or cost or maintaining/repairing product

Computing Reliability

Components in series 0.90


0.90 x 0.90 = 0.81

Computing Reliability

Components in series 0.90


0.90 x 0.90 = 0.81

Components in parallel 0.90

R 2 0.95

R 1 0.95 + 0.90(1-0.95) = 0.995

System Availability

System Availability, SA = MTBF MTBF + MTTR

System Availability

System Availability, SA = MTBF MTBF + MTTR PROVIDER A B C MTBF (HR) 60 36 24 MTTR (HR) 4.0



System Availability

System Availability, SA = MTBF MTBF + MTTR PROVIDER A B C MTBF (HR) 60 36 24 MTTR (HR) 4.0



SA A = 60 / (60 + 4) = .9375 or 93.75% SA B = 36 / (36 + 2) = .9473 or 94.73% SA C = 24 / (24 + 1) = .96 or 96%

Production Design

Part of the preliminary design phase




Final Design & Process Plans

Produce detailed drawings & specifications

Create workable instructions for manufacture

Select tooling & equipment

Prepare job descriptions

Determine operation & assembly order

Program automated machines

Improving the Design

        

Design teams


Concurrent design Design for manufacture & assembly Design to prevent failures and ensure value Design for environment Measure design quality Utilize quality function deployment Design for robustness Engage in collaborative design

Breaking Down Barriers to Effective Design

Design Teams

Preferred solution = cross functional teams

Marketing, manufacturing, engineering

Suppliers, dealers, customers

Lawyers, accountants, insurance companies

Concurrent Design

Improves quality of early design decisions

Decentralized - suppliers complete detailed design

 

Incorporates production process Scheduling and management can be complex as tasks are done in parallel

include the customer in the process!!

Design for Manufacture and Assembly

Design a product for easy & economical production

Incorporate production design early in the design phase

Improves quality and reduces costs

Shortens time to design and manufacture

also known as Design for Six Sigma

Design for Six Sigma

• • • • •

Define – the goals of the design activity Measure – customer input to determine what is critical to quality from the customers’ perspective – what are customer delighters? What aspects are critical to quality?

Analyze – innovative concepts for products and services to create value for the customer Design – new processes, products, and services to deliver customer value Verify – new systems perform as expected

DFM Guidelines

ü ü ü ü ü

Minimize the number of parts, tools, fasteners, and assemblies Use standard parts and repeatable processes Modular design Design for ease of assembly, minimal handling Allow for efficient testing and parts replacement

Design for Assembly (DFA)

Procedure for reducing number of parts

Evaluate methods for assembly

Determine assembly sequence

Design Review

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

A systematic approach for analyzing causes & effects of failures

Prioritizes failures

Attempts to eliminate causes

Value Analysis (Value Engineering)

Is there value added?

Ratio of value / cost

Assessment of value : 1. Can we do without it?

2. Does it do more than is required?

3. Does it cost more than it is worth?

4. Can something else do a better job 5. Can it be made by less costly method, tools, material?

6. Can it be made cheaper, better or faster by someone else?

Should we contract it out?

Design for Environment

Design from recycled material

Use materials which can be recycled

Design for ease of repair

Minimize packaging

Minimize material & energy used during manufacture, consumption & disposal

green laws in Europe -


• •

Recycling of oil carpets in land fills - 4 billion pounds in land fills annually

Xerox and Hewlett-Packard - pay for return of printer cartridges on larger printers

Metrics for Design Quality

ü ü ü ü

Percent of revenue from new products or services Percent of products capturing 50% or more of the market Percent of process initiatives yielding a 50% or more improvement in effectiveness Percent of suppliers engaged in collaborative design

ü ü ü ü ü

Metrics for Design Quality

Percent of parts that can be recycled Percent of parts used in multiple products Average number of components per product Percent of parts with no engineering change orders (ULLS/SAMS/SARSS) Things gone wrong - should be identified by the returns process

Quality Function Deployment (QFD)

Translates the “voice of the customer” into technical design requirements

Displays requirements in matrix diagrams

First matrix called “house of quality”

Series of connected houses

Design for Robustness

Product can fail due to poor design quality

Products subjected to many conditions

Robust design studies

Controllable factors control under designer’s

Uncontrollable factors - from user or environment

Designs products for consistent performance

Consistency is Important

Consistent errors are easier to correct than random errors

Parts within tolerances may yield assemblies which aren’t

Consumers prefer product characteristics near their ideal values

Characteristics of Services

• • • • • • • • •

Services are intangible Service output is variable Service have higher customer contact Services are perishable Service inseparable from delivery Tend to be decentralized and dispersed Consumed more often than products Services can be easily emulated Call girl principle – value diminishes after service is rendered

A Well-Designed Service System is

Consistent with firm’s strategic focus

Customer friendly

Easy to sustain

Effectively linked between front & back office

Cost effective

Visible to customer

Chapter 8

Processes and Technologies

Process Strategy

Overall approach to producing goods and services


Capital intensity

Process flexibility

Vertical integration

Customer involvement

Types of Processes


Batch production

Mass production

Continuous production

Process Selection with Break-Even Analysis

Total cost = fixed cost + total variable cost TC =

c f


vc v

Total revenue = volume x price TR =


Profit = total revenue - total cost Z = TR - TC =


- (

c f


vc v


Process Selection with Break-Even Analysis

Total cost = fixed cost + total variable cost TC =

c f


vc v

Total revenue = volume x price TR =


Profit = total revenue - total cost Z = TR - TC =


- (

c f


vc v


c f v c v p

= fixed cost = volume (i.e., number of units produced and sold) = variable cost per unit = price per unit

Solving for Break-Even Volume




vp vc v


c f


c v


p - c v

) =

c f f


vc v v


c f p


c v

Break-Even Analysis

Fixed cost =

c f

Variable cost =

c v

Price =


= $2,000 = $5 per raft = $10 per raft

Break-Even Analysis

Fixed cost =

c f

Variable cost =

c v

Price =


= $2,000 = $5 per boogie board = $10 per board The break-even point is

v p


c f c v

2000 10 - 5

Process Planning

Make-or-buy decisions

Process selection

Specific equipment selection

Process plans

Process analysis

Make-or-Buy Decisions

1. Cost 2. Capacity 3. Quality 4. Speed 5. Reliability 6. Expertise

What about Proprietary Information?

Barrier to Make-or-Buy?

Rationale for Off Shore to Low Country Source

100.00% 94.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 37.00% 10.00% 0.00% $ Savings procured goods Penet rat ion t o new market 27.00% 23.00% invent ory redux inc customer service 22.00% access new t echnology 21.00% 20.00% reduced cycle t ime log cost reductions

Source: Aberdeen Research, “Low-Cost Country Sourcing Success Strategies: Maximizing and Sustaining the Next Big Supply Savings Opportunity,” Jun 2005

Specific Equipment Selection

1. Purchase cost 2. Operating cost 3. Annual savings 4. Revenue enhancement 5. Replacement analysis 6. Risk and uncertainty 7. Piecemeal analysis – “one piece at a time”

Process Plans

    

Blueprints Bill of material Flat or multiple layers - part or assembly Assembly chart / product structure diagram Operations process chart - list of operations involved in assembly Routing sheet - sequence of events

Operations Process Chart

Part name Part No.

Crevice Tool 52074 Usage Hand-Vac Assembly No. 520

Oper. No.

10 20 30 40 50 60


Pour in plastic bits Insert mold Check settings & start machine Collect parts & lay flat Remove & clean mold Break off rough edges


041 041 041 051 042 051


Injection molding #076 113, 67, 650 Plastics finishing Parts washer Plastics finishing


2 min 2 min 20 min 10 min 15 min 10 min

Process Analysis

 

The systematic examination of all aspects of a process to improve its operation


  

More efficient Less costly More responsive Basic tools

Process flowchart

 

Process diagrams Process maps

Process Flowchart

Date: 9-30-02 Analyst: TLR Location: Graves Mountain Process: Apple Sauce Description of process 9 10 11 1 2 6 7 8 3 4 5 Page 1 0f 3 Unload apples from truck Move to inspection station Weigh, inspect, sort Move to storage Wait until needed Move to peeler Apples peeled and cored Soak in water until needed Place in conveyor Move to mixing area Weigh, inspect, sort Total 20 30 360 15 20 5 30 480 100 ft 50 20 20 ft ft ft 190 ft

Process Diagram

Receiving Reserve Storage Quality Assurance Active Bins Back to Vendor Picking Mono gramming Embroid ering Packing Hemming Gift Boxing Shipping UPS Parcel Post Next-Day UPS

Process Mapping

• • •




Customer Place order Drink Eat salad or soup Eat dinner Receives check Gives payment to waiter Collect change, leave tip Fill in tip amount

Process Map

Waiter Salad Chef Dinner Chef N Is order complete?

Y Give soup or salad order to chef Give dinner order to chef Get drinks for customer Deliver salad or soup order to customer Deliver dinner to customer Deliver check to customer Receive payment for meal Cash or Credit?

Credit Cash Bring change to customer Run credit card through Return credit slip to customer Collect tip Prepare soup or salad order Give order to waiter Prepare dinner order Give order to waiter

Benchmark data

Process Reengineering

requirements Strategic directive data Goals & specifications for process performance Baseline analysis Innovative ideas Design principle s Key performance measures High-level process map Detailed process map Pilot study of new design Full-scale implementation Model validation

• • • •

Principles for Redesigning Processes

Remove waste, simplify, consolidate Link processes to create value Let the swiftest and most capable execute Capture information digitally and propagate

• • • • •

Principles for Redesigning Processes

Provide visibility through information about process status Fit the process with sensors and feedback loops Add analytic capabilities Connect, collect and create knowledge around the process Personalize the process

Other ways to redesign the process

• • •

Define Measure Improve

Velocity Management Methodology

• • • • •

Define Measure Analyze Improve Control

General Electric’s Six Sigma Methodology

Techniques for Generating Innovative Ideas

   

Vary entry point to a problem Draw analogies Change your perspective Use attribute brainstorming

Information Technology

Management Information Systems (MIS)

Move large amounts of data

Decision Support Systems (DSS)

Add decision making support

Expert System

Recommend decision based on expert knowledge

Enterprise Software

Collect, analyze, and make decisions based on data

ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning

Managing wide range of processes

Human resources, materials management, supply chains, accounting, finance, manufacturing, sales force automation, customer service, customer order entry

Finding hidden patterns through data mining


• • • • •

SAP – 42% of market; forecast to 43% Oracle – 20%; forecast to 23% Sage Group – 6% Microsoft – 4% Horror Stories – Hershey’s, Dell

Advanced Communications

     

Electronic data interchange (EDI) Internet, extranets Wireless communications Teleconferencing & telecommuting Bar coding, Radio Frequency Identification Virtual reality

Distance Learning?


• • • • • •

Active Tags Always on Battery powered Can be read from up to 300 ft US Army Savi Tags

• • • • • • •

Passive Tags Small Must be activated May be turned off England California Rolex

Automated Material Handling


Automated guided vehicle (AGV)

Automated storage & retrieval system (ASRS) Grainger/Defense Distribution Center, San Joaquin


  

Programmable manipulators Follow specified path Better than humans with respect to

Hostile environments

Long hours


Adoption has been slowed by ineffective integration and adaptation of systems

Welding at Harley Davidson Plant

Next Week

Chap 10, 11, and 17; Handout Mid Term