WMD Roundtable briefing

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Security Council Resolution 1540
and Personnel Reliability Measures
Dana Perkins, PhD
1540 Committee Expert
Unless otherwise specified, the opinions presented here are those of the presenter and may not necessarily
reflect the views of the 1540 Committee, its Group of Experts, or the UN Security Council
Biological Threats
The dual-use nature of biotechnology impedes
situational awareness
“Traditionally, there are also connections between
state weapons programs and terrorist capabilities, and
the possibility of non-state actors acquiring weapons
from a state cannot be ruled out…”- UNICRI, Security
Implications of Synthetic Biology and
Nanobiotechnology, 2012
Advances in science and technology may facilitate the
development of effective bioweapons and further
complicate existing non-proliferation and export control
efforts intended to constrain access to, and proliferation
of, dangerous pathogens and relevant dual-use
International nonproliferation, arms control conventions, and threat reduction
initiatives serve as the principal means to prevent illicit trafficking of biological
materials and technologies
Biological Threats:
Where is “The Perfect Storm”?
(CDC photo)
NGOs Industry
Professional Associations
Australia Group
Scientific Organizations
… and others
human factor is a key element in any effective non-proliferation
policy. Scientists…play an important role in this respect, for example
in working together on projects that advance international, regional,
or bilateral non-proliferation objectives”
Resolution 1540 (2004):
Binding Obligations on All States
and Synergy with International Regimes
Resolution 1540 (2004) imposes binding obligations on all States to adopt
legislation to prevent the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological
weapons, and their means of delivery, and establish appropriate domestic
controls over related materials to prevent their illicit trafficking by nonState actors.
“ … calls upon States to renew and fulfill their commitment to multilateral
cooperation, in particular within the framework of the International Atomic
Energy Agency, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and
the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, as important means of
pursuing and achieving their common objectives in the area of
non-proliferation and of promoting international cooperation for peaceful
purposes ”, UN Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004), http://www.un.org/sc/1540
Security Council Meets on Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction UN Photo / Eskinder Debebe, 28 April 2004
Resolution 1540 (2004) - Highlights
 National legislation on prohibitions (OP.1 & 2)
 Domestic controls and enforcement (OP. 3a & 3b)
Accounting for, securing, physical protection
Border controls
Export and trans-shipment controls
 Assistance (OP. 7)
 Promotion & implementation of multilateral
treaties (OP. 8)
 Promotion of dialogue & cooperation (OP. 9 & 10)
 Reporting (OP. 4)
OP = Operative Paragraph of Resolution 1540 (2004)
The 1540 Committee
 The Committee established pursuant to OP. 4 of res. 1540 (2004) is known as
the 1540 Committee
 The 1540 Committee is a subsidiary body of the Security Council
 Chair: ROK; Vice-Chairs: Azerbaijan, Luxembourg, & UK; Members: Argentina,
Azerbaijan, Australia, China, France, Guatemala, Luxembourg, Morocco,
Pakistan, ROK, Russia, Rwanda, Togo, UK, & US
 The current Group of Experts was established per resolutions 1977 (2011)
and 2055 (2012) “to assist the Committee in carrying out its mandate…”
The 54th formal meeting of the 1540 Committee,
20 February 2013
Ambassador Kim Sook
1540 Committee Chairman
The 1540 Committee and its Experts
• Receive and examine reports • Tools:
o National matrices
to monitor
• Promote greater awareness
of resolution 1540, including
by outreach and
dialogue with Member
• Facilitate capacity
building and
assistance by providing a
“clearing house” function
o Template for assistance
o 1540 Committee website
• Ways and Means:
o Cooperation with other
o Outreach events
o Visits to States at their invitation
The 1540 Matrix
Information is primarily from national reports and complemented by official
government information, including that from intergovernmental organizations
The matrix template has 382 “fields” covering national activities related to the 1540
operative paragraphs
The national matrices are prepared and used by the 1540 Committee but national
authorities may also utilize the template to identify gaps and areas for improvement
National matrices are used as a reference tool for facilitating technical assistance
and the Committee’s constructive dialogue with States on their implementation of
resolution 1540 (2004)
Definitions for the purpose of
resolution 1540 (2004)
• Means of delivery: missiles, rockets and other unmanned
systems capable of delivering nuclear, chemical, or biological
weapons, that are specially designed for such use
• Non-State actor: individual or entity, not acting under the
lawful authority of any State in conducting activities which
come within the scope of this resolution
• Related materials: materials, equipment and technology
covered by relevant multilateral treaties & arrangements,
or included on national control lists, which could be used
for the design, development, production or use of nuclear,
chemical and biological weapons and their means of delivery
Resolution 1540 (2004) and
national control lists
“[ The Security Council ] acting
under Chapter VII of the Charter of
the United Nations:
… 6. Recognizes the utility in
implementing this resolution of
effective national control lists and
calls upon all Member States, when
necessary, to pursue at the earliest
opportunity the development of
such lists…” - UN Security Council
Resolution 1540 (2004), http://www.un.org/sc/1540
Biological agents under the BWC and
resolution 1540 (2004)
• Almost any disease-causing organism (such as bacteria,
viruses, fungi, prions or rickettsiae) or toxin (poisons derived from animals,
plants or microorganisms, or similar substances synthetically produced) can
be used in biological weapons” - Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) –
• As implied in Article I of the BWC, which forbids states parties
to develop, produce, stockpile, or otherwise acquire or retain
“microbial or other biological agents, or toxins whatever their origin or
method of production, of types and in purposes”, the
applies to biological agents and toxins that are
synthetically produced or modified
• Similarly, such biological agents and toxins fall under the definition of
materials” for the purpose of resolution 1540
Domestic control of BW-related materials & means of delivery
(resolution 1540, Operative Paragraphs 3 a & b)*
• Measures to account for / secure
production, use, storage, & transport
• Mentally alert, stable,
trustworthy, physically
competent, free of unstable
Licensing/registration of facilities /
medical conditions
people handling biological materials
• Dependable, responsible,
perform in approved manner
Reliability check of personnel
• Flexibility in adjusting to
Measures to account for / secure /
changes in working environment
physically protect means of delivery • Good social adjustment
• Sound judgment in adverse or
Genetic engineering regulations
emergency situations
Other legislation / regulations related • Physical ability to perform
required duties
to safety and security of biological
• Positive attitude towards the
reliability program
* 1540 matrix fields
• Regulations for physical protection
of facilities / materials / transports
Example of personnel reliability
qualifying criteria (USA, BPRP)
Example of training requirements for
chemical and biological reliability programs
Select Data Analysis of
1540 Committee-approved Matrices
* 2010 data
Select Entries from the
1540 Committee-approved Matrices
Assistance and Capacity-Building
The Security Council recognizes that
some States may require assistance
in implementing resolution 1540, and
invites those in a position to do so to
offer assistance as appropriate in
response to specific requests to the
States lacking the legal and regulatory
infrastructure, implementation
experience and / or resources
The Security Council encourages
States that have requests for
assistance to convey them to the
1540 Committee
Requests for Assistance (RFAs)
All RFAs correspondence should be sent to:
H.E. Ambassador KIM Sook, Chairman of 1540 Committee
Secretariat of the 1540 Committee
730 Third Avenue, TB-08040E
United Nations, New York, NY 10017
Fax: 212-963-1300, Email: [email protected]
“Governments alone cannot confront the
risks posed by biological weapons ... to
manage the full spectrum of biological
risks, you need a cohesive, coordinated
network of activities and resources. Such
a network will help to ensure that
biological science and technology can be
safely and securely developed for the
benefit of all.”
- Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General, 2008
Contact information for
questions or comments:
Dana Perkins, PhD
1540 Committee Expert
United Nations
300 East 42nd St., Suite IN-03074H
New York, NY 10017
Tel: +1 (917) 367 6023 (office)
E-mail: [email protected]
Collective e-mail: [email protected]