Transcript Slide 1

Lowering Workers Compensation Costs
Improving Return to Work Rates
Marilyn Neuhausel MS, OTR/L, TWD
Occupational Therapy Solutions, LLC
May 15, 2012
The Presentation Objective
For you to leave with 2-3
concrete ideas that will
improve your return to
work rates after an injury
has occurred.
The Financial Impact of Work
Related Injuries
The Average Medical Cost
Per Lost-Time Claim
2012 Lost Time injuries
BWC sets $45,000 in
reserves for each case
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
1st Year
3rd Year
5th Year
Lost Time
Average Costs
Total Cost
Based on Private & Public Employer Claims in Open MIRA II Status
Rotator Cuff Tear
1st Year
3rd Year
5th Year
Lost Time
Average Costs
$ 15,097.70
Total Cost
Based on Private & Public Employer Claims in Open MIRA II Status
Degenerative Thoracic or Lumbar
Intervertebral Disc Disorder
1st Year
Lost Time
Average Costs
Total Cost
$ 12,467.20
3rd Year
5th Year
$ 30,395.69
$ 8,658.43
$ 81,395.18
Based on Private & Public Employer Claims in Open MIRA II Status
The injured worker must be
100% recovered before returning
to work
The Old School Approach:
Role of the Physician
The POR controls the length of time off
work and the duration & the types of
The Old School Approach :
Impact on the Injured Worker
Their isolation from work affects the
injured worker’s attitude, their physical
condition, and their motivation for return
to work
Influences on Return to Work Rates
Physicians of Record
Rehab Specialists
Your MCO
The Ohio Legislature
Return to
Company Culture
The Supervisors
The Union
General Manager
Destination Excellence:
What Employers Will See From BWC
o Less
red tape
o More consultative assistance
o The injured worker is back to
work sooner
o Increased accountability
BWC’s Destination Excellence
Focus on Injured Workers
o Decrease
in lost workdays
o Decrease
in average claim costs
o Shorten
o Reduce
the claim tails
Permanent Total Disability
Transitional Work Bonus Program
Rewards companies that use their TWP
(developed between 2001 and 2006) or plan to
implement one in 2012. Previous grant recipients
must show proof of the transitional work
program use/updates
Back end bonus up to 10% off premiums
Must be current on premiums and no lapse >45
Private employers must have submitted the
bonus application by May 25 , 2012
Public employers must submit the bonus
application by October 31, 2012
Transitional Work Program Definition
A workplace program that
provides an individualized
interim step in the recovery of
an injured worker with job
 The
employer: Direct
involvement in work return
 The
injured worker: At work
while performing real job tasks
What if your Current Transitional
Work Program is not Effective?
•Submit the application and have the
BWC representative determine what
needs to change to improve the
•Confer with your MCO to ensure that
all cases are managed well
Transitional Work Program:
The Components
The Written Policy
 Entry, Exit and Extension
 The Timeframe: 45, 60, 90 days
 Roles and Responsibilities
 The Essential Forms
 Methods of evaluation
The Job Analyses
Material handling
Non-material handling
Positional requirements
Environmental Exposures
List of Modified Duty Tasks
◦ Involve the Supervisors
◦ Refer to the job analyses
◦ Sort the tasks according to physical demands
◦ Get the union’s buy-in
Build your RTW Team
The Union Rep
Initial Treating
Field Case Manager
Clinic Based
Managed Care
Case Specialist
The Supervisors
Surgeons & Physiatrists
of Record
Onsite TW Therapist
Return to Work Services:
Enhancing your T W Program
Modified Duty Off-Site Program
Have your MCO arrange to use a non-profit
organization for an injured worker who is
medically stable, but has restrictions that cannot
be accommodated
Usually lasts 90 days or less.
The injured worker is productive, maintains
their “worker mentality”, and they heal more
Combining Modified Duty
Off-Site & Transitional Work
Progress from MDOS to TW as restrictions
are lifted
Divide the shift between TW & MDOS when
you don’t have enough work for a full day or
when POR has set a GRTW program
Move the IW from TW to MDOS if there is a
set back or there is not enough work
Onsite Transitional Work Therapy
Use the job tasks to improve function
Address the Barriers
Must Show Progress
6-8 weeks in Duration
Teach body mechanics and safe work methods
Ergonomic Assessments
Reasonable Accommodations
Fitness for Duty
Functional Capacity Evaluations
Assesses the
injured worker’s
ability to perform
the job tasks
Onsite at the Company or Offsite
Internet Resources
Job Accommodation Network
BWC Safety and Hygiene Department
What if Return to the Same Job at the Same
Company is Not Feasible?
Vocational Rehabilitation Options
Same Company/Different Job
Different Company/Same Type of Work
Different Company/Different Type of Work
In Conclusion
By using your transitional work
program and RTW rehab services, you
will decrease costs and significantly
improve return to work rates
Your Questions
Difficult Cases??
Thank You
Marilyn Neuhausel, MS, OTR/L, TWD
Occupational Therapy Solutions, LLC
Cell Phone : 419-366-6391
E-mail: [email protected]