AP English Language and Composition

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Transcript AP English Language and Composition

AP English Language and
Wednesday, 4/30/14
Vocab mini-lesson
-er : a suffix used in forming nouns designating persons from the
object of their occupation or labor (hatter; banker; teacher;
researcher), or from their place of origin or abode (Icelander;
southerner; villager; SHSer),
-ist : a suffix of nouns, often corresponding to verbs ending in -ize
nouns ending in -ism, that denote a person who practices or is
concerned with something, or holds certain principles, doctrines, etc.
(apologist; dramatist; machinist; novelist; realist; socialist; scientist)
Characterize : to describe the character or individual quality of; to
attribute character to
Prompt: The Great Influenza
In the following passage from The Great Influenza, an account
of the 1918 flu epidemic, author John M. Barry writes about
scientists and their research. Read the passage carefully. Then,
in a well-written essay, analyze how Barry uses rhetorical
strategies to characterize scientific research.
 Identify your task: background, verbs & prompt
Prompt: The Great Influenza
In the following passage from The Great Influenza, an account of
the 1918 flu epidemic, author John M. Barry writes about scientists
and their research. Read the passage carefully. Then, in a wellwritten essay, analyze how Barry uses rhetorical strategies to
characterize scientific research.
 Identify your task: verbs & prompt
 THESIS: Barry characterizes scientific research as (characteristics)
by using (rhetorical methods)
 Write a précis
 How are a précis and a rhetorical analysis similar yet different?
Prompt: The Great Influenza
In the following passage from The Great Influenza, an account of the 1918
flu epidemic, author John M. Barry writes about scientists and their
research. Read the passage carefully. Then, in a well-written essay,
analyze how Barry uses rhetorical strategies to characterize scientific
 Identify your task: verbs.
 Barry characterizes scientific research as __________ by using ___________
 Write a précis
 How are a précis and a rhetorical analysis similar yet different?