Videnskabssociologi og videnskabelig kommunikation

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Hvad er informationskompetence?

NORDINFOlits sommerskole på Færøerne den 1. juli 2004 Annette Skov

[email protected]

Institut for Informationsstudier Danmarks Biblioteksskole

Hvad er informationskompetence?

Breivik, P.S. (2001). Information Literacy. NORDINFO-NYTT, 4.

Hvad er kritisk tænkning?:

at sætte spørgsmålstegn ved bagvedliggende antagelser at betragte dokumenter som bærere af vidnesbyrd - og forholde sig kritisk til dem at overveje alternative forklaringer – at være dialektisk tænkende at nå til konklusioner, der er plausible i forhold til tilgængelig information at være parat til at omvurdere konklusioner på baggrund af ny information at forholde sig reflekterende til sin egen tænkning og brug af information

Seven faces of Information Literacy








Information technology conception - using information technology for information retrieval and communication Information sources conception - finding information Information process conception - executing a process Information control conception - controlling information Knowledge construction conception - building up a personal knowledge base in a new area of interest Knowledge extension conception - working with knowledge and personal perspectives adopted in such a way that novel insights are gained Wisdom conception conception - using information wisely for the benefit of others Bruce, C. (1997) Seven Faces of Information Literacy, AUSLIB Press, Adelaide, South Australia



Association of College & Research Libraries: Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education (2000) The American Association of School Librarians: Information Literacy Standards for Student Learning (1998) ANZIIL: Australian and New Zealand Information Literacy Framework: principles, standards and practice (2004)


The Australian and New Zealand information literacy framework is based on four overarching principles. These are, that information literate people

engage in independent learning through constructing new meaning, understanding and knowledge

derive satisfaction and personal fulfillment from using information wisely

individually and collectively search for and use information for decision making and problem solving in order to address personal, professional and societal issues

demonstrate social responsibility through a commitment to lifelong learning and community participation standards

Information literacy defined:

The information literate person

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recognises a need for information and determines the nature and extent of the information needed finds needed information effectively and efficiently

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critically evaluate information and the information seeking process manages information collected or generated applies prior and new information to construct new concepts or create new understandings uses information with understanding and acknowledges economic, legal, social and cultural issues surrounding the use of information


The information literate person constructs and implements effective search strategies


Identifies keywords, synonyms and related terms for the information needed

Selects appropriate controlled vocabulary or classification specific to the discipline or information access tools

Constructs and implements a search strategy using appropriate commands


The information literate person understands the purpose, scope and appropriateness of a variety of information sources


Understands how information is organised and disseminated, recognising the context of the topic in the discipline

Differentiates between, and values, the variety of potential sources of information eg people, agencies, multimedia, database, website, dataset, audiovisual, book


The information literate person compares and integrates new understandings with prior knowledge to determine the value added, contradictions, or other unique characteristics of the information


determines whether information satisfies the research or other information need and whether the information contradicts or verifies information used from other sources

recognises interrelationships between concepts and draws conclusions based upon information gathered

selects information that provides evidence for the topic and summarises the main ideas extracted from the information gathered

understands that information and knowledge in any discipline is in part a social construction and is subject to change as a result of ongoing dialogue and research

extends initial synthesis at a higher level of abstraction to construct new hypotheses

Nogle vigtige pointer:

informationskompetence er IKKE = færdigheder i informationssøgning!

informationskompetence er IKKE = beherskelse af informationsteknologi!

informationskompetence er = at have lært at lære!