Football Meeting March 11 5:30 2009

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Transcript Football Meeting March 11 5:30 2009

Football Meeting Thursday
April 1st 7:00pm 2010
Offseason Expectations
In Season Schedule
• High School (HC Ryan Sweeney OC)
• Jim Smith DC- DL/QB, Leigh Jass- JVOC
OL/DL, Mark Astleford- JVDC INLB/RB,
Doug May-9OC RB/OLB, Chris Reindl9DC DB/WR, Charlie Mundy volunteer
OL/DL, Kenny Fry volunteer DB/WR,
Travis Thompson volunteer DB/WR
Coaches (continued)
Middle School
8th Grade Scott Campfield,
7th Grade Don May, Travis Thompson
Stats: Neil Goos, Rod Gall, Scott
Campfield, Dave Henderson
Follow school handbook.
Code of conduct/Eligibility(In/out of season)
Do not finish- no voting/awards/recognition
Good standing in order to receive awards ?’s
Attendance/on time/on task
Running/miss next contest/suspended
indefinitely(possible dismissal)
• Everyone together not 11 best, best 11(those who
buy in, play for the team, give us the best chance
for success, play the best, no grade distinction)
• Chain of Command(position coach, HC, AD,
principal, superintendent)
Offseason Expectations
• Commitment to Improvement
• Strength and Conditioning Mission:
#1 Reduce the risk of injury.
#2 Improve athletic performance.
• How do we do this?
• #1 Warm-up (Dots/ladder, hurdles, torso
development, plyometrics, agility/speed) 10-12
Offseason Expectations (cont.)
• #2 Workout- Our beliefs
1Multi-joint movements (total body)
2 Ground based (feet on the ground)
3 3-Dimensional (free weights)
• These are principles we feel very strongly about
and we know that will help improve
performance. Our goal is make a better athlete.
(not a bodybuilder, not a powerlifter, not a fitness
• 40 minutes
Offseason Expectations (cont.)
#2a Conditioning (SAQ)
After workout complete speed, agility, or
game program workout.
8-10 minutes
#3 Cool-down
Bring down RHR and stretch. Reduce muscle
soreness. Maintain/Improve flexibility 5 minutes
Offseason Expectations (cont.)
• Goal to get 50 lifts before start of camp August
3rd. (will have over 100 opportunities)
• Start after spring break(Monday 4/5). Initial
chart in weight room. Lifting during school
hours acceptable, (early bird, S & C pe) Before
and after school hours are posted outside
weightroom and outside my room 215.
• ? Saturdays at 7:30 am until school is out.
Harlan Plate Workout ??
Offseason Expectations (cont.)
• Students will get credit for 1 lift a week if they
participate and finish a spring or summer sport.
• In a sport I expect 2 lifts a week, not in a sport I
expect 3 times a week.
• Summer strength and conditioning (AM)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 6:15/7:30/9:00
Wednesday 6:15 am- Running (Solon sprint
work)/7-7? later in summer) Friday 6:15/7:30
Running(Solon Sprint work)
Strongman/skills/pool workout
• Might look at evening session??
Incentives for Reaching
Offseason Expectations
• 50-59 white shirt, 60-69 grey shirt, 70-79
maroon shirt
• All 50 + pizza and pool party
• Summer Lifting teams- winners out for
• Pads are handed out by number of lifts (no
grade distinction)
Incentives for Reaching
Offseason Expectations
• Develop Pride.
• Build internal motivation.
• Create a team atmosphere. Dependability.
• Develop self-confidence, which translates to
better on field performance.
• Increase strength, power, speed, agility, etc.
* Trying something different this year.
*All seniors will be eligible to be a captain;
if they attend all camp and two a days.
*Will rotate 4 captains per week.
*Therefore we will draft lifting teams with
seniors being group leaders.
In Season Schedule
8/27 Vs Mount Ayr (No 9th) 7:30
9/3 @ Central Decatur (9th?) 7:00
9/10 Vs Clarinda (No 9th) 7:00
9/17 @ I-35 7:30
9/24 Vs PCM 7:30 Homecoming
10-1 @Colfax-Mingo 7:30
10-8 Vs Shenandoah (No 9th)7:00
10-15 @Bondurant-Farrar 7:30
10-22 @Pella Christian 7:30
JV Schedule
JV (all start at 6:00)
9/13 vs Pella Christian
9/20 @ Clarinda (9/10)
9/27 @ PCM
10/4 vs Colfax-Mingo
10/18 vs Bondurant-Farrar
In season
• Camp August 3-6 7:30-9:30 am Testing,
conditioning, base offense/defense/specials
• Future Indians (grades 3-6) August 2 & 3 6:007:30 pm game field
• MS camp (7th/8th) August 8 & 9 6-7:30 game
• ?Wed camp dodge?
• LOCK IN/Team Building Thursday start at
2:00pm (classroom/film work- offense, defense,
specials, challenges, supper, guest speaker, goal
setting, movie, games/wind down)
*We will start August 9th-13th two a days
6:30am-8:30 and 9:30-11:30. Start pads
August 12th
*Only have nineteen practices before first
game. (10 are two a days)
*Sports Drink Scrimmage would be August
• 9-12 Fill out goal sheets (SMART goals
specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and
• Make sure you are on the sign up sheet.
• Seniors will draft for teams on 4/8 Thursday
morning 7:45-8:05 Room 215
• We have many that talk the talk, but we need
many to walk the walk (Starts with simple
Choices- sleep in or weight room, track or video
• Helmet plaques(Junior parents)
• Send calendar at beginning of May with summer
• *Encourage to get in the weight room(S & C PE,
EBPE, summer lifting) and participate in multiple
• Eligibility (Need to start with everyone eligible)
• Positive support, cheer our student-athletes
• Questions
• Handout
• Need a Commitment- must be willing
to work hard on a consistent basis.
• Players intend to take time off-relaxone day into two, into a week, a
month, or run/lift on their own-- it
does not happen-- Run track- lift as a
team- make a commitment
• 2A no cake walk- if we think this is the
answer to our problems- we are
mistaken- good teams
Conclusion (cont.)
• We ask our players to give us three
hours a week in the weight room.
There are 168 hours in a week so this
is a small commitment we are asking.
Becoming successful is not all that
difficult because there is so little
competition. The successful people
(TEAMS) will do those things the
unsuccessful people (TEAMS) won't do
because they are too lazy or don't
care. Hard work beats talent when
talent won't work hard.
Ten Commandments o f a Clark e Indian Parent
“As parents, encourage -do not compl ai n, moti vate -do not agitate ; be a team
pl aye r.”
1 Be posit iv e wit h your son . Let him know it is a great accomplishm ent t o simply
be part of t he program.
2 Do not offer excuses for why he is not playing. There is usu ally a reason for it.
Encourage him t o work hard and do his best .
3 Do not crit icize his coaches. The coach represent s; Aut horit y, t he T eacher, t he
Boss . If you const ant ly crit icize your son’s coaches, you cannot expect him t o
play for t hem. He is b eing taught t o be a complainer, not a doer. Discuss
problems wit h your son . If needed, have your son talk t o his position coach. If
you are st ill not sat isfied meet wit h t he head coach. Problems do not get solv ed
unless your son communi cates wit h his coaches. (Chain of Comm and)
4 Encourage your son t o follo w team and school rules. If we are going t o truly be
successful, your son must follo w t he CCHS rules.
5 Insist on your son working t o his abilit y academically. Ch eck the number of
hours you r son spends on homework. If you have comput er access us e JMC t o
check grades on a regul ar basis. It is t he dut y of t he parent t o see t hat their son is
working in t he classroom. No mat ter how good a player he may be, if he doesn’t
have good grades he won’t play. (Before school program 7:30 am D’s/F’s)
6 Do not dev elop envy t owar d ot her players. Do not live vicariously t hrough you r
son. Foot ball/B asket ball/Wrest ling/B aseball/T rack are games, let t hem play it . Do
not show animosit y or jealousy for any of your son ’s teammates because t hey
score more or carry t he ball more. Who cares who scores or get s t he publi cit y?
The impo rtant t hing is t hat every player on t he team does his best!
7 Do not be a know- it-all. The coaching staff works wit h your son and his
teammates every day. They know what each player can do and not do. As a fan,
you are encouraged to be “into” t he game, but please be posit ive t owar d ou r
players and coaches.
8 Insist your son’ s respect for t he game of foot ball, t he officials and our opponent s
players/coaches. Instill t he impo rtance of spo rt smanship . It takes years to develop
a “ class” program, but it can take seconds t o destroy it.
9 Fost er in your son a posit ive self-image. Do not compare and contrast your son
wit h former family m embers who played. Help him in any wa y possibl e t o feel
good about hims elf and his role on t he team.
10 Encourage your son t o play t he game of foot ball for t he “love of t he game.” If
we prepare and pl ay for t he right reasons t he rest will t ake care of itself (being
successful, awar ds, scholarships. ) Usually good t hings happen to teams and
individu als who happen to be uns elfish, hard working and commit ted.
Thanks for your suppo rt,
Coach Swee ney and t he Indian Foot ball staff