Session Title - //InterKnowlogy/ Blogs

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Transcript Session Title - //InterKnowlogy/ Blogs

WPF & Silverlight: Data Visualization,
NUI, and Next Generation of User
Tim Huckaby
Founder / Chairman, InterKnowlogy
Founder / CEO, Actus Software
Microsoft RD & MVP
Level: Beginner / Intermediate
Delivering the Art of Software
InterKnowlogy (
Tim Huckaby, Founder/Chairman ([email protected])
– Custom Application Development / Consulting / Software & Systems Engineering Firm
headquartered in Carlsbad, CA
– Design, Architect, Build and Deploy Enterprise Class Applications
– Industry Experts:
Most of the employees are published, MVPs, RD, Speakers, etc.
Microsoft .NET Application development since 2000
Microsoft .NET Rich Client Pioneers / Industry Leaders
Microsoft Touch Application Development Leaders (Surface / Windows 7 / Silverlight 3)
Information Worker Solutions (VSTO & SharePoint)
Integration / Messaging, B2B / B2C, Wireless / Mobility
Leading Edge: Surface, WPF, Silverlight, Win7 touch, SharePoint, VSTO
Cutting Edge Solutions on emerging Microsoft technologies
Largest Client: Microsoft
Actus Software (
Tim Huckaby, Founder/CEO ([email protected])
•Software Product Company, Coming soon…
A little bit about me and why I am here…
Session Objectives And Agenda
Data Visualization: WPF & XAML…and Silverlight…and Surface..and “the
Session Objective: To get you excited by showing you “what you can do” so
that you start doing it.
What this session is NOT: a “Stare at C#” Session
Why you need Rich Client Applications
Rich Client Technology Roadmap
Demos, demos, demos!...
About the Computer I am Using Today…
Acer Aspire 1420P
Give away “free” to all attendees at the PDC
One year old…
Price in October-2009: $420
Price in November-2009: $350
The Scripps Research Institute
AutoCad – dwf Viewer
Tim Huckaby
Founder / Chairman, InterKnowlogy
Founder / CEO, Actus Software
Microsoft RD & MVP
Delivering the Art of Software
Surface WPF 3D:
The Scripps Research Institute
Tim Huckaby
Founder / Chairman, InterKnowlogy
Founder / CEO, Actus Software
Microsoft RD & MVP
Delivering the Art of Software
Touch Capable Computing
Devices are Not New
1972: PLATO IV Touch Screen
The Microsoft
Windows 7 Multitouch
What is Relatively New is:
Inexpensive Touch Capable, Non
Proprietary Hardware
A Multi-Touch Capable Windows OS
A Consistent Multi-Touch API for
.NET across 3 Windows
Hardware/Software Platforms
Developer Productivity in Touch
Capable Apps
The Forecast of Touch Capability in
Every New Computing Device in the
Short Term
Delivering the Art of Software
Surface WPF 3D:
The Scripps Research Institute
Tim Huckaby
Founder / Chairman, InterKnowlogy
Founder / CEO, Actus Software
Microsoft RD & MVP
Delivering the Art of Software
History of Surface
The concept of an
interactive table is born
A dedicated group is formed,
and more than 85
prototypes are developed
The first
prototype is
presented to
Bill Gates
The look and feel of
Surface is finalized
Microsoft Surface is unveiled to
the world
What the heck is XAML?
Separates the front-end from the back-end
Simple declarative programming language suitable for
constructing and initializing .NET Objects
Usually the most concise way to represent user interfaces (or
other hierarchies of objects)
Doesn’t need a compile to render
The language that almost all Silverlight related tools emit
Delivering the Art of Software
Sample XAML
Runs in a WPF Application:
Runs in the Browser:
Complex XAML
Tim Huckaby
Founder / Chairman, InterKnowlogy
Founder / CEO, Actus Software
Microsoft RD & MVP
Delivering the Art of Software
Declarative Programming:
WPF & Silverlight
XAML replaces code
Attributes control Layout and Style
Event handlers wired-up in XAML
Declarative Data Binding
The Big 5 “XAML-based” Technologies
WPF (Windows XP and above)
Silverlight (Cross Platform for the Browser)
WPF 4.0 Touch (Windows 7)
Windows® Phone 7 Series
WPF, Surface, & Silverlight
Library of Congress
Win7 WPF multi-touch
Tim Huckaby
Founder / Chairman, InterKnowlogy
Founder / CEO, Actus Software
Microsoft RD & MVP
Delivering the Art of Software
WPF, Surface, & Silverlight
Library of Congress
Win7 WPF multi-touch
Tim Huckaby
Founder / Chairman, InterKnowlogy
Founder / CEO, Actus Software
Microsoft RD & MVP
Delivering the Art of Software
Silverlight… “WPF Light”
Lightweight WPF runtime
Interactive experiences for devices, PC, & Mac platforms (and
Strict subset of Windows Presentation Foundation
Lightweight download (4.2mbs)
Programming model uses XAML + Jscript + WPF
Access to WPF tooling
Touch Capability in Version 3.0
WPF-based Tools
<Button Width="100px"> OK
InterKnowlogy Wish 43
WP7 Wish43
Tim Huckaby
Founder, InterKnowlogy & Actus Software
Microsoft RD & MVP
Delivering the Art of Software
Eclipsys Corporation
Silverlight 3 - Enterprise
Real-time Hospital Operations
Tim Huckaby
Founder, InterKnowlogy & Actus
Microsoft RD & MVP
Delivering the Art of Software
Eclipsys Maestro: Hospital Management
Eclipsys Maestro: Hospital Management
WPF/SL – how does it work?
Built on Top of Direct 3D
– Converted to 3D triangles, textures and other Direct3D
objects & then rendered by hardware
– Benefits of hardware acceleration & performance due to
work being off-loaded to GPUs (unlike GDI based systems)
– Ensures the maximum benefit of new hardware
and drivers
– Software rendering pipeline as fallback
Why WPF and Silverlight?
The GDI & USER subsystems were introduced in
Windows 1.0 in 1985
OpenGL – Early 90s
DirectX – 1995
Goal: Overcome the limits of GDI+ & USER with
the productivity of .NET
Audience Participation Time
Does WPF & SL enable me to do something I couldn’t
have done before?
No. Unless you factor in time & money…
And would like to do more with less…
Is DirectX dead?
No. It is more applicable to advanced 3D developers writing hard-core “twitch” games.
Are Winforms dead?
No. …but it will not be advanced; the last version was 2.0 in .NET 2005.
WPF / Winforms Integration is simple
Windows 98 Supports WinForms
Does WPF run better on Vista & Win 7 than on XP?
3D objects only get anti-aliasing on Windows Vista or Later
Non-rectangular windows only get hardware acceleration on Vista or later
Vista & Win7 have a driver model that helps with resource contention
Does Silverlight trump all this other WPF Stuff?
One would think so with all the marketing dollars that are being thrown at it….
But, in Reality the answer is “No” and it makes solution architecture more difficult than ever.
Does HTML5 trump everything XAML?
Doubtful…but, there is wild speculation right now..
The Next 5 years are going to be “interesting”…
WPF: Where to go Next
Free Resources
• - this is the official
Microsoft community portal for WPF
development, and is chock full of great
resources such as the...
Learn WPF page - this page links to
podcasts, labs, and the very popular "how do
I?" videos
MIX University's WPF Bootcamp - this is a full
3-day video training course on WPF, in which
expert instructors guide you from the surface
into the depths of the technology stack
Where to go next (WPF)
Windows Presentation Foundation
Unleashed (WPF)
by Adam Nathan, Daniel Lehenbauer
Essential Windows Presentation
Foundation (WPF)
by Chris Anderson
Where to go next
The InterKnowlogy WPF & Silverlight Reference Applications
Silverlight: Where to go Next
Free Resources
• - this is the official
Microsoft community portal for Silverlight
• - This is
the official product site
• – Free
Windows Phone Developer Tools (1 download)
Where to go Next – Silverlight Books
Silverlight 4 Unleashed
by Laurent Bugnion
(September 6, 2010)
Essential Silverlight 3
by Ashraf Michail
Silverlight In Action
by Chad Campbell and
John Stockton
We are at the Edge of the Rich Client revolution
HTML is sufficient for Web Sites, but mostly
insufficient for Data Visualization software
The Tools, Plumbing and platforms for Rich Client,
touch based computing are powerful and available
Within a short time frame computers with touch
capability will be the norm.
The .NET stack for Rich Client & Touch Based
Software (Surface, WPF & Silverlight) is elegant and
The Concepts of NUI & Data Visualization change the
way we design and build software
Tim Huckaby
More info on InterKnowlogy:
More info on Actus Software:
E-mail: [email protected]
– Coming soon….
About Tim Huckaby…
Contact me: Tim Huckaby
– Founder/Chairman, InterKnowlogy
– Founder/CEO, Actus Software
– Microsoft® Regional Director – Southern
– Microsoft® .NET Partner Advisory Council
Founder / Member
– Microsoft® MVP - .NET
– INETA Speaker – International .NET Users
Group Association
– Board Member: Association for Competitive
– Author / Speaker
Office: 760-444-8640
Mobile: 619 990 9200