FBI Profiling System - Mrs. Ojanen's Science Website

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FBI Profiling System
Serial Killers
“We serial killers are your sons, we are
your husbands, we are everywhere.
And there will be more of your children
dead tomorrow.”
“You feel the last bit of breath leaving
their body. You’re looking into their
eyes. A person in that situation is God.”
~ Ted Bundy
Serial Killers
Hillside Stranglers
Son of Sam
Jeff Dahmer
John Wayne Gacy
Ed Kemper
Ted Bundy
Trailside Killer
Ed Gein
Jerry Brudos
Andrei Chikatilo
Peter Sutcliffe
Joel Rifkin
Jack the Ripper
Henry Lee Lucas
Wayne Williams
Green River Killer
Ivan Milat
Peter Kurten
Definitions of a Serial
 Someone who murders at least 3
people in more than a 30 day
Someone who murders 2 or more
victims with an emotional cooling
off period between the homicides
Someone who over time commits
at least 10 homicides which are
violent and brutal and ritualistic
Profiling Beginnings
 UNSUB-unknown subject
 “If you want to understand the
artist you have to look at the
 What took place?
 Why did it happen the way it did?
 Who could have committed this
crime for these reasons?
Inside the Mind of a Killer
They sense weakness and vulnerability
Thrill of the hunt gets them going
Behavior reflects personality
“Homicidal triad”-cruelty to small
animals, fire-setting and bedwetting
beyond an appropriate age
 Three most common motives of serial
killers and rapists are DOMINATION,
 Serial killers are sexual predators
Inside the Mind…
 One of their main fantasy jobs is police
 Many are “police buffs”-they hang out
at police bars and talk shop. They also
like to find out about the investigation
 Triggering event-”stressor”-most
common are losing job and losing
Inside the Mind…
 Most single important factor in the
development of a serial killer is the role
of fantasy
 Many fantasize about a relationship
between sex and death (Ed Kemper,
Jeff Dahmer)
 Behavior escalates from fantasy to
reality, helped along by pornography
and cruelty to animals and peers.
Fantasy is in place long before murders
The Role of Fantasy
 82% of serial killers report daydreaming
in their childhood accompanied by
compulsive masturbation. If fantasies
are violent, violence and sex become
associated with one another
 71% report feeling isolated as children.
Isolation encourages substitution of
fantasy for human contact
The Role of Fantasy:
Test Runs
 Serial killers start out by giving the
fantasy a test run
 This involves cruelty to animals
and small children
 Stealing women’s underwear,
exhibitionism, voyeurism, burglary
and other minor offenses
A Theory…
 66% of sexual and serial killers
report their mother as the
dominant parent
 S.K. rooted in gender identification
 If mother is too dominant, boys
cannot achieve masculinity which
creates rage
 Rage is focused on females
Organized or
 Continual refinement
of fantasy
 Improvement of
details from one
crime to the next
 Obsession with detail
 Planning of crime
and disposal of body
 Socially competent
 Follows crime in the
 Bodily mutilation
 Lack of preparation
 Body left in view
 Violence is sudden
 Often they are
severely disturbed
 Some UNSUBS are
Deciphering Crime
 Blitz style attack or attack on small or
physically challenged people means
attacker has little confidence and selfesteem, not charming, asocial type
 Sexual attacks on the elderly mean the
person has little or no sexual
Deciphering Crime Scenes
 Severe facial trauma/covering the face
means the person may have known the
victim or is trying to depersonalize her
 Covering the entire body means the
person feels bad about what he did
 Multiple stab wounds mean a lot of
anger and emotion (think about 30 stab
M.O. vs Signature
Modus Operandi
 Learned behavior
 What the UNSUB
does to commit
the crime
 It can change
 What the UNSUB
does to fulfill
 Does not change
 Expresses the
 He NEEDS to do it
History of Serial Killing
 Serial killing may be a much older
phenomenon than we realize
 Stories about witches, werewolves,
vampires may have been created
to explain atrocities committed by
humans (Chikatilo)
 Beowulf-Grendel
History of Serial Killing
Gilles de Rais
Lived during the 1400’s
Bodyguard of Joan of Arc
One of the wealthiest people in Europe
Sexually molested and killed at least
140 and no more than 800 peasant
Practiced necrophilia with dead boys
Hanged and burned
Countess Elizabeth Bathory
Born in Transylvania in the 1500’s
Belonged to noble family
Sadist, liked to torture servants
Drained victims’ blood and bathed in it
Murdered 650 women in 10 years
Bricked up her bedroom and could not
Jack the Ripper
First modern day serial killer
1888 Whitechapel, London
 5 victims in 3 months
Killings stopped suddenly
Identity unknown
Jack the Ripper Victims
Polly Nichols
Annie Chapman
Elizabeth Stride
Victims (continued)
Catherine Eddowes
Mary Kelly
Ripper Letters
Profiling Jack the Ripper
 Mutilation of bodies suggests sexually
inadequate person with rage against
 Blitz style attack suggests someone
socially inadequate
 Someone who could blend into
 Loner
 Disorganized offender
Ed Kemper
Q: “What do you
think when you
see a pretty girl
walking down the
A: “One side of
me says I’d like to
talk to her, date
her. The other
side of me says I
wonder how her
head would look
on a stick?”
Kemper, con’t
Born 1948
IQ 145
6’9” 280 lbs
Extremely domineering mother
Forced to sleep on basement, killed
family cat and mounted head on a stick.
Did same thing to sister’s doll.
 As a child, he would watch his second
grade teacher through her window
while holding a bayonet. Fantasized
about killing her and having sex with
Kemper, con’t
 At age 13 killed another cat and kept
pieces in his closet
 Sent to live with grandparents at age
 Shot grandmother in head with .22 rifle
and stabbed her repeatedly
 When grandfather came home he shot
him, too
 Sent to psychiatric hospital for 5 years
Kemper, con’t
 Tried to join police force but deemed
“too big”
 Frequented police bars and after he
started killing, got inside info on
 Started picking up female hitchhikers
and dropping them off safely to
establish a reputation
 Would look at his watch when picking
them up so they would think he was
busy (manipulation)
Kemper, con’t
 First kill 1972
 Picked up two hitchhikers, put one in
the trunk, stabbed the other and slit her
 Grabbed the girl from the trunk and
stabbed her, too
 Took them back to his apt, dissected
them, played with the internal organs,
took pics and cut their heads off
 Holding their heads by the hair would
sexually excite him
Kemper, con’t
 Killed 6 other girls by 1973, shooting,
stabbing, strangulation
 Practiced necrophilia, dismembered
 Never touched “improper areas” (quote)
 1973 he killed his mother and raped her
corpse, then killed mother’s friend
 Called police and turned himself in
Profiling Kemper
 Dismemberment of corpses was
part of the possession fantasyalive he could not get near them,
but dead, he could touch their
insides and feel as if he owned
them (domination, control)
 Organized offender
David Berkowitz
“I didn’t want to hurt them. I only wanted to kill them.”
David Berkowitz: The .44
Caliber Killer, Son of Sam
 Very upset over being adopted
 Practiced Satanism and worship
 Admits to setting more than 2,000 fires,
would masturbate while watching the
flames (part of the triad)
 Started killing in 1976
 Killed 6, wounded others, shot into
parked cars
 Would return to the scene of the crime
to relive the killings, go home and
Profiling Son of Sam
 Always shot at passenger side of
car-shows hatred toward women
 Shooting multiple shots indicates
degree of rage
 Shooting from a distance suggests
that the killer lacks social skills
John Wayne Gacy
John Wayne Gacy
“The Killer Clown”
Born 1942
Killed 33 men and young boys
Beaten by father and claims he was
molested by a teenaged girl and a male
construction worker when he was 8
 Married in 1964 but divorced 4 years
later after sodomizing a young boy
 After being released from prison, he
brought a man home for sex, killed him
and buried him in the crawl space
Gacy, con’t
 Married again in 1972.
 Lured young boys to his house, raped
and murdered them and buried their
bodies under the house
 Blamed smell on dead rats
 Placed plastic bag over heads and
submerged them in water, reviving
them before they died then strangled
them (domination and control)
 Executed 1994
Profiling Gacy
 Organized killer-continual
refinement of crimes, hiding the
 Socially competent-lured his
victims to his house
Richard Ramirez
Richard Ramirez
“The Nightstalker”
 Mixed category serial killer
 LA 1984-1985, 19 people killed
 Men were shot or strangled,
women shot, stabbed, raped and
 One victim’s eyes were gouged out
with a spoon
Nightstalker, con’t
 At age 12, cousin showed him pics of
Vietnamese women performing sex acts
on soldiers and then later, their severed
heads-this excited him
 Later, Richard saw this cousin kill his
wife; behavior went downhill after this
 Used pot, LSD, PCP, got interested in
Satan and attended Satanic rituals
Nightstalker, con’t
 Snuck into people’s homes at night
 Stabbed 79 year old and had sex with
the corpse
 Killed women of all ages, age 6-83.
 Mutilated corpses, violently raped
women and children
 All attacks were blitz attacks
 Picture was broadcast in paper and in
the news
 Mobbed and beaten in east LA while
trying to steal a car
Profiling the Nightstalker
 Mixed category killer-killed at random,
but brought his own weapons and
carried a police scanner
 Socially incompetent-snuck into
people’s homes
 Sexually inexperienced, attacks on very
old and very young
 Blitz style attack-little confidence and
low self-esteem
 Men shot but women raped and
mutilated. Shows hatred toward
Kenneth Bianchi and
Angelo Buono
The Hillside Stranglers
Kenneth Bianchi
 Adopted
 Very overprotective,
domineering mother
 Wet his pants at a
late age
 Very charming, con
 Unmotivated drifter,
finally moved to CA
to live with his
Angelo Buono
 Parents were divorced,
referred to her as a
whore and a slut
 Juvenile delinquent with
no respect for women
 Raped his wives and
girlfriends, beating them
on several occasions
 Had many teenaged girls
as girlfriends and
“shared” them with his
The Hillside Stranglers
 Cousins who acted as a team
 1977-1978 raped and murdered 12
women, girls and prostitutes
 They would pick up prostitutes or show
women a fake badge and put them in
their car, rape and kill them
 After awhile, they started bringing them
home and killing them there
The Hillside Stranglers
 They started killing them slowly
 They would tighten a cord around their
throats and bring them to the point of
death and then release it-they would do
this over and over, sometimes raping
them at the same time
 They started injecting them with
Windex and electrocuting them to see
what would happen
Profiling The Hillside
 They raped them and killed them
slowly-shows the need for domination,
manipulation and control
 Organized killers-they disposed of/hid
bodies and were “improving” on their
methods each time
 They were able to get the girls into their
car because Bianchi was socially
 The use of the badge also depicts the
desire for power
Female Killers
 One out of every 5 serial murderers are
 Often more deadly and prolific than
 “quiet killers”
 Killing career is longer
 Killings usually committed in
homes/hospitals, somewhere not that
 Motives are often personal financial
Types of Female Killers
Black Widows
Most common type of female killer
Focus on husbands, children, lovers
85% use poison
Motive is material gain
Marie Hilley
Blanche Taylor Moore
Angels of Death
Kill victims in their care
Nurses kill babies, old people
Childcare workers who kill children
Motives are attention and praise,
sense of power, misguided sense
of mercy
Munchausen Syndrome by
 Usually mothers, make children
hurt or sick to gain medical
attention. Illnesses can be real or
 Welcome painful medical tests
 Very involved in medical care
 Praise the medical staff