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Роботу виконали учні
7-го класу Улашанівського НВК
Кирилюк Світлана
Мулевич Марія
Рубас Назар
Рудика Максим
The United Kingdom of Great Britain is
situated on the British Isles. They lie to the
north-west of Europe.
The United Kingdom consist of four parts:
England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The red rose is the national emblem of England. The thistle
is the national emblem of Scotland. The leek is the emblem
of Wales. The small white clover with three leaves on the
stem is national emblem of Northern Ireland.
Gread Britain is washed by the waters of the
Atlantik Ocean, English Channel, the North Sea
and Irish Sea.
London is the capital of Great Britain.
Night London
London is situated on the river Thames.
London is divided into several
parts: the City, the Westminster,
the West End and the East End.
The Tower of London is one of the
oldest building of the city.
There are a lot
of places of
The Tower Bridge
The House of Parliament and
Big Ben
Buckingham Palace
Trafalgar Square
The National Gallery
St. Paul’s Cathedral and
Westminster Abbey
Hyde Park and London Zoo