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GIP 2011 and beyond
Mapping Deep Subsurface
Kennis voor Zaken
Hans Doornenbal
Business Unit Geo-Energie & Geo-Informatie
DO user group, 23 September 2010
Application areas of the deep subsurface
• Oil and gas production, mining (oil, gas, salt, coal etc.)
• Geothermal energy
• Underground storage (gas, CO2 etc.)
• Subsidence
• Climate, environment and safety
• Spatial planning / management
DO user group, 23 September 2010
Main products
• DGM-deep - Digital Geological layerModel deep subsurface
Stratigraphic borehole interpretations
Fault database (~3000)
• Specific Reservoir properties
(reservoir, seal and source rock;
e.g. T, p, v, poro, perm, ….)
Maps, reports and (web-based) digital products;
data access through NLOG and DINO-Loket
DO user group, 23 September 2010
New trends
• Policy support + knowledge for sustainable solutions use
deep subsurface (geothermal energy, CO2-storage)
• Regional inventory “new” gas prospects (shallow gas, gas
shales, tight gas, CBM, …)
• Climate & Safety (prediction, risks and human impact)
• Spatial planning (VRODO)
DO user group, 23 September 2010
Special interest groups
• Governmental bodies (ministries, provinces, cities) and planning-offices
• Policy support, oppertunities and risks
• Supplies, suitainability, climate, safety
• Industry and MKB (E&P, salt companies, argiculture, etc.)
• Areal studies
• Product development DINO
• Stimulus long/short term commercial applications
• Consultants and advisory offices
• Product development DINO
• Stimulus long/short term commercial applications
• Community
• Climate, safety, suistainable solutions
• Education
Needs (client):
• Access data and knowledge
• Policy support
• Risks and opportunities
DO user group, 23 September 2010
Mapping program 2011 - 2013
• Guarantee the continuity of current programs
NCP-2, BodDal
• Shift to (other) application areas of actual needs/questions and data needs
• Onshore, ultra-deep and shallow
• Upgrading and actualisation of knowledge needed for geothermal energy, CCS and
unconvential gas
• Emphasis on dynamics (processes, prospectivity and forecasting/planning)
• Thematic policy support
• Division/structure of projects on basis of disciplines
• Integral program  adjusting with other teams (needs and priorities) !
DO user group, 23 September 2010
Products & Activities 2011 – 2013+ (1 of 7)
• Onshore mapping for Geothermal energy / CO2
• On- en offshore mapping Tertiary (*) and ultradeep
• Dynamic modeling (evolution) of the subsurface
• Maintenance DGM-DEEP en Subsidence tool (*)
• Data and supporting tools (*)
(*) cooperation deep en superficial subsurface
DO user group, 23 September 2010
Products & Activities 2011 – 2013+ (2 of 7)
• Onshore modeling for Geothermal energy/CO2
• Specific reservoir layers (structure and properties)
• Mapping ultradeep subsurface (structure, properties and evolution)
• Uncertainties
• Dynamical evolution subsurface and fault properties
• Temperature model and geothermal properties
• Prioritization: N & Z Holland, stakeholders demand
DO user group, 23 September 2010
Heat capacity
Thermal conductivity
Products & Activities 2011 – 2013+ (3 of 7)
• On- en offshore modeling Tertiary
• Mapping of specific Tertiary reservoir layers and
depositional units/traps (structure, properties, and
evolution in 3D sequence-stratigraphic framework)
• Storage radioactive waste in clay
• Dynamical evolution subsurface (temperature model,
fluid flow and pressure distribution)
• Fault properties
• Uncertainties
Heat capacity
prioritization: in concordance with superficial mapping program
DO user group, 23 September 2010
Products & Activities 2011 – 2013+ (4 of 7)
On- and offshore modeling Ultra-deep
• Mapping of specific ultradeep reservoir layers
(structure, properties en evolution)
• Geothermal energy
• Dinantian limestones
• Carboniferous platforms
• Rotliegend sandstones
• Coal-Bed Methane
• Carboniferous coal
• Jurassic en Tertairy browncoal
Potential areas shale gas
• Shale gas
• Devonian -Bosscheveld Formation
• Carboniferous - Geverik Fm (Zuid & Oost NL)
• Jurassic -Sleen and Aalburg Fm, Posidonia Fm
(cetnral NL)
• Basin Centered Gas
• Jurassic - Scruff, Schieland and Niedersaksen
group above Posidonia Shale
• Carboniferous: synclinal structures > 5000 m
DO user group, 23 September 2010
Basin Centered gas
Products & Activities 2011 – 2013+ (5 of 7)
• Maintenance DGM-DEEP
• Updates and improvement existing information, maps and
models (from other activities)
• Embedding detailed dynamic models of evolution deep
subsurface and new views on petroleum-geological history
DO user group, 23 September 2010
Products & Activities 2011 – 2013+ (6 of 7)
• Subsidence (program ends in 2010)
• Data dissemination and production of historical subsidence maps.
• Development subsidence software tool to identify the effects of subsidence
processes and evaluation of future-scenario’s
• Knowledge transfer to policy makers
• Subsidence (2011)
• Maintenance subsidence webservice (maps, data dissemination DINO-QCDIEP)
• Establish GSN’s position as European contact for subsidence
DO user group, 23 September 2010
Products & Activities 2011 – 2013+ (7 of 7)
• Supporting tools
• Complete, QC and analyse properties required by all applications
• Paleo-environment and paleo-climate reconstructions, age determinations
(supporting mapping program deep/shallow)
• Complete/update geobiology databases, official standards, catalogs
DO user group, 23 September 2010
Karteerprogramma 2011 – 2013+
Main projects
Mapping structures, properties, uncertainties
Modeling dynamic processes
Supporting projects
Gathering, analysing and disseminating property data
Geobiological interpretation and analyse
DO user group, 23 September 2010
GIP2011 - summary
• Continuation research conventional oil- and gas systems
• Dynamics (4D) of the subsurface (evolution and forecasting)
• New gas: “shallow gas”, “shale gas”, ….
• Geothermal energy
• Special planning / policy
• Properties (T, p, v, por, perm, …)
DO user group, 23 September 2010