Bureau of Watershed Management Regulatory Proposal

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Bureau of Watershed Management
Preliminary Regulatory Proposal
Chapter 102
Erosion, Sediment and Stormwater
December 19, 2007
Themes for Change
• Comprehensive requirements
• Complimentary E&S/PCSM requirements
• Reference water quality protection and
permitting regulations
• Post-Construction Stormwater Management
Earth Disturbance Activities
(other than agriculture)
• Maintain a minimum vegetated buffer or
riparian forest buffer width of 100 feet in
special protection waters and a minimum of
50 feet width in waters other than special
protection between disturbed areas and top
of bank of a watercourse, or natural or
artificial lake, pond, or reservoir
• Develop criteria for management activities
within buffer areas
Planning and Implementation
• ID special protection BMPs to protect and
maintain the water from degradation in
– special protection watersheds; or
– where a TMDL has been developed for siltation
• Post Construction Stormwater Management
– Manage post construction stormwater volume,
rate, and water quality
– ID PCSM Plans and Narrative Requirements
– Maintain a minimum riparian forest buffer from
top of bank along a watercourse, or natural or
artificial pond, lake or reservoir
• Reference design manuals for BMP design,
installation and maintenance
• Temporary stabilization standard and
permanent stabilization standard
• ID Property rights and off-site discharges
• ID monitoring and inspection requirements
• Include Preparedness, Prevention and
Contingency (PPC) Plan requirements
Permit Activities
• 1-5 Acres with a point source discharge
• 5 acres or more
• 25 acres timber harvesting or road
maintenance activities
• 5 acres or more for oil and gas related earth
disturbance activities
• Operation and maintenance of PCSM BMPs
IPs for Higher Risk Activities
• Proposed project areas with extensive earth
disturbance (e.g. 50 acres or greater)
• Proposed project areas with high % impervious
• Proposed PCSM volume or rate increases
• Earth disturbance in sensitive areas such as
headwater areas, steep slopes, geologic
formations of concern, flood prone areas and
Permit Applications
• ID permit application requirements
• Plans prepared and sealed by a qualified
licensed professional
• Revised permit fees
• ID public notice and public hearing
requirements and responsibilities
• ID public access to information
• ID permit approval, denial, and duration
Permit Types
• Permit-by-Rule
– Emergency remediation or clean-up activities
General Permit
Individual Permits
ID permit conditions
ID new and amended permits
ID re-issuance or renewal of permits
ID transfer of permit obligations
Verify completion and final plans
Permit termination
Qualified local programs
Compliance & enforcement provisions
ID water quality requirements
ID Total Maximum Daily Loads
• Draft Development – Current
– Internal development
– Advisory Committees – Current/March 2008
– EQB consideration of draft rule – Summer 2008
• Public notice, comment, hearings
• Revisions, comment/response
• Final draft rule
– Advisory Committees