OTM presentation - Duke Alumni Association

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Transcript OTM presentation - Duke Alumni Association

Duke Alumni Association
DAA Board Training
November 8, 2013
Duke Alumni Association
Table of Contents
November 8, 2013
1. Why It Matters
2. DAA Board Handbook
3. Expectations and Implications of Serving on the DAA Board
1. Professional School vs. At-Large Members
4. OTM Objectives and Work Schedule
5. Implementation Agenda for 2013-14
6. Implications for Staff Interactions
7. Discussion Topics and Reporting
8. Questions
Duke Alumni Association
Why It Matters
November 8, 2013
Duke Alumni Association
DAA Board Handbook
November 8, 2013
DAA Board Handbook
Where to find it, what is in it
Duke Alumni Association
Implications of Serving on the DAA Board (1/3)
November 8, 2013
1. Act as ambassador
2. Sharing of best practice
3. Reporting/communicating to the regions and alums
4. Act as resource to alums with respect to Duke alumni programming
5. Recruiting and leadership development  catalyzing Duke volunteers
6. Program leadership (remaining active as a leader of programs while on the DAA board)
7. Upholding standards (ensuring the quality of the Duke brand)
8. Assisting with fundraising identification and a spirit of Duke support
9. Representation of all alums
Duke Alumni Association
Implications of Serving on the DAA Board (2/3)
November 8, 2013
Act as ambassador
• Represent Duke and DAA in regions
• Each staff member covers a major US region and a major international region
Sharing of best practice
• DAA is only structured forum for alumni leaders to interact
Communicating to the regions
• Board can be Duke’s most effective messaging tool
• Crucial to “One Duke” ambitions
Act as resource to alums
• Board is the group with deepest/ broadest knowledge of options for alumni engagement
Catalyzing Duke volunteers
• DAA board must help identify and recruit new leaders
Duke Alumni Association
Implications of Serving on the DAA Board (3/3)
November 8, 2013
Program leadership
• Best way of staying connected to regions
• Most effective way of spreading best practice
Upholding standards
• Duke stands for excellence
• Alumni have expectations of Duke programming
Assisting with fundraising
• Everyone can do something
• Many board members represent groups Duke needs to reach
• Campaign is an “all-hands” effort
Representation of all alums
• Can’t do without engagement
Duke Alumni Association
Specific Board Expectations (1/3)
November 8, 2013
1. Attendance at board meetings
2. Service on committee(s)
3. Attendance at regional events
4. Role in capital campaign and/ or with annual fund
5. Attendance at homecoming and/ or reunions
6. Program leadership (e.g., DAE, AAAC)
7. Regional training sessions
8. Development of regional leaders
Duke Alumni Association
Specific Board Expectations (2/3)
November 8, 2013
Attendance at board
Service on committee(s)
Attendance at regional
Role in capital campaign
and/ or with annual fund
• Stuff happens
• But if you don’t want to/ can’t come back to Duke, why
are you on board?
• The real work
• Happens between meetings
• Vital for DAA to be effective
• “Friendraising” – you know more alums than the average
Annual Fund volunteer
Duke Alumni Association
Specific Board Expectations (3/3)
November 8, 2013
Attendance at homecoming • DAA makes it easy
and/ or reunions
Program leadership (e.g.,
• How many of us got here
• Need to maintain to help build “One Duke”
Regional training sessions
• Best way of communicating Duke and DAA
Development of regional
• Investing for the future
• Keeping Duke and DAA vibrant
Duke Alumni Association
OTM Objectives & Work Schedule
November 8, 2013
Committee action
Duke Alumni Association
Implementation Agenda for 2013-14
November 8, 2013
Board Development
• Create process to use
DAA board and AdCo
to help develop future
• Coordinate formally
with Development,
Athletics, etc., to help
identify future
• Create grid of desired
representation and
long-range prospects
over defined time
Board Structure
• Recommendations on:
• Size
• Governance
• Selection &
*Dedicated committee to focus on this
Board Education
• Development of
standard materials (as
with DAE)
• Best regional
governance & finance
• Best networking ideas
• Initiate webinars for
alum volunteers
• Beta test first regional
training session
Reporting &
• Define metrics for
regional performance
• Define short, simple
and consistent ratings
criteria for events
• Evaluate on how
quickly and well
survey data is
• Establish regional
awards program to
recognize success and
create friendly
• Establish practices for
sharing data received
Duke Alumni Association
Implications for Staff Interaction
November 8, 2013
Increased reach
Especially to smaller and mid-sized regions
Work more closely with board to understand needs of regions
Rely more on board to highlight volunteers and successful events
Board members become “force multipliers” for staff:
Meeting with regional volunteers
Reporting back to DAA
Representing staff at events
Delivering DAA's messages
Board members serve as DAA liaison in regions to nurture new programs and initiatives
Duke Alumni Association
Discussion Topics
November 8, 2013
How to keep
board members
fully engaged in
their regions and
acting as effective
How best for DAA
board members
to facilitate
dialogue with
How does board
most effectively
assist/ leverage
staff in the
How do we create
a full and highquality pipeline of
future board
Duke Alumni Association
November 8, 2013