Building a research CV - National Medical Research Council

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Building a Research CV
Yeoh Khay Guan
Deputy Chief Executive, NUHS
Dean, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
30 September 2014
Building a Research CV
Elements in a Research CV
Who’s looking?
What do they look for ?
Progression and promotion criteria
Building a Research CV
Elements in a Research CV
Training record
Supervision of students & mentorship
International & National recognition & awards
Conference presentations
Building a Research CV
Who’s looking? What do they look for ?
Track Record
Grant reviewers
P&T committees
Reliability &
Building a Research CV
What are they looking for ?
Quality of science
Quality of papers
Ability to secure research funding
Evidence of research independence
Ability to lead research
Ability to form collaborations
Citation Analysis
Research trajectory
Research strategy for the future
Building a Research CV
Progression and Promotion criteria
& Impact”
Associate Professor
Leader in research”
Assistant Professor
Achievements, not just activity
• Able to independently lead research
• Able to innovate
• Able to teach
• Convey this in your cv and dossier
Clinician – Scientist Track
Criteria for Appraisal
Research (70%) – basic science, clinical, health services
• Research Output
• Research Funding
• National / International Recognition
• Research Mentorship
Teaching, Clinical and Administrative Duties (30%)
• Teaching of undergraduates and graduate students
• Effectiveness of Teaching from peer and student evaluations
• Sustained and recognised contribution to medical education
• Clinical duties
• Administration and Leadership
Clinician – Scientist Track
Clinician – Scientist Track
Clinician – Scientist Track
Clinician – Scientist Track
Clinician – Scholar Track
• Clinical 60%
Specialist clinical service
Clinical leadership & administration
Clinical Quality, patient safety
National, regional, international recognition
• Teaching: 20%
– Teaching medical students
– Postgraduate specialist teaching
• Research: 20%
– basic investigation of biological processes in health and disease
– clinical investigation, clinical trials
– health service research and/or public health
Clinician – Scholar Track
(abstract of criteria)
Criteria for excellence in research, teaching and administration
(Typical level of performance)
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Clinical Excellence
Service to the institution
Is accredited as specialist
by Specialist Training
Committee whenever
Runs a consultant clinic/
lab/specialist investigative
service with a regular
national referral base
Runs a consultant clinic/
lab/specialist investigative
service with a regular
regional and/or international
referral base
Resource of Clinical
Excellence to the
Participates in
multidisciplinary clinical
Recognized institutional
resource individual for
opinions/second opinions
Specialty representative in
institutional multidisciplinary
team. Leadership in such
team can be considered as
an advantage
Lectures on clinical topics
nationally and/or regionally
Recognized national/
regional resource individual
for opinions/second opinions
within field of specialization
e.g. Tertiary intraspecialty
referral for complicated
Leadership in national/
regional multidisciplinary
team can be considered as
an advantage
Lectures on clinical topics
regionally and/or
Please refer to Table of Criteria for Clinician - Scholar Track (HR 045/05)
Clinician – Scholar Track
(abstract of criteria)
Criteria for excellence in research, teaching and administration
(Typical level of performance)
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Clinical Excellence
Development and
Improvement of clinical
Participation in new
clinical services can be
considered an advantage
Initiates/introduces new
clinical services in institution
Assist in making
improvements to the clinical
service/ environment for
patients and/or staff
Leads the introduction and
development of new clinical
services (first in country/
Made key changes to
improve the clinical
service/environment for
patients and/or staff at the
national/regional level
Leadership in clinical
Can be considered an
Active participation or
leadership role in building or
growing a division/
Leadership role in clinically
relevant positions e.g.
clinical director, division or
departmental chair/ head/
Please refer to Table of Criteria for Clinician - Scholar Track (HR 045/05)
Clinician Scholar vs Clinician-Scientist Track
• Clinical expertise should be recognised regionally and
internationally, “Master clinician”, leader in the field.
• Publications number may be less than scientist track,
should be impactful, international level.
• Indicators: speaker at conferences, memberships of
editorial boards etc.
Sample Comments by Reviewers
“I had no knowledge of Dr X until reading this application.”
“…leads a well-formed programme of research…”
“Dr X’s career is likely to continue its steeply upwards
“…writes well, has a plausible and well-formed plan of attack
for her research…”
“…compare very favourably at our institution with staff at the
rank of…“
“…record of teaching and University service is also impressive”
“I note the consistent high scores she is given by her students
as part of the regular feedback…”
“…good potential for further development as an independent
and renowned academic”
Thank You