OhioLINK CIRM - Ohio State University

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Transcript OhioLINK CIRM - Ohio State University

ERM Core Working Group
• Began meeting in June of 2006
• Rebekah Kilzer, Penny Pearson, Celeste
Feather, Lynda Hartel
• Goal is to consider issues related to e-resource
record displays and e-resource management,
and the impact on these as additional
capabilities of ERM are implemented
• Desired outcome is to make recommendations
for implementation that will be discussed by
appropriate groups
Progress to Date
• Had four meetings, but schedule was
temporarily suspended in September and
October due to system problems and the move
to Ackerman
• Have gathered enough information and shared
enough knowledge to create scenarios and
examples to use as discussion points (but
haven’t actually created them yet!)
• Have agreed on some preliminary
recommendations that need to be reviewed and
finalized at the end of the group’s work
Next Steps
• Begin to share examples and open
discussion with catalogers and CIPS
representatives as appropriate in order to
help group form final recommendations
• This work will enable the group to fully
understand the implications of various
options and scenarios
Examples of Discussion Topics
• Options for increasing the integration of ERM
records with OPAC records
• Content that should be/needs to be available
through the ERM public interface
• Impact of local ERM implementation on
OhioLINK central catalog
• Placing all URLs for an ejournal title on a single
bib record
• Customizing displays of ERM records
• Options for presenting ejournal coverage data
• Ways of providing remote access
• Appropriate types of records to be attached to eresource bibs
ERM Coverage Loads
(moving from theoretical into practical)
• Based on a file of ejournal titles, ISSNs,
URLs, and beginning and ending dates
• File is generated by Serials Solutions,
loaded into ERM, and contents of file are
dispersed throughout the catalog
• Works by entering links and coverage
dates into holding/checkin records that are
attached to bibs
For example:
Can we make this stop happening and go away?
From ERM coverage load (picture a link here to go directly
to the ejournal, and then picture several links to each of the
locations where portions of this journal exist)
Clicking on this button will cause a separate screen of terms
of use to display
What does this look like behind the scenes?
Reasons to use coverage loads
• Link journal holdings to bib records
automatically, updating them frequently and
ceasing a lot of manual work that is done
• Link journal titles to licenses that govern their
use and display terms of use to users
• Retrieve ejournals and their terms of use
through Create Lists for other groups to use
such as ILL, E-Reserves, and Cop-Ez.
• Combine all links to a journal title on a single bib
• Essential prior to implementation of SUSHI via
Project Proposals
Open Access – Recommendations
on Retention of Intellectual Property
Create an organized program to support
Open Access in our community. Take
specific steps to make the RRIPR a reality.
More Coordinated Book Buying
Update our assumptions and guiding
principles so that we can make more
focused buying decisions for the EJC
and other resources.
Floating Collections and One-Way
Investigate the concepts of floating
collections and one way pcirc – should we
implement and how?
Coordinate Book Buying
Making cooperative collection
development more viable by coordinating
physical and electronic book-buying
across the consortium. Specifics will be
affected by e-book deals that provide a
broad guaranteed electronic availability
before print copies are considered.
Digitization Projects
Create and coordinate digitization projects
and collections from our campus
Records and Public Display of Serial Sets
That Are Format Hybrids
(Tangible and Intangible)