Transcript Slide 1

Sound Horse Conference Louisville, KY November 4, 2010

USDA works actively with the horse industry to protect against such abuse, working to ensure that only sound and healthy horses participate in shows, sales, exhibitions and auctions. Our ultimate goal is to end the inhumane practice of soring completely.

• • • • • 14 USDA certified HIOs with 12 active HIOs Over the past two years, have increased oversight at horse shows and other related events by USDA personnel 2009: approx 40 2010: approx 60 Plan for 2011: approx 100

• • • HIOs required to utilize database that provide real time information to the USDA HP website Information include affiliated horse shows; DQP inspection reports; violations found by DQPs at horse shows; suspensions and fines.

Current list of active DQPs and status of DQPs including letter of warnings, license cancellations and suspensions.

• We opened cases for more than 350 HPA violations in FY 2010 • From 1/1/2010 to 9/30/2010, we issued more than 250 warning letters for HPA violations

• • • • • Over 87 foreign substances identified as a counterirritant, masking agent, or numbing agent In 2009, 647 tested and 403 positive In 2010, 187 tested and 106 positive 170 more samples left to analyze for 2010 Majority substances are numbing agents such as lidocaine and benzocaine

• • Random drug testing will begin in 2011 at selected horse shows to see if there are medications being used as soring agents.

Have begun working relationship with United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) Drug Testing Program

• • • • USDA OIG Audit began August 2008 Interviewed multiple USDA representatives, as well as, industry representatives Attended multiple horse shows and related events unannounced throughout the 2008 2009 Report released last Thursday, Oct 28, 2010

We are taking several actions to meet the needs identified in OIG’s audit including: • • • • Revising the regulations to require Designated Qualified Persons to be licensed with USDA and independent from the horse show industry Requesting from Congress nearly double the amount of funding to enforce the Horse Protection Act Pursuing the authority for USDA to directly discipline Designated Qualified Persons Ensuring that horse show management actively identify people on suspension because of previous Horse Protection Act violations and prohibit their participation in show events

• • • • Hiring additional staff for USDA Horse Protection Program Funding shall be increased to 900,000 for FY2011 Increasing further transparency and outreach Continuing to review objective diagnostic tools to identify soring

Contact USDA Horse Protection Program National Coordinator: Dr. Rachel Cezar at (301)734-5784 or [email protected]

Please view USDA Horse Protection website: