Breastfeeding Workgroup

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Nancy Bacon, MS, RD/LD, CDE
MCH Nutrition Consultant
Maternal and Child Health Service
Oklahoma State Department of Health
[email protected]
Adrianna Halstead, RD/LD
WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counseling Specialist
WIC Service
Oklahoma State Department of Health
[email protected]
405-271-4676 or 1-888-655-2942
Increase the % of mothers who breastfeed
their infants at 6 months of age.
Outline specific breastfeeding activities that
will improve maternal & infant outcomes.
Coordinate with WIC to plan and promote
the annual WIC Breastfeeding Conference.
Provide consistent breastfeeding
Maintain the Breastfeeding Website
Support the OK Breastfeeding Hotline
◦ 1-877-271-MILK (6455)
Support the OK Hospital Breastfeeding Education
Increase the number of
Baby-Friendly hospitals
in Oklahoma
Rebecca “Becky” Mannel, BS, IBCLC, FILCA
Clinical Instructor
Department of OB/GYN
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
[email protected]
Ensure that maternity care practices around the
United States are fully supportive of breastfeeding.
Provide education and training in breastfeeding for
all health professionals who care for women and
Maternity Practices & Infant
Nutrition/Care (mPINC) Survey
US Average: 65 out of 100
◦ Oklahoma score: 55
Staff breastfeeding education:
51 out of 100
◦ Oklahoma score: 38
These are failing grades!
How did your hospital score?
U.S. Baseline
HP 2020 Goal
Lactation Support
25% of
38% of employers
Reduce Formula
in 1st 2 days of
24.2% of
14.2% of breastfed
Increase # of
4% of U.S.
8.1% of US hospitals
Increase breastfeeding initiation and
duration rates through change in
breastfeeding related maternity care
policies and practices in Oklahoma
Contract approved Oct 2010
◦ CDC “ARRA” funding
◦ Title V funding
Ongoing curriculum review/development
Data collection and collaboration
◦ Office of Perinatal Quality Improvement
◦ OK Hospital Association
◦ Rising Star Education’s Breastfeeding Continuing
Education Program (BCEP)
Initial phase launched in Dec 2010
13 Site visits conducted
42 participating birthing hospitals
7 BCEP trainer sessions provided
◦ 520 BCEP books provided to 42 hospitals
Full day staff training class provided
Website developed
Resources – modules, videos, policies
Recognition for hospitals – For Hospitals
“We put our formula in the supply pyxis”
Implementing skin to skin in first hour
“We have changed our HR policy so our staff can
use break times for milk expression”
“We have provided BCEP to ALL our staff and our
We have decided to pursue Baby-Friendly!”
◦ “most of our nurses did this at previous jobs!”
 Provide OK Birthing hospitals support to work
toward Baby-Friendly Hospital designation
 Offer a statewide Baby-Friendly Hospital Summit
(winter 2013) to educate maternity care leaders and
promote steps toward the Baby-Friendly
 Improve exclusive breastfeeding rates at hospital
 Improve duration rates
 Reduce Oklahoma infant mortality and child/adult
obesity rates
Two main components:
◦ Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding
◦ No marketing of breastmilk substitutes in
the hospital
Baby-Friendly hospitals do not accept or
distribute free or low-cost supplies of
breastmilk substitutes, nipples or pacifiers.
Every facility providing maternity services and care for newborn
infants should:
1. Have a written breastfeeding policy that is routinely
communicated to all health care staff.
2. Train all health care staff in skills necessary to implement this
3. Inform all pregnant women about the benefits and
management of breastfeeding.
4. Help mothers initiate breastfeeding within one hour of birth.
5. Show mothers how to breastfeed, and how to maintain
lactation even if they should be separated from
their infants.
Give newborn infants no food or drink other than breastmilk,
unless medically indicated.
Practice rooming-in – allow mothers and infants to remain
together – 24 hours a day.
Encourage breastfeeding on demand.
Give no artificial teats or pacifiers (also called dummies or
soothers) to breastfeeding infants.
Foster the establishment of breastfeeding support groups
and refer mothers to them on discharge from the hospital or
Year One - Recruit first group of 10 hospitals
Hospitals will:
◦ Sign a commitment letter to implement 4 of the 10 Steps in 1st year
◦ Participate in kickoff conference call/webinar
◦ Complete Baby-Friendly USA Discovery phase (1st 2 months)
 Register, CEO support letter, self-assessment
◦ Begin Baby-Friendly USA Development phase
 Policy, staff training, patient education
Baby-Friendly Oklahoma provides:
Website Resources
Model Policy
Baby-Friendly Curriculum (15 nursing contact hours)
Regional Train the trainer skills labs (verify competency)
Regularly scheduled conference calls for hospital teams
Hospital Maternity Leadership Summit – Winter 2013
Nationally known speakers
Hospitals invited to send a MCH Leadership team (up to 3) to
learn ways to implement the 10 Steps
Participating Hospitals receive:
◦ $500 travel reimbursement for team attending Summit
◦ $3,000 stipend for part of Baby-Friendly Fees
◦ Ongoing support, resources, and breastfeeding education
for all healthcare staff to promote adoption of evidencebased breastfeeding policies
◦ On site and regional trainings, and regularly scheduled
conference calls
Recruit second group of 10 hospitals
◦ Repeat first year steps
First group of 10 hospitals to complete Development and
Dissemination phases
◦ Collect data and address gaps in implementation of 10 steps
Baby-Friendly Oklahoma
◦ Provides team for mock surveys
◦ Calculates fair market value of formula/supplies purchasing for
1st group of hospitals will complete Designation
◦ Schedule readiness telephone interview with
Baby-Friendly USA
◦ Conduct mock surveys with OK Baby-Friendly team
◦ Schedule Baby-Friendly USA assessment
Recruit third group of 10 hospitals
◦ Repeat first and second year steps
Join your peers in eliminating the negative
practice of giving commercial formula “gift”
bags to new families!
Going Bag-Free
Great Plains Regional
Claremore Indian
Duncan Regional
Jackson County Memorial
Hillcrest Medical
OU Medical Center, OKC
ALL Integris
Mercy Health Center
OU Medical Center,
Mercy Memorial
Norman Regional
Healthplex system
Weatherford Regional
OSU Medical Center
St. John’s
St Anthony’s
Unity Health Center
To join the effort, contact Becky Mannel or
OPQI office
Goal: Bag free in August for US Breastfeeding
Month/World Breastfeeding Week
Get your hospital included in the press
release which is sure to generate national
Hospitals should market health,
and nothing else!