Querying Sensor Networks

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Transcript Querying Sensor Networks

Querying Sensor Networks

Sam Madden UC Berkeley November 18 th , 2002 @ Madison 1


• • • What are sensor networks?

Programming Sensor Networks Is Hard – Especially if you want to build a “real” application » Example: Vehicle tracking application took 2 grad students 2 weeks to build and hundreds of lines of code.

Declarative Queries Are Easy – And, can be faster and more robust than most applications! » Vehicle tracking query: took 2 minutes to write, worked just as well!

SELECT MAX(mag) FROM sensors WHERE mag > thresh SAMPLE INTERVAL 64ms 2


• • • • • Sensor Networks Why Queries in Sensor Nets TinyDB – Features – Demo Focus: Tiny Aggregation The Next Step 3


• • • • • Sensor Networks Why Queries in Sensor Nets TinyDB – Features – Demo Focus: Tiny Aggregation The Next Step 4

Device Capabilities

• • • “Mica Motes” – 8bit, 4Mhz processor » » Roughly a PC AT – 40kbit radio Time to send 1 bit = 800 instrs » Reducing communication is good – 4KB RAM, 128K flash, 512K EEPROM – Sensor board expansion slot » Standard board has light & temperature sensors, accelerometer, magnetometer, microphone, & buzzer Other more powerful platforms exist – E.g. Sensoria WINS nodes Trend towards smaller devices – “Smart Dust” – Kris Pister, et al.


Sensor Net Sample Apps

Habitat Monitoring. Storm petrels on great duck island, microclimates on James Reserve.

Vehicle detection: sensors dropped from UAV along a road, collect data about passing vehicles, relay data back to UAV.

Earthquake monitoring in shake test sites.

Traditional monitoring apparatus.


Key Constraint: Power

• Lifetime from One pair of AA batteries – 2-3 days at full power – 6 months at 2% duty cycle • Communication dominates cost – Because it takes so long (~30ms) to send / receive a message 7


• • Operating system from David Culler’s group at Berkeley C-like programming environment • Provides messaging layer, abstractions for major hardware components – Split phase highly asynchronous, interrupt driven programming model

ASPLOS 2000. See http://webs.cs.berkeley.edu/tos

Communication In Sensor Nets

• • • • Radio communication has high link-level losses – typically about 20% @ 5m Newest versions of TinyOS provide link-level acknowledgments No end-to-end acknowledgements Ad-hoc neighbor discovery E B D A C F

00 10 21 10 11 12

• Two major routing techniques: tree-based hierarchy and geographic

20 21 22



• • • • • Sensor Networks Why Queries in Sensor Nets TinyDB – Features – Demo Focus: Tiny Aggregation The Next Step 10

Declarative Queries for Sensor Networks

• 1 Examples: SELECT nodeid, light FROM sensors WHERE light > 400 SAMPLE PERIOD 1s

T-2 T-1 T Light Temp Accel ….

453 245 512 … 442 406 278 335 513 511 … … “epoch”

2 SELECT roomNo, AVG(volume) FROM sensors GROUP BY roomNo HAVING AVG(volume) > 200

Rooms w/ volume > 200


Declarative Benefits In Sensor Networks

• • • Vastly simplifies execution for large networks – Since locations are described by predicates – Operations are over groups Enables tolerance to faults – Since system is free to choose where and when operations happen Data independence – System is free to choose where data lives, how it is represented 12

Computing In Sensor Nets Is Hard

• • Why?

– Limited power (must optimize for it!) – Lossy communication – Zero administration – Limited processing capabilities, storage, bandwidth In power-based optimization, we choose: » Where data is processed.

» » » How data is routed • Exploit operator semantics!

• Avoid dead nodes How to order operators, sampling, etc.

What kinds of indices to apply, which data to prioritize … 13


• • • • • Sensor Networks Why Queries in Sensor Nets TinyDB – Features – Demo Focus: Tiny Aggregation The Next Step 14


• • • A distributed query processor for networks of Mica motes – Available today!

Goal: Eliminate the need to write C code for most TinyOS users Features – Declarative queries – Temporal + spatial operations – Multihop routing – In-network storage 15

TinyDB @ 10000 Ft

{B,D,E,F} B {D,E,F} D A C F E (Almost) All Queries are Continuous and Periodic Written in SQL-Like Language With Extensions For : •Sample rate •Offline delivery •Temporal Aggregation 16

TinyDB Demo


Applications + Early Adopters

• Some demo apps: – Network monitoring – Vehicle tracking Demo!

• “Real” future deployments: – Environmental monitoring @ GDI (and James Reserve?) – Generic Sensor Kit – Building Monitoring 18

SelOperator Network

TinyDB Architecture (Per node)

AggOperator TupleRouter

TupleRouter: •Fetches readings (for ready queries) •Builds tuples •Applies operators •Deliver results (up tree) AggOperator: •Combines local & neighbor readings SelOperator:

~10,000 Lines C Code ~5,000 Lines Java ~3200 Bytes RAM (w/ 768 byte heap) ~58 kB compiled code (3x larger than 2 nd largest TinyOS Program)



• • • • • Sensor Networks Why Queries in Sensor Nets TinyDB – Features – Demo Focus: Tiny Aggregation The Next Step 20


• In-network processing of aggregates – Aggregates are common operation – Reduces costs depending on type of aggregates – Focus on “spatial aggregation” (Versus “temporal aggregation”) • Exploitation of operator, functional semantics Tiny AGgregation (TAG), Madden, Franklin, Hellerstein, Hong. OSDI 2002 (to appear).


Aggregation Framework

• As in extensible databases, we support any aggregation function conforming to:

Agg n ={f merge , f init , f evaluate } F merge {,}

f init {a 0 } F evaluate {}

 

aggregate value (Merge associative, commutative!) Partial State Record (PSR) Just like parallel database systems – e.g. Bubba!

Example: Average AVG merge AVG init {v} {} 1 , C 1 >,

S 1 2 , C /C 1 2 >}

< S 1 + S 2 , C 1 + C 2 >


Query Propagation Review

SELECT AVG(light)…

A E B D C F 23

Pipelined Aggregates

• • • After query propagates, during each epoch: – Each sensor samples local sensors once – Combines them with PSRs from children – Outputs PSR representing aggregate state in the previous epoch.

After (d-1) epochs, PSR for the whole tree output at root – d = Depth of the routing tree – If desired, partial state from top k levels could be output in k th epoch To avoid combining PSRs from different epochs, sensors must cache values from children Value from 2 produced at time


arrives at 1 at time


2 4 1 5 3 Value from 5 produced at time


arrives at 1 at time



Illustration: Pipelined Aggregation


1 2 3

Depth = d

4 5 25


Sensor #


Illustration: Pipelined Aggregation











2 1 1 Epoch 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 5 26


Sensor #

1 2

Illustration: Pipelined Aggregation

1 3


1 1


1 2


1 2


1 1


2 1 3 Epoch 2 1 2 4 2 1 3 5 27


Sensor #

1 2 3

Illustration: Pipelined Aggregation

1 3 4


1 1 1


1 2 3


1 2 2


1 1 1


2 1 4 Epoch 3 1 3 4 2 1 3 5 28


Sensor #

1 2 3 4

Illustration: Pipelined Aggregation

1 3 4 5


1 1 1 1


1 2 3 3


1 2 2 2


1 1 1 1


2 1 5 Epoch 4 1 3 4 2 1 3 5 29


Sensor #

1 2 3 4 5

Illustration: Pipelined Aggregation

1 3 4 5 5


1 1 1 1 1


1 2 3 3 3


1 2 2 2 2


1 1 1 1 1


2 1 5 Epoch 5 1 3 4 2 1 3 5 30


• • • • If query is grouped, sensors apply predicate on each epoch PSRs tagged with group When a PSR (with group) is received: – If it belongs to a stored group, merge with existing PSR – If not, just store it At the end of each epoch, transmit one PSR per group 31

Group Eviction

• • Problem: Number of groups in any one iteration may exceed available storage on sensor Solution: Evict! (Partial Preaggregation*) – Choose one or more groups to forward up tree – Rely on nodes further up tree, or root, to recombine groups properly – What policy to choose?

» Intuitively: least popular group, since don’t want to evict a group that will receive more values this epoch.

» Experiments suggest: • Policy matters very little • Evicting as many groups as will fit into a single message is good 32

* Per-Åke Larson. Data Reduction by Partial Preaggregation. ICDE 2002.

TAG Advantages

• • • In network processing reduces communication – Important for power and contention Continuous stream of results – In the absence of faults, will converge to right answer Lots of optimizations – Based on shared radio channel – Semantics of operators 33

Simulation Environment

• • • Chose to simulate to allow 1000’s of nodes and control of topology, connectivity, loss Java-based simulation & visualization for validating algorithms, collecting data.

Coarse grained event based simulation – Sensors arranged on a grid, radio connectivity by Euclidian distance – Communication model » Lossless: All neighbors hear all messages » » » Lossy: Messages lost with probability that increases with distance Symmetric links No collisions, hidden terminals, etc.


Simulation Result

Simulation Results 2500 Nodes 50x50 Grid Depth = ~10 Neighbors = ~20

Total Bytes Xmitted vs. Aggregation Function

100000 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 EXTERNAL

Some aggregates require dramatically more state!


Aggregation Function


Taxonomy of Aggregates

• TAG insight: classify aggregates according to various functional properties – Yields a general set of optimizations that can automatically be applied Property Examples Affects Partial State MEDIAN : unbounded, MAX : 1 record Effectiveness of TAG Duplicate Sensitivity Exemplary vs. Summary Monotonic MIN : dup. insensitive, AVG : dup. sensitive MAX : exemplary COUNT: summary COUNT : monotonic AVG : non-monotonic Routing Redundancy Applicability of Sampling, Effect of Loss Hypothesis Testing, Snooping 36

Optimization: Channel Sharing (“Snooping”)

• • Insight: Shared channel enables optimizations Suppress messages that won’t affect aggregate – E.g., in a MAX query, sensor with value v hears a neighbor with value ≥ v, so it doesn’t report – Applies to all exemplary, monotonic aggregates » Can be applied to summary aggregates also if imprecision is allowed • Learn about query advertisements it missed – If a sensor shows up in a new environment, it can learn about queries by looking at neighbors messages.

» Root doesn’t have to explicitly rebroadcast query!


Optimization: Hypothesis Testing

• • Insight: Root can provide information that will suppress readings that cannot affect the final aggregate value.

– E.g. Tell all the nodes that the MIN is definitely < 50; nodes with value ≥ 50 need not participate.

– Depends on monotonicity How is hypothesis computed?

– Blind guess – Statistically informed guess – Observation over first few levels of tree / rounds of aggregate 38

Experiment: Hypothesis Testing

Messages/ Epoch vs. Network Diameter (SELECT MAX(attr), R(attr) = [0,100])

3000 2500 2000 No Guess Guess = 50 Guess = 90 Snooping 1500 1000 500 0 10 20 30 40

Network Diameter

50 Uniform Value Distribution, Dense Packing, Ideal Communication 39

Optimization: Use Multiple Parents

• • For duplicate insensitive aggregates Or aggregates that can be expressed as a linear combination of parts – Send (part of) aggregate to all parents – Decreases variance » Dramatically, when there are lots of parents

No splitting: E(count) = c * p Var(count) = c 2 * p * (1-p) With Splitting: 1/2 E(count) = 2 * c/2 * p Var(count) = 2 * (c/2) 2 * p * (1-p)


Multiple Parents Results

• • • Interestingly, this technique is much Losses aren’t independent!


analysis predicted!

Instead of focusing data on a few critical links, spreads data over many links

With Splitting

1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0

Benefit of Result Splitting (COUNT query)

Splitting No Splitting

(2500 nodes, lossy radio model, 6 parents per node)


Fun Stuff

• Sophisticated, sensor network specific aggregates • Temporal aggregates 42

Temporal Aggregates

• • • TAG was about “spatial” aggregates – Inter-node, at the same time Want to be able to aggregate across time as well Two types: – Windowed: AGG(size,slide,attr)

slide =2 size =4

– Decaying: AGG(comb_func, attr) – Demo!

… R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 …


Isobar Finding


TAG Summary

• • In-network query processing a big win for many aggregate functions By exploiting general functional properties of operators, optimizations are possible – Requires new aggregates to be tagged with their properties • Up next : non-aggregate query processing optimizations – a flavor of things to come!



• • • • • Sensor Networks Why Queries in Sensor Nets TinyDB – Features – Demo Focus: Tiny Aggregation The Next Step 46

Acquisitional Query Processing

• Cynical question: what’s really different about sensor networks?

–Low Power?


–Lots of Nodes?

Distributed DBs!

–Limited Processing Capabilities?

Moore’s Law!



• Long running queries on physically embedded devices that collected!

control when and and with what frequency data is • Versus traditional systems where data is provided a priori – Next: an acquisitional teaser… 48

ACQP: What’s Different?

• • • • How does the user control acquisition?

– Specify rates or lifetimes – Trigger queries in response to events Which nodes have relevant data?

– Need a node index – Construct topology such that nodes that are queried together route together What sensors should be sampled?

– Treat sampling at an operator – Sample cheapest sensors first Which samples should be transmitted?

– Not all of them, if bandwidth or power is limited – Those that are most “valuable”?


Operator Ordering: Interleave Sampling + Selection • SELECT FROM WHERE light, mag sensors pred1(mag) AND pred2(light) SAMPLE INTERVAL 1s

Energy cost of sampling mag >> cost of sampling light

same as the processor!

1500 uJ vs. 90 uJ

Correct ordering (unless pred1 is very selective): 1. Sample light 2. Sample light 3. Sample mag Sample mag Apply pred1 Apply pred2 Apply pred2 Sample mag Apply pred1 Apply pred1 Sample light


Apply pred2

Optimizing in ACQP

• • • Model sampling as an “expensive predicate” Some subtleties: – Attributes referenced in multiple predicates; which to “charge”?

– Attributes must be fetched before operators that use them can be applied Solution: – Treat sampling as a separate task – Build a partial order on sampling and predicates – Solve for cheapest schedule using series-parallel scheduling algorithm (Monma & Sidney, 1979.), as in other optimization work (e.g. Ibaraki & Kameda, TODS, 1984, or Hellerstein, TODS, 1998.) 51

Exemplary Aggregate Pushdown

SELECT WINMAX(light,8s,8s) FROM sensors WHERE mag > x SAMPLE INTERVAL 1s

Unless > x is very selective, correct ordering is: Sample light Check if it’s the maximum If it is: Sample mag Check predicate If satisfied, update maximum



• • Declarative queries are the right interface for data collection in sensor nets!

Aggregation is a fundamental operation for which there are many possible optimizations – Network Aware Techniques • Current Research: Acquisitional Query Processing – Framework for addresses lots of the new issues that arise in sensor networks, e.g.

» Order of sampling and selection » Languages, indices, approximations that give user control over which data enters the system TinyDB Release Available http://telegraph.cs.berkeley.edu/tinydb 53



Simulation Screenshot



• • Handle Based Compacting Memory Allocator For Catalog, Queries Handle h;

Master Pointer Table

call MemAlloc.alloc(&h,10); … (*h)[0] = “Sam”; call MemAlloc.lock(h); tweakString(*h); call MemAlloc.unlock(h); call MemAlloc.free(h);

Compaction User Program



• Attribute & Command IF – At INIT(), components register attributes and commands they support » Commands implemented via wiring » Attributes fetched via accessor command – Catalog API allows local and remote queries over known attributes / commands.

• Demo of adding an attribute, executing a command.


Q1: Expressiveness

• • • Simple data collection satisfies most users How much of what people want to do is just simple aggregates?

– Anecdotally, most of it – EE people want filters + simple statistics (unless they can have signal processing) However, we’d like to satisfy everyone! 58

Query Language

• New Features: – Joins – Event-based triggers » Via extensible catalog – In network & nested queries – Split-phase (offline) delivery » Via buffers 59

Sample Query 1 Bird counter:

CREATE BUFFER SIZE 1 birds(uint16 cnt) ON EVENT SELECT bird-enter(…) b.cnt+1 FROM ONCE birds AS OUTPUT INTO b b 60

Sample Query 2 Birds that entered and left within time t of each other:

ON EVENT t bird-leave SELECT WHERE ONCE AND bird-enter WITHIN bird-leave.time, bird-leave.nest

bird-leave.nest = bird-enter.nest


Sample Query 3 Delta compression:



light buf, sensors s.light – buf.light

| >


Sample Query 4

Offline Delivery + Event Chaining CREATE BUFFER equake_data( uint16 loc, uint16 xAccel, uint16 yAccel) SIZE 1000 PARTITION BY NODE SELECT WHERE xAccel, yAccel FROM SENSORS xAccel > t OR yAccel > t SIGNAL shake_start(…) SAMPLE PERIOD 1s ON EVENT shake_start(…) SELECT loc, xAccel, yAccel FROM sensors OUTPUT INTO BUFFER equake_data(loc, xAccel, yAccel) SAMPLE PERIOD 10ms 63

Event Based Processing

• • • • Enables internal and chained actions Language Semantics – Events are inter-node – Buffers can be global Implementation plan – Events and buffers must be local – Since n-to-n communication not (well) supported Next : operator expressiveness 64

Attribute Driven Topology Selection

• • Observation: internal queries often over local area* – Or some other subset of the network » E.g. regions with light value in [10,20] Idea: build topology for those queries based on values of range-selected attributes – Requires range attributes, connectivity to be relatively static

* Heideman et. Al, Building Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks With Low Level


Naming. SOSP, 2001.

Attribute Driven Query Propagation

SELECT … WHERE a > 5 AND a < 12 [1,10] 4 [20,40] Precomputed intervals == “Query Dissemination Index” [7,15] 1 2 3


Attribute Driven Parent Selection

[1,10] 1 2 4 [7,15] [3,6] 3 [20,40] Even without intervals, expect that sending to parent with closest value will help [3,6]

[1,10] = [3,6] [3,7]

[7,15] = ø [3,7]

[20,40] = ø


Hot off the press…

Nodes Vi s i t ed v s . Range Quer y Si z e f or Di f f er ent I ndex Pol i c i es

450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Best Case (Expected) Closest Parent Nearest Value Snooping 0.001





Quer y Si ze as % of Val ue Range


( Random val ue di st r i but i on, 20x20 gr i d, i deal connect i vi t y t o ( 8) nei ghbor s) 68


GROUP BY expr – expr is an expression over one or more attributes » Evaluation of expr yields a group number » Each reading is a member of exactly one group Example: SELECT max(light) FROM sensors GROUP BY TRUNC(temp/10) 1 2 3 4 Sensor ID 45 27 66 68 Light 25 28 Temp 34 37 2 2 3 3 Group Result: Group 2 3 max(light) 45 68 69


• HAVING preds – preds filters out groups that do not satisfy predicate – versus WHERE, which filters out tuples that do not satisfy predicate – Example: SELECT max(temp) FROM sensors GROUP BY light HAVING max(temp) < 100 Yields all groups with temperature under 100 70

• •

Group Eviction

Problem: Number of groups in any one iteration may exceed available storage on sensor Solution: Evict!

– Choose one or more groups to forward up tree – Rely on nodes further up tree, or root, to recombine groups properly – What policy to choose?

» » Intuitively: least popular group, since don’t want to evict a group that will receive more values this epoch.

Experiments suggest: • Policy matters very little • Evicting as many groups as will fit into a single message is good 71

Experiment: Basic TAG

100000 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0

Bytes / Epoch vs. Network Diameter

10 20 30 40

Network Diameter

50 COUNT MAX AVERAGE MEDIAN EXTERNAL DISTINCT Dense Packing, Ideal Communication 72

Experiment: Hypothesis Testing


Messages/ Epoch vs. Network Diameter

2500 2000 1500 1000 500 No Guess Guess = 50 Guess = 90 Snooping 0 10 20 30 40

Network Diameter

50 Uniform Value Distribution, Dense Packing, Ideal Communication 73

Experiment: Effects of Loss


1 0.5

0 3.5

3 2.5


Percent Error From Single Loss vs. Network Diameter

10 20 30

Network Diameter


Experiment: Benefit of Cache

Percentage of Network Involved vs. Network Diameter




0 1.2

1 0.8

10 20 30

Network Diameter

40 50 No Cache 5 Rounds Cache 9 Rounds Cache 15 Rounds Cache 75

Pipelined Aggregates

• • • After query propagates, during each epoch: – Each sensor samples local sensors once – Combines them with PSRs from children – Outputs PSR representing aggregate state in the previous epoch.

After (d-1) epochs, PSR for the whole tree output at root – d = Depth of the routing tree – If desired, partial state from top k levels could be output in k th epoch Value from 2 produced at time To avoid combining PSRs from different epochs, sensors must cache values from children arrives at 1 at time (t+1) 2 4 1 5 3 Value from 5 produced at time t arrives at 1 at time (t+3) 76

SI D Epoch Agg.

Pipelining Example

1 SID Epoch Agg.

5 3 2 4 SID Epoch Agg.


Pipelining Example

SI D 2 4 Epoch Agg.

0 0 1 1 1 SI D 1 Epoch Agg.

0 1 <5,0,1> 5 3 2 <4,0,1> 4 SID Epoch Agg.

3 5 0 0 1 1 Epoch 0 78

Pipelining Example

SID Epoch 2 0 4 2 0 1 4 3 1 0 1 1 Agg.

1 1 2 <3,0,2> <5,1,1> 5 <2,0,2> 1 3 SI D 1 1 2 Epoch Agg.

0 1 0 2 <4,1,1> 4 SID Epoch 3 0 5 3 5 0 1 1 1 1 1 Agg.

1 1 1 2 Epoch 1 79

Pipelining Example

3 2 4 3 SID Epoch Agg.

2 0 1 4 2 4 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 <1,0,3> 1 <2,0,4> 2 <3,1,2> 3 <5,2,1> 5 1 2 1 SI D 1 Epoch Agg.

5 3 5 SID 3 5 3 4 1 2 2 Epoch 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 Agg.

1 1 1 2 1 4 Epoch 2 80

Pipelining Example

SID 2 4 3 2 4 2 4 3 1 0 2 2 1 Epoc h 0 0 1 Agg.

1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 <3,2,2> <5,3,1> 5 <1,0,5> 1 <2,1,4> 3 2 SID Epoch 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 2 0 <4,3,1> 5 3 5 SID 3 5 3 4 1 2 2 Epoch 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Agg.

1 Agg.

1 1 2 1 4 Epoch 3 81

Pipelining Example

<1,1,5> 1 <2,2,4> 2 <3,3,2> 3 <5,4,1> 5 <4,4,1> 4 Epoch 4 82

Our Stream Semantics

• • • • • • One stream, ‘sensors’ We control data rates Joins between that stream and buffers are allowed Joins are always landmark, forward in time, one tuple at a time – Result of queries over ‘sensors’ either a single tuple (at time of query) or a stream Easy to interface to more sophisticated systems Temporal aggregates enable fancy window operations 83

Formal Spec.

ON EVENT [ ... WITHIN ] [ SELECT FROM {|agg()|temporalagg()} [sensors | | events]] [ WHERE {}] [ GROUP BY {}] [ HAVING [ ACTION {}] [ [ WHERE ] | BUFFER SIGNAL ( SELECT ({}) | ... ) [ [ SAMPLE PERIOD INTO BUFFER ]]] [ FOR ] [ INTERPOLATE ] [ COMBINE {temporal_agg()}] | ONCE ]


Buffer Commands