Energetic Particles in Space: its role in Space Weather

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Energetic Particles in Space:
its role in Space Weather Studies.
Karel Kudela
IEP SAS Košice, Slovakia
ECRS 2012, Moscow July 5, 2012
1. Relativistic electrons. Magnetospheric transmissivity.
2. Using network(s) of NMs MTs and other instruments for
alerts of space weather events.
2.1.Radiation storms.
2.2. Geoeffective events.
2.3. CR fluctuations.
3. Quasi-periodic variations observed in CR: information for
space-weather related effects in vicinity of Earth.
4. Summary.
Reviews and comprehensive analysis on relations between energetic particles
in space and Space Weather research, e.g. :
(Flückiger ECRS, 2004; Storini ECRS 2006 and 2010; Mavromichalaki et
al, 2006; Kudela et al, 2000; 2009; Singh et al., 2010) – cosmic rays
(Panasyuk, 2001; 2004) – mainly magnetospheric populations
(Miroshnichenko, 2003) – radiation hazard in space
(Scherer et al., 2005; Bothmer and Daglis, 2007)) – SpW effects and
physics behind
Models and Standards in several countries (e.g. by WG4 (Space Environment) of
ISO/TC20/SC14 related to space radiation and space weather (info by
Kalegaev)); ESA standards as Space Engineering - Space Environment
(http://www.ecss.nl (info by Rodgers)); ISO 15390 Space environment (natural
and artificial) Models of GCR; ISO 15856 Space environment (natural and
artificial) Simulation guidelines for radiation exposure of non-metallic materials;
ISO 22009 Space environment (natural and artificial) Model of Earth's
magnetospheric magnetic field. Models are presented at e.g.
http://smdc.sinp.msu.ru/index.py . Others in preparation.
Here only selected recent results mentioned. Relations to health not included here.
Relativistic electrons.
Electrons due to their penetration
ability into materials (cables, inner
spacecraft system) are dangerous
for satellites. Deep dielectric
From (Baker et al., 1998 )
Also SEU (SAA, high lat.)
Nighttime injection of e to
magnetosphere during storms
correlate with satellite errors.
(Belov et al, 2004, Dorman et al, 2005, Iucci et al., 2006) in extensive
statistical studies of satellite anomalies (220 satellites) found characteristics for
quiet and dangerous days anomalies indicating clear difference also in
energetic electron fluence.
From (Belov et al., 2004)
Fig. 11 of (Lazutin, 2012, 2011).
CF ~ 500 km
S1 ~ 1000 km
At L = 3.5 over BMA by SERVIS-1
(S1) and CORONAS-F (CF).
Dst – lower panel
Also (Hasebe et al., 2008)
essential part of the RB dynamics
during magnetic storms may be
explained by the change of the
magnetic field configuration and
the adiabatic effects. Along with
non-adiabatic radial diffusion it
results in the radial displacement
of the outer RB rather than the
large losses or total
disappearance of the outer RB.
Input for models e
(Kovtyukh, 2012) using CORONAS-F data, during 22 strong storms:
maximum of a new belt of relativistic electrons (0.6–1.5 MeV) at low
altitudes (~500 km) is located on average at lesser L as compared to
similar measurements near the geomagnetic equator plane.
Geomagnetic field can substantially deviate from dipole configuration not
only at the geomagnetic trap periphery, but at its core as well (at L ~ 2.5–
3.5), and these deviations are nonlinear. Simultaneous measurements of the
fluxes of relativistic electrons at low and high altitudes can serve for estimation
of the real shape of magnetic field lines at L < 4 during geomagnetic
The new belt of relativistic electrons begins its formation on the outer
edge of the ring current in the very beginning of the recovery phase of
storms, and that the new storm belt of relativistic electrons is a result of
pumping the energy of a decaying ring current through electromagnetic waves
to electrons.
Also SCR boundary of penetration can be used for testing the geomagnetic
field model validity (Lazutin et al., 2012).
2001, FD,
Increase of
by >2
after the
FD, no
(Reeves et al., 2011) by extensive analysis confirmed that the
geosynchronous relativistic e flux (1.8-3.5 MeV) is best correlated with the
solar wind velocity measured 2 days earlier. However, the dependence is
not linear, high fluxes are observed for various sw velocities (triangle
Cross-correlation of energetic e flux at low orbit (low equatorial pitch angles) vs
sw speed, Kp etc using SERVIS-1 data (>0.3 MeV).
Preliminary example ( L=4, 448 points in years 2002-2004, 0.3-1.7 MeV):
(Balikhin et al.2011), stressed importance of high speed, low density solar
wind for e flux.
Themis A, preliminary, 2007-2009, L=6.6, narrow interval of B, no dep. on B.
Vsw and nsw one day before.
(Antonova et al., 2011, Riazantseva et al., 2012) indicate that also the auroral oval
can be considered as a region of intense acceleration of energetic electrons - for
the analysis of processes leading to the filling of the outer radiation belt and appearance
of “killer-electrons”. At high lat’s there are regions with trapping-like structure.
Needs to be included in new models of electron flux. Electrons are present there even
during quiet-time periods.
No e flux on ACE
19-21.11. 2009
Dst > -9 nT
for 19-21.11.
Relativ. electrons (0.2 – 1 MeV) - CORONAS-Photon, south.(Riazantseva et al., 2012).
Multiple observations (3 subsequent orbits) of e poleward from from outer belt boundary
– long duration of e enhancement.
1.2. Magnetospheric transmissivity.
Strong changes in geomagnetic cut-offs
during strong storms have been reported
previously (e.g. Tyasto et al., 2009). The
predicted cut-offs and
directions are different for different
geomagnetic field models with external
current sources (e.g. Kudela et al., 2008).
Cut-offs are related to IMF, Dst and to
solar wind parameters (Tyasto et al.,
At high latitudes the cut-offs are
decreasing. The depressions is close or
below the atmospheric threshold. The
changes of cut-offs have to be taken into
account in using the global spectrographic
global survey method. Assuming both IP
anisotropy and change of cut-offs
leads to estimate of rather high
anisotropy for one event
(Sdobnov, 2011).
Although the cut-offs at Oulu, Apatity
decrease also, the effect of improved
transmissivity is not seen due to
changes below the atmospheric cutoffs. At Almaty and Lomnický štít it is
clearly seen.
In addition to MAGNETOCOSMIC
(U. Bern) a calculator-like tool for
cut-offs, asymptotic directions with
Tsyganenko’96 model has been
developed (INFN Milano and IEP
SAS Kosice).
www.geomagsphere.org (web model,
mail model – different in rigidity
step). Position, time. Structure of
allowed, forbidden trajectories, open
Interactive paraboloid
aboloid/index (Alexeev et al., 2001).
2. Using network(s) of NMs, other instruments for alerts of SpW.
2.1. Geoeffective events.
NMs - precursors before arrival of IP shock to Earth and before the onset of
FD (Dorman, 1963).
Evolutions of Dst and FD are very different (e.g. Kane, 2010; Kudela and
Brenkus, 2004).
High v, lpar – info about precursory A related to IMF inhomogenity transmitted fast to remote sites: deficit of CR observed up to distance
~0.1 . lpar . cos(F), F - cone angle of IMF(Ruffolo, 1999).
Precursors to FD: proposed in the frame of PA transport near oblique, planeparallel shock. Range in power-law index of IMF turbulence, l, decay length for
primary energies to which NM and muon detectors (MD) are sensitive, the loss
cone precursors should be observed by NM ~4 hr prior to shock arrival,
by MD ~15 hr prior to shock arrival (Leerungnavarat et al, 2003).
a. Case studies.
Precursor to FD 14.12.06.
Subtracting diurnal anisotropy by
the GMDN – clear signatures of
the precursor. (Fushishita et al.,
2009; Ap.J., 2010 )
1- before storm, quiet ~ isotropy
2 - excess 30-90o – CR reflected
by IP shock approaching the Earth
3 - LC precursor, deficit at PA ~ 0o
4 – weak LC signature a day
before (~7 hrs after CME release
from the Sun, IP shock ~0.4 AU).
http://nmdb.eu European project , Steigies, U. Kiel (http://nmdb.eu)
coordinating - recently joined other NMs (US, S. African and others).
From (Mavromichalaki et al., 2011). Many NMs used. Example of
anisotropy evolution before the SSC. After reduction of isotropy part. Black,
grey - decreases, increases, size of circles - amplitude of changes with
respect to base values before the event.
b. Statistical studies.
Precursory appearance probability by GMDN before the geomagnetic storms
of various intensity (2001-2007). NP – without precursor; EV, enhanced
variance; LC, loss cone precursors. From (Rockenbach et al., 2011).
Superstorms <-250 nT, IS (-250, -100) nT; MS (-100, -50) nT. Limitations.
Percentage of the events accompanied by the precursors prior to the Sudden
Storm Commencement (SSC) increases with |Dst|.
Accompanied by CR precursor in average by ~7.2 hrs in advance of the SSC.
EV, LC – types of anisotropy.
(Papailiou et al., 2012a) analyzed FDs in 1967 – 2006 with anisotropy
Axy > 1.2% (93 events).
27 different FDs, out of 93, were chosen based on their common behavior in
the asymptotic longitudinal CR distribution diagrams.
Three groups are recognized:
1. pre-decrease in the longitudinal zone 90° – 180° noticed almost 24 h before
the shock arrival (5)
2. pre-increase in the longitudes around and above 180° and lasts almost 12
hours until the FD (14)
3. pre-decrease in different longitudes and of different duration observed (8).
The increase in the first harmonic of CR anisotropy before the shock
arrival is a good tool in searching for predictors of FDs and magnetic
storms and can also serve as one of the indices that characterize the
occurrence of precursors.
Group 1 is analyzed in detail by (Papailiou et al., 2012b). A long pre-decrease
up to 24 hours before the shock arrival in a narrow longitudinal zone 90° to
180° is found.
c. fluctuations.
Short term fluctuations ( T <1 h) – first studied (Dhanju, Sarabhai, 1967).
Significant changes in the spectra of rapid fluctuations are often observed
about a day before and during large-scale IMF disturbances (e.g. Kozlov et
al., 1973; Dorman and Libin, 1985; Kudela et al., 1996; Starodubtsev et al.,
2004, 2006).
(Kudela and Storini, 2005) - a different distribution of the CR indices for 24 h
before the sharp Dst decreases in comparison with that for geomagnetically
quiet periods. Better relation of Dst to “prehistory” of CR fluctuations than to
the actual fluctuations.
(Kozlov and Kozlov, 2011) introduced CR fluctuation parameter - indicator of the
IMF inhomogeneity degree in the vicinity of shocks. Important for a medium-term
prediction of geoeffective 11-year cycle periods with a lead time of ~1 solar
rotation and for an online prediction of shocks - lead time of ~1 day.
From (Kozlov and Kozlov, 2011, fig.10): Sep. 5 – Nov. 10, 2003.
Fluct. par. GCR (right), GCR (left) – illustration of the prediction ability
Fluctuations can be studied with higher
In addition to NM and MT (ground)
measurements the informations
from satellite detectors with large
geometric factors are important for
checking the fine structure of CR
fluctuations before, during and after
geomagnetic storms (and/or FD).
Such possibility gives e.g.
INTEGRAL measurements.
Copied from (Mulligan et al., 2009).
Due to high statistics ( more than 1
order higher than NMs at
mountains, direct measurements)
the authors revealed fine structure
of CR within a 3-day interval from
19.8. to 21.8. 2006 - many intensity
variations in the GCR on a variety of
time scales and amplitudes.
In NM forecasts to utilize such type
of sat. meas.
Pierre Auger project – part. The full SD array was completed in 2008, with a
collecting area of more than 16 000m2 and a scaler counting rate 2 × 108
counts.min−1. (Dasso et al., 2012).
If 1 min data available, s ~ 7 . 10-5, by 2 orders better than the count rate by NMs ,
Fine structure: at ~ 1 s if available, possible studies (s ~ 6 . 10-4 )
Relatively recently started
measurements which may help in
future in Space weather studies by
CR (only selected mentioned)
Muon measurement in Greifswald, Germany
(Hippler et al., 2008) MUSTANG
(Mishev and Stamenov, 2008,
Angelov et al., 2008) Moussala,
SEVAN (Chilingarian et al., 2009)
CARPET – (De Mendonca et al., 2011)
CaLMa – Spain NM 2012 (Medina et al, 2012)
KACST muon detector (Maghrabi et al., 2011)
and others…
2.2. Radiation storms.
Ions - several tens to hundreds of MeV - most important for the radiation
hazard effects during solar radiation storms with electronic element failures on
satellites, communication and biological consequences.
Before their massive arrival, NM, if good temporal resolution and network by
many stations is in real time operation, can provide useful alerts several
minutes to tens minutes in advance (Dorman, 2005).
Probabilistic models of SEP fluxes (e.g. Tylka et al., 1997; Nymmik, 2007)
SEP and NM network(s), solar n, gamma, electrons.
a. NM at a single site (high latitude, good statistics) allows to obtain real
time energy spectrum of SEP: South Pole combination of NM64 and that
lacking usual lead shielding (Bieber, 2006). January 20, 2005 event.
(S. Y. Oh et al., 2009) checked the potential of South Pole NM data for
prediction of radiation storm intensity measured by GOES. The energy
spectrum was estimated. (S.Y. Oh et al., 2010): 31 SPEs associated with
GLEs. Fluences and peak intensities of SPEs have good correlation with
% increases in GLEs, best at channels > 350 MeV).
For > 350 MeV the threshold values for GOES fluence and peak
intensity are found: most SPEs above threshold are associated with
GLEs, almost none below the thresholds.
b. Network of high latitude stations.
Ground level enhancement real-time alarm based on 8 high latitude NMs
including those at high mountain is described by (Kuwabara et al, 2006).
Three level alarm system. Out of 10 GLEs in 2001-2005 archived data the
system produced 9 correct alarms. GLE system gives earlier warning than
satellite (SEC/NOAA) alert.
From Kuwabara et al, 2006
c. Including NM at various cut-offs.
Several steps of GLE alert algorithm using NM network described by
Mavromichalaki et al., 2009. NMDB project of 7FP EU (http://nmdb.eu).
Anashin et al, 2009 – development of alert signal for GLEs.
GLE 71. (Klein, Bütikofer, 2012, at http://www.nmdb.eu/?q=node/480 ). May 17, first
in 24th solar cycle.
Highest signal at South Pole, both detectors, not observed > 3 GV cut-off
Report from the Athens group distributed (Mavromichalaki et al.):
The operational real-time Alert Code of the Athens Neutron Monitor via NMDB
issued an Alert signal at 17.05.2012 at 02:13 UT 39 min in advance from GOES !
(Apatity, Oulu, FSMT)
NOAA issued an ALERT based on the recordings of the proton channel at 100
MeV when exceeding 1 pfu. This ALERT was issued for the event under
investigation at 17.05.2012 at 02:52 UT.
Ack. for ACE e
data, R. Gold, PI
d. Energetic electron alert.
Posner, 2007 demonstrates the
important possibility of short-term
forecasting of the appearance and
intensity of solar ion events by
means of relativistic electrons
measured on satellites.
Selected results at:
Even for fastest-rising major
proton event on record (Jan. 20,
2005), the electron precursor
signal was detected 20-25 minutes
in advance.
Relativistic Electron Alert System for Exploration (REleASE)
Available at http://costep2.nascom.nasa.gov/ (Posner, 2007)
And as a part of integrated Space Weather Analysis System
http://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov , under Heliosphere
(Nuňez, 2011) , using X rays and higher energy p to forecast E>10 MeV SEP p
e. High energy n, gamma from the Sun.
On the ground:
Solar Neutron Alert: http://cr0.izmiran.ru/SolarNeutronMonitoring
Low altitude satellite(s). Example: CORONAS-F (500 km, polar), SONG.
20 January 2005
06:44:40-06:45:40 UT
06:46:40-06:47:40 UT
s MeV
06:49:40-06:50:40 UT
The observation of a broad 70-100 MeV
excess, associated with po decay
indicates exact time of energetic p
appearance in the solar atmosphere.
Kuznetsov,S.N. et al., 2006.
E, MeV
Tool for identification of onset time of p
acceleration to HE (Kurt et al., 2010;
Main SCR increase is preceeded by
statist. signif. precursor at individual NM.
f. Short – term warning of SEP based on position, size of flare.
(Laurenza et al., 2009) developed a technique to provide short-term warnings
of SEP events that meet or exceed the Space Weather Prediction Center
threshold of J (>10 MeV) = 10 # cm(-2) s(-1) sr(-1). The method is based on flare
location, size, and evidence of particle acceleration/escape as
parameterized by flare longitude, time-integrated soft X-ray intensity, and
of type III radio emission 1 MHz, respectively. In this technique, warnings are
issued 10 min after the maximum of >= M2 soft X-ray flares.
(Veselovsky and Yakovchuk, 2011) - analysis and comparison to the 2001–
2006 observations indicate that more than 50% of SEP were omitted if only NM
warning is used for forecast. Higher reliability requires using additional data on
the state of solar and heliospheric activity.
(Valach et al., 2011) used the ANN method to forecast SEP using data on X ray
flares (class, position), on radio emissions (type II or IV radio bursts) and on
CME (position angle, width of the CME, linear speed). The output was the
forecasted flux of energetic protons ( > 10MeV).
spectra of
GLEs e.g.
et al., 2011;
Adriani et
al., 2012)
Data downloaded from site prepared by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA,
Space Weather Prediction Center
3. quasi-periodic variations observed in cosmic rays : information for
space-weather related effects in the neighborhood of Earth.
Power spectra of Oulu and Kiel NMs constructed from daily means of pressurecorrected data for the period from day 92 of year 1964 until the end of year 2008
~1.7 years.
In CR reported first by (Valdes-Galicia et al., 1996), analyzed by WV (Kudela et al,
2002), found in outer heliosphere Voyager (Kato et al., 2003). Using NM data Calgary
and Deep River (Kudela et al., 1991) indicated that a 20m peak occurs, as well as a
spectrum instability in the neighborhood of periods 6 - 18 m.
(Okhlopkov, 2011) reports that length of the q-2 year periodicity in even and odd
numbered cycles differs by ~2 m. In cycles 20 and 22, T = 22–23.5 m,
in 21 and 23, T = 20.2–20.8 m.
(Mendoza et al., 2006) analyzing solar magnetic fluxes in the period 1971–1998 found
that ~ 1.7 year is the dominant fluctuation for all the types of fluxes analyzed (total,
closed, open, low and high latitude open fluxes) and has a strong tendency to appear
during the descending phase of solar activity.
(Rouillard and Lockwood, 2004) relate a strong 1.68-year oscillation in GCR fluxes to
a corresponding oscillation in the open solar magnetic flux and infer CR propagation
paths confirming the predictions of theories in which drift is important in modulating the
CR flux.
(Charvátová, 2007)
Spectral analysis of surface atmospheric electricity data (42 years of Potential
Gradient, PG at Nagycenk, Hungary) showed also ~1.7 year q-per (Harrison
and Märcz, 2007). ~1.7 year periodicity in the PG data is present 1978 – 1990,
but absent in 1963 – 1977.
~1.7 y
Monthly means of mod. parameter
(Usoskin et al., 2011)
Wavelet Morlet, 1 – 2 years period.
Cross section at ~1.7 y, profile ~ 1986
CLIMAX 1952-2006
~1.7 yr
Normalized Power
Normalized Power
Lomb Periodogram
~2.2 yr
Frequency (d*-1)
2.3 y reported by
(Mavromichalaki et al., 2005)
in coronal index from coronal
stations (Rybanský, 1975).
QBO (Laurenza et al., 2012)
Monthly means of mod. potential
parameter CR (Usoskin et al., 2011)
Wavelet Morlet, 1 – 2 years period.
Cross section at ~1.3 y, profile ~ 1946
(Mursula and Zieger,
2000) found ~1.3-year
variation in solar wind
speed and
geomagnetic activity.
~1.3 y
solar magnetic fields
since 1915 have been
inferred from H-alpha
filament observations by
(Obridko and Shelting,
2007) ~ 1.3 yr q-per
oscillations detected in
the Sun during 8 cycles.
Lomb-Scargle Periodogram of Climax NM indicates several quasi-periodicities
at very low frequency.
CLIMAX 1952-2006
Lomb Periodogram
~11 yr
~14 yr
~8.2 yr
~6.4 yr
~22 yr
~5.5 yr
Normalized Power
Normalized Power
Frequency (d^-1)
q-per below ~11 year reported by different methods from data 1953-1996 by
(Mavromichalaki et al., 2003). Periodicities 11 and 22 y described e.g. by
(Venkatesan and Badruddin, 1990).
Probably fine structure ~ 150-156 d, wavelet analysis needed
CLIMAX 1952-2006
Lomb Periodogram
Normalized Power
~156 d
~150 d
Frequency (d^(-1))
Normalized Power
Detailed studies of ~156 d qper in various time series of
solar activity recently (Akimov
and Belkina, 2012).
(Chowdhury et al., 2010) found several intermediate-term q-per in solar activity
characteristics and in CR. Period 150-160 days was found prominent during
ascending phase of cycle 23 in both galactic CR and solar indices.
Fluences of p, e have different time profiles, 1996-2012/6.
Fluence e > 2 MeV (GOES)
Lomb Periodogram
Fluence p > 100 MeV (GOES)
Lomb Periodogram
162 d
~ 180-190 d
F (d-1)
F (d-1)
Fluence e > 2 MeV (GOES)
Lomb Periodogram
Fluence p > 100 MeV (GOES)
Lomb Periodogram
40 d
~ 27 d
F (d-1)
Q-per in GCR, ssn, coronal index before p arrival from Sun – analyzed for many GLE by
(Perez-Peraza et al., 2011)
Three cycle trend in the CR data discussed by (Ahluwalia, 2011) seems to be
present in the periodogram constructed from data (Usoskin et al, 2011) :
~ 32 years
~ 30 yr q-per in AMO (Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillations) – (Perez-Peraza et al., 2008)
In CR (direct measurements): (Ahluwalia, 1997).
Data from stratospheric CR measurements (Stozhkov et al., 2007; 2011) – monthly
~ 11 y
~34 y
~14.8 y
~27 d
Wavelet, using filter.
Climax data, variable
structure, two peaks, at ~27
and ~30-31 d, similar to Fig.
10 by (Dunzlaff et al., 2008)
Transport models (Gil et al.,
2005) , measurements
(Richardson , 2004).
This method (WSD, Morlet)
provides fine structure.
~27 d CR variation correlates with B, Bz, v, and B(v x B) – (Agarwal et al., 2011).
27D amp Huancayo/Haleakala (1953-2006)
Lomb Periodogram
Normalized Power
Normalized Power
27D amp NAGOYA muons (1971/5-2010/3)
Lomb Periodogram
Normalized Power
F (1/27d)
Normalized Power
(Gil and Alania, 2011; 2012)
reported the 3 – 4 cycling
structure of ~ 27 day q-per
amplitude in NM data.
(Sabbah and Kudela, 2012
in preparation) indicate the
~3 Carrington rotation quasiperiodicity is significant even
at higher energies of
(Modzelewska and Alania, 2011) – 3D model of ~ 27 day CR variations and
indicate this variation of the GCR intensity for different polarity periods of the solar
magnetic cycle are compatible with the NM data.
Checking linear cor. To IMF, solar activity, tilt angle, Climax.
CHA – derived from green corona line (Rybanský et al., 2001)
~13.5 d.
(Krymsky et al., 2008)
…temporal change of the
power spectrum of 13.5and 27-day variations
spectrum change of the
number of sunspots and tilt
angle of the current sheet.
The dependence of 27-day
variation on the polarity of
general magnetic field of
the Sun is not found.
(Vieira et al., 2012) – double structure
of ~ 13.5 d per. at muon detector.
Important for SpW studies is to compare q-per of CR with those of solar, interplanetary
and geomagnetic characteristics. Discriminating between solar and cosmic ray forcing
on the terrestrial climate (Fichtner et al., 2006).
Solar, geomagnetic and IMF parameters recently analyzed by (Katsavrias et al.,
2012) by wavelet and the L/S periodogram identified the ~27 day per. (with ~13.5 days
being its harmonic) in solar wind parameters, in Bx, By, and the geomagnetic indices.
1–1.4 yr range of per. in the geomagnetic indices, IMF, Vsw, T was also identified.
The QBO (1.7–2.2 years), along with its harmonics of ~4 and 8 years, in all solar wind
parameters, apart from IMF, and in geomagnetic indices, are reported.
In cycle 22 the periodicities were more clearly defined than in the rest of the
observation period, with well pronounced spectral peaks.
Mid-term q-per (range 1-2 years) in sunspot groups and flare index has shown
differences in the solar hemispheres (Mendoza and Velasco-Herrera 2011).
Recently (Vecchio et al., 2012) - detail analysis of different components of
heliomagnetic field for 1976-2003. QBO are also identified as a fundamental timescale
of variability of the magnetic field and associated with poleward magnetic flux
migration from low lat. around the maximum and descending phase of solar cycle.
4. Summary, suggestions for future.
-Relativistic electron variability, its relation to SW “prehistory”, tool for checking
the geomagnetic field models and its variability during active intervals – inputs
for models.
-Magnetospheric transmissivity, its variations during active periods along with
the anisotropy in IP space requires to be utilized simultaneously in analysis of
SpW events.
-Fluctuations of CR – tool for checking IMF inhomogenities. Jointly with high
geometrical factors satellite measurements (INTEGRAL, LISA etc.) and with
high statistical acurracy of Scaler (if better time resolution available).
-Alerts of geoeffective events using NM and GMDN network: case and
statistical studies. New measurement devices, importance of joint study with
solar physicists.
-Alerts of SEP events: existing systems on satellites – need for joining effort
with NM high temporal resolution, progress in networking, real time alerts.
-q-periodic variations in CR time profiles: 3 solar cycle periodicity both in
stratospheric and mod. parameter long time data; empirical dependence of
(averaged) ~27 d q-per on solar and IP activity parameters; ~3 cycle periodicity
(~27d) present in CR to high energies; fine structure of q-periodicities;
difference in q-per in daily fluences of relat. e and p.
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