Improving on our “Improvement Systems”

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SEOUL digital FORUM 2005
Vadis Ubiquitous:
on Charting
our a New Digital Society”
“Improvement Systems”
May 18~20, 2005
Improving on our
“Improvement Systems”
-- Bootstrapping Capabilities in a
Collaborative Work Environment
Peter P. Yim
<[email protected]>
(v 1.08)
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Changing Times –
so what else is new?
 “The only thing constant is change” … that’s
already a cliché
 The issue: it's not just about "change“ … its
"accelerating change" that we need to cope with
 from …Thomas Kuhn's structure of scientific
revolutions, …to Moore's Law …to Ray Kurzweil's
age of intelligent machines …to ‘the Singularity‘
 couple that with urgency and complexity, and we
might even have a doomsday story to tell
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The Internet has got it right
… but actually, not quite!
 What’s right?
• the technologies, the pool of knowledge and resources
we can amass, the almost universal access, ...
• it's moving us in the right direction
 What’s not?
• guess what is the most popular “search term” on the
web now?
• more importantly: How many of the solutions to those
15 millennium challenges takes center stage on the
Internet now?
 We still aren't coping with the grand challenges!
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Comes Doug …
 Dr. Douglas C. Engelbart -- the inventor, visionary
and humanist
• maybe you don't recognize the name -- but I bet you are
very familiar with his inventions and the work he
 what really matters is that he is an optimist and
pragmatist … and he believes in a normative
 with that, he postulated the “Bootstrap” vision
and mission, as a means to allow us to cope with
complex and urgent problems on a global scale
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Harnessing explosive technology depends, to a new
degree, on the “Capability-Improvement Capability”
- Doug Engelbart, Jan. 2000
(excerpt from the Stanford ‘Unfinished Revolution-II’ Colloquium)
Human System
Tool System
Travel, View
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Capability to Improve
Needs a prominent
and explicit role!
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“Bootstrap” in a Nutshell
 Encompassing powerful concepts like:
Capability Infrastructure
New perspectives on ‘work’ (A-B-C work)
Open Hyperdocument System Framework (OHS)
Dynamic Knowledge Repositories (DKR)
Concurrent Development, Integration & Application of
Knowledge (CoDIAK)
Networked Improvement Communities (NIC & metaNIC)
Exploratory Environments and pilot outposts
Collective Intelligence
Co-evolution of Human and Tool Systems, … and
Improving on improvements
disclaimer: “Bootstrapping” as Doug Engelbart teaches it, actually defies being reduced to sound-bites.
The author is only making a meager attempt to make an introduction here. =ppy
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State of the Future?
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Something to watch out for …
 These are a few things at the intersection
of technology and society that I would
watch out for:
• at the edge: communities of practice, open
standards development, ontological
engineering and the emerging semantic web,
open/free software, …
• at the core: collaboration, co-evolution,
openness*, … and people
 * ‘Open’ as in transparency, open access, open
standards, open technology (like open source software),
open content, open knowledge, …. and ‘open mind’
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Some bellwether activities …
 These are some projects (which the author has first
hand knowledge on) that might give us a peek into
what is forthcoming:
• OASIS - developing open standards through open
• SOFI System - culminating statistics and futures research
methodologies in a participatory platform to ‘measure’ the
• Ontolog Forum - moving ontological engineering and
semantic technologies into the mainstream
• US Federal Enterprise Architecture – an US initiative and
presidential management agenda toward E-Government
• Open Virtual Enterprise(s) in ‘fishnet’ organizations
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Working as Communities of Practice
What are CoP’s anyway?
a group of professionals, informally bound to one another through
exposure to a common class of problems, common pursuit of
solutions, and thereby themselves embodying a store of
knowledge. (--Peter & Trudy Johnson-Lenz)
small groups of people who have worked together over a period of
time. Not a team, not a task force, not necessarily an authorized or
identified group. They are peers in the execution of "real work."
What holds them together is a common sense of purpose and a
real need to know what each other knows. (--John Seely Brown / Xerox PARC)
groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something
they do and who interact regularly to learn how to do it better.
(--Etienne Wenger)
in our case here, it could be groups that work together along lines
of business within the government that are dedicated to the
support of certain business functions
(--Brand Niemann / US eGov Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice)
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Case Examples of Communities on the CIM3.NET
Collaborative Work Environments (CWE’s)
eGov: SINE
Millennium Project
 Protégé
 Digital Art Ontology
 … (more)
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Trend in Web Application
Knowledge medium
Transaction medium
Publishing medium
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for the Advancement
of Structured
Information Standards
OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of
Structured Information Standards) is a not-forprofit, international consortium that drives the
development, convergence, and adoption of ebusiness standards. The consortium produces
more Web services standards than any other
organization along with standards for security, ebusiness, and standardization efforts in the public
sector and for application-specific markets.
Founded in 1993, OASIS has more than 4,000
participants representing over 600 organizations
and individual members in 100 countries.
OASIS is distinguished by its transparent
governance and operating procedures. Members
themselves set the OASIS technical agenda, using
a lightweight process expressly designed to
promote industry consensus and unite disparate
efforts. Completed work is ratified by open ballot.
Governance is accountable and unrestricted.
Officers of both the OASIS Board of Directors
and Technical Advisory Board are chosen by
democratic election to serve two-year terms.
Consortium leadership is based on individual
merit and is not tied to financial contribution,
corporate standing, or special appointment.
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Vision of the Semantic Web
 “The Semantic Web is an extension of the current web
in which information is given well-defined meaning,
better enabling computers and people to work in
cooperation.” [SA2001]
 “The Semantic Web will bring structure to the
meaningful content of Web pages, creating an
environment where software agents roaming from page
to page can readily carry out sophisticated tasks for
users.” [SA2001]
 “The Semantic Web is a vision: the idea of having data
on the web defined and linked in a way, that it can be
used by machines - not just for display purposes, but
for using it in various applications.” [SW]
[SA2001]: T. Berners-Lee, J. Hendler, and O. Lassila. 2001. “The Semantic Web”
In The Scientific American, May, 2001 issue
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an open, international, virtual community of practice working on
the application and adoption of ontological engineering and semantic technologies.
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Big O: Ontology; Little O: ontology
 Philosophy: “a particular system of categories
accounting for a certain vision of the world” or
domain of discourse, a conceptualization (Big O)
 Artificial Intelligence: “an engineering product
consisting of a specific vocabulary used to describe
a part of reality, plus a set of explicit assumptions
regarding the intended meaning of the vocabulary
words”, “a specification of a conceptualization”
(Little O)
 Ontological Engineering: towards a formal, logical
theory, usually ‘concepts’ (i.e., the entities, usually
classes hierarchically structured in a special
subsumption relation), ‘relations’, ‘properties’,
‘values’, ‘constraints’, ‘rules’, ‘instances’
- These definitions are derived from Guarino, 98; Guarino & Giaretta, 95
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The AC/UNU Millennium Project
State of the Future Index (SOFI)
System prototype
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The AC/UNU Millennium Project
– State of the Future Index (SOFI) System
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What can we do with a SOFI System?
Viewing/reading up
Drill-downs and searches on related information
Asking what-if questions by “tweaking” the SOFI parameters, or exercising alternate
Developing new SOFI's
o SOFI’s for different Countries, Regions, Municipalities, … etc. (e.g. a Korea-SOFI,
USA-SOFI, France-SOFI, Russia-SOFI, China-SOFI; or a EU-SOFI, Middle-East SOFI,
Greater-China SOFI, Asia-SOFI, Latin-America SOFI; … etc.)
o SOFIs for different government or industrial sectors (e.g. E-Government SOFI;
Petroleum and Oil industry SOFI; Automotive Industry SOFI; Aerospace industry SOFI;
Science & Technology SOFI; Nanotechnology SOFI; Tertiary Education SOFI; … etc.)
o SOFI for Corporations; individual Organizations; Programs, Initiatives or Product
Lines; …etc.
Collaboration and Collaborative Development
Interaction and accessing data, information and knowledge
o Human-to-machine
o Human-to-human
o Machine-to-machine
Building up the system’s database and knowledgebase
Shared concepts and understanding through ontology development
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US – eGovernment
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CoP’s are just the beginning
 CoP’s allow us to bring the right people
together, and allow these people to
understand, over time, who has the real
expertise, who they can work with, who they
can trust, …etc.
 To do real work, we still need:
 streamlined processes, and
 effective organization
 … the traditional processes and organizations that
work in brick-and-mortar settings may not be
optimal any more.
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The Fishnet Organization
An Organizational Form that the CWE aims at
Supporting – leading us toward Open Virtual
these are temporary (or semi-permanent) hierarchies, that emerge out of the CoP's, which
capitalize on distributed capabilities to achieve specific purposes; when those purposes
are achieved (or when the opportunities no longer exist), they disband, and the resources
(people, knowledge, skill sets) are returned to the CoP's where they come from.
Source: Institute for the Future: Johansen, R., Swigart, R. Upsizing the Individual in the Downsized Organization
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The CIM3 Approach
This is about optimizing systems of People - Process - Tools
(with people as an integral part of the system & at the head of the list)
Augmentation - human-machine interaction - collaboration - communities
Openness - we use open-source software & comply with open standards
as much as we can; we open-source our technology and content, and
participate in open standards development
Capitalizing on the Internet technology: taking it
 from the research and academic network
 to the current form as publishing media
 to Transactions and Web Services
 onto being its future as knowledge media in the Semantic Web
System built upon a knowledge architecture optimized for distributed
Emphasis on effectiveness and strategic value - not technology
Supporting entire user spectrum: from the everyday users to the power
While we do ‘open’ work, we believe in properly remunerating our
contributors, and in helping create a viable economic model for
‘openness’, possibly in the form of Open Virtual Enterprises (OVE’s)
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The CIM3 Approach
We work towards providing a work environment for both humans and
machines, optimizing between objectives like
• Supporting the expressiveness that humans need to convey their
ideas, and the structure and rigor that machines need to properly
interoperate - in essence, promoting both creativity and operational
• The ease-of-use that everyday users need, and the versatility and
extensibility that power users need to take their work to the next
• Securing the borders of the cwe to malicious intruders, while
encouraging access, participation, sharing and the free flow of
information and knowledge among members of the trusted
• Catering to the quality requirements of information and transaction
processing systems and the realities of human behavior that just
aren’t *
o Fully describable, fully online, fully informative, fully accurate, or fully responsible
Our intent is to foster shared understanding and learning
We are trying to spur innovation, as well as organic or emergent
behavior in the user communities and teams
* Ref: Winograd, Newman, Yim “Including People in CIM Designs”
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the DAO of it all
 Live with the ‘Duality’ around us:
the Cathedral vs. the Bazaar
the Form vs. Free-form
Discipline vs. Creativity
Transaction Process vs. Collaborative Process
Classic AI vs. Augmentation approaches
the small ‘o’ vs. the big ‘O’ in Ontology
Planned vs. Emergent behavior
The reductionist vs. the holistic approach
 we are not bound to choose one or the other
 Lao Zi had this figured out, circa 500 BC
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Quo Vadis Ubiquitous?
… Desideri collaborare.
one last conjecture:
… it might just depend on
‘our attitude toward sharing’
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