Transcript Slide 1

Sigmetrics 2008

Organizing Committee

General Chair: Zhen Liu (IBM Research) PC Co-Chairs: Vishal Misra (Columbia University) Prashant Shenoy (University of Massachusetts)

Location, Location, Location

Information about Annapolis

     America’s sailing capital Small city, with population of 33K Maryland’s state capital Easy access:  Air: BWI is 22 miles away   Train: Amtrak DC is 35 miles away Attractions: USNA, 18-th century buildings, shopping, boating, etc.

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Scientific Program

CFP: Broader Coverage  System:   all aspects of computer systems and computer networks new or emerging areas such as power management, multi-core architecture, streaming processing, service oriented architecture  Analysis:   All performance evaluation techniques: empirical, simulation and analytical Theoretical results in modeling, analysis and optimization Greater Participations   Attract more submissions Accept more papers Selected papers for fast track in top journals Exciting Technical Program  Forum for exchanging ideas  Emphasis on originality and problem importance Workshops and Tutorials   2 days preceding main conference HotMetrics workshop Performance evaluation contest

Important Dates

November 9, 2007: Abstract registration  November 16, 2007: Submission of  technical papers  workshops and tutorials proposals  February 5, 2008: Notification of acceptance  June 2—6, 2008: Conference

Help is Needed

 Ack: ACM staff, Sigmetrics Board, Albert Greenberg  From the Sigmetrics community:   Advertise Sigmetrics 2008 Organize and solicit workshops      Provide tutorials Submit papers Review papers Help in logistics, industrial sponsorship, student activities, etc… Attend the conference