Transcript Slide 1

Network in Aging
Bob Blancato
November 6, 2014
[email protected]
• Thank you.
• Honor to be part of the 34th annual meeting of the
Network in Aging of Western New York.
• 1980: Older Americans Act was a mere 15 years old
and 7 years after Congress created aging network.
• Carter was in his last year. Reagan knocking on door.
Older Americans Act Then and Now
• Time when OAA under a lot of attention.
• Carter’s final budget proposed cuts for OAA
nutrition. Paper plate campaign helped stop it.
• One year later Reagan budget eliminated funding for
SCSEP. Pink slip campaign helped stop that.
• Now OAA almost 50 with a future?
• This conference held on November 6—two days after
mid term elections.
• November 6 also marks the 96th anniversary of when
NY granted women right to vote.
• And perhaps on 98th anniversary we will elect the
first woman President who happens to be from NY…
Early Analysis of Midterm Election
• Senate
• House
NY Gubernatorial and Cong. Elections
Theme of Conference
• Title of Conference is Aging Services in the 21st
century—National, State and Local Perspective.
• Similar to theme of 1995 WHCOA: The Road to an
Aging Policy for the 21st Century.
• Then as now it is about seeing the prediction of an
aging America take greater hold and what does it
mean for aging services.
• For context, some important demographics.
• People 65+ numbered 43.1 million in 2012, an
increase of 21% since 2002.
• 13.7% or one in seven is 65+.
• Racial and ethnic minority populations have
increased from 6.1 million in 2002 (17% of the 65+
population) to 8.9 million in 2012 (21% of 65+).
• Older women outnumber older men: 24 to 18 m.
• The 85+ population numbered 5.9 million in 2012.
• Older voter will grow from 16% of electorate in 2012
to 23% in 2016.
Where Do Older Adults Live?
• In 2012, over half (59%) of persons 65+ lived in 12
states: California (4.6 million); Florida (3.5 million);
Texas (2.8 million); New York (2.8 million);
Pennsylvania (2.0 million); and Ohio, Illinois,
Michigan, North Carolina, New Jersey, Virginia, and
Georgia each had well over 1 million.
• Most persons 65+ lived in metropolitan areas in 2012
(81%). About 66% of these older persons lived
outside principal cities and 34% lived inside principal
Projections: 2030
• 72 million 65+ in 2030, when all boomers will be
65+: 19.3% of the population.
• 8.7 million will be 85+ in 2030.
• Minority population will have increased to almost
29% of 65+, Hispanic share alone increasing by 5%
(from 7% to 12%).
• Women continue to outnumber men, but not by as
much as now percentage-wise.
New York By the Numbers
• 60+ population: 3.5 million in 2009.
• 2030: 5.3 million people over 65.
• Census projects that 26% of the state will be 60+ in
• In just 3 years, fewer than 8 counties in NYS will have
a less than 20% share of 60+.
• 38.2% of NYS’s 60+ population lives in New York City.
(43% of the state overall lives in NYC).
Topics for Today
2015 White House Conference on Aging.
Affordable Care Act.
Medicaid redesign.
Elder Justice.
Retirement Security.
Healthy Aging.
Should note that the last three match 3 of the 4
priorities of the WHCOA.
2015 White House Conference on Aging
Has been confirmed for 2015.
Nora Super is the Executive Director.
6th one in history.
Conducted equally by Democratic and Republican Presidents.
Purpose is to help shape national aging policy for next ten
• Website at
• Four themes:
Long term services and supports
Elder justice
Retirement security
Healthy aging
ACA and Seniors
• ACA: Landmark, controversial, transformational,
divisive, huge political issue 2014/2016.
• ACA has been beneficial for Medicare.
• Delivery system reforms, stronger work on fraud and
abuse, more preventive services all will lead to
stronger Medicare.
• Trustees: extended solvency of Trust Fund by 13
years to 2030.
• More preventive services.
ACA and Seniors
• Closing donut hole completely by 2020: Prevention
through adherence.
• New initiatives to support care coordination.
• Care transitions to lower hospital readmissions.
• Improvements to Medicare Advantage plans—
stronger and less expensive.
• Holding Part B premiums down.
• Important programs for New York such as the
Balancing Incentive Program which will include no
wrong door/ standardized assessments.
Medicaid Expansion
• Supreme Court decision made this an option under the
ACA: 28 states/DC have and 23 have not (19 said no; 4 in
decision process).
• NY one of the states that expanded Medicaid.
• Problem: finding that provider networks inadequate. In
some states, patients must wait for months for services.
• Regulations are designed to prevent these problems. NY
one of three states accounting for 3/4 of all violations
reported in last five years, but most states not even
issuing violations.
Other Medicaid Issues
• Inconsistent Medicaid expansion.
• Increased ranks and the 3rd year of expansion.
• Role of managed care in states. Will rise from 57% of
all beneficiaries covered in 2011 to 75% of all
Medicaid and CHIP enrollees covered in 2015.
• Continue emphasis on move to home and
community based services as key element of long
term services and supports.
• Medicaid spend-down and estate recovery.
Long Term Services and Supports
A denial issue for America in general.
Must address financing (public/private).
Effort in Affordable Care Act (CLASS Act) failed.
New ideas are developing.
Greater emphasis on home and community-based
care—not emphasizing “long term care” anymore,
emphasizing “services and supports” to enable
people to remain at home.
Elder Justice
• Elder abuse, neglect and exploitation called the
crime of the 21st century.
• 1 in 10 older adults will be a victim.
• 6 million total cases are reported every year.
• Only 1 in 23 cases reported according to NYS study.
• Average victim is an older woman living alone.
Nearly half of all women 75+ live alone.
• $2.9 billion in 2009 was lost to financial exploitation.
• 1 in 2 people with dementia will be a victim.
Elder Justice Act
• Landmark Elder Justice Act passed in 2010 as part of
• Most comprehensive bill ever on elder abuse.
• Enhance paltry federal response to problem.
• Key provision dedicated funding to Adult Protective
• Elder abuse cannot be stopped if not reported.
• APS case loads increasing—resources are not.
▫ Currently 13 states have no federal funding.
Elder Justice Act
• EJA dedicated funding and also enhanced training for
best practices.
• EJA supports long term care ombudsmen.
• Forensic centers, improved staffing.
• Separate but related: criminal background check bill.
• 2014 and 2015 pivotal years for Elder Justice Act.
• Still no direct Congressional funding.
• Obama proposed Elder Justice Initiative.
• FY 15 budget not finalized.
Elder Justice Act
• Law needs to be renewed—expired at the end of
• Federal government response is improving within
existing programs and resources.
▫ New Office of Elder Justice and APS
• Nothing automatic as OAA struggle proves.
• Naming elder justice as priority issue for WHCOA
Retirement Security
Key issue in changing times.
Retirement different meaning in 21st century.
Retirement security and increased longevity linked.
Fewer pensions.
Low savings rate in boomer generation.
Now 50-68 with economic security in later life more
important issue.
By the Numbers
• 22% of private-industry workers currently get a
pension benefit versus 42% in 1990. (92% of govt
employees get a pension.)
• Our savings rate in the US will be 4.1% this year,
down from 10% or more 40 years ago. It was 2.5%
The Savings Crisis
• 36% of workers have saved less than $1,000. 69%
have saved less than $50,000 and just 11% have
saved more than $250,000.
• Among those retired, 29% have saved less than
$1,000 and 17% have saved more than $250,000.
• Experts estimate that if you earn $75,000 a year, you
will need a nest egg equal to $600,000 to $900,000.
The Great Recession and Retirement (In)security
• Older workers make up more than half the long-term
• The median earnings replacement rate for workers 55-64
who lost jobs from 2007 to 2009 was 85%, compared
with about 95% for workers aged 25-54, the GAO found.
• An AARP analysis found 1.5 million people over 50 had
lost their homes to foreclosure between 2007 and 2011
and another 3.5 million owed more than their homes
were worth.
• One survey of post-50s found 25% had used up all of
their savings between 2007 and 2010.
How to Retire Securely?
• Great need for financial literacy: start young!
• Older workers’ programs like SCSEP and vocational
education and training.
• Alternatives to pensions—mandatory employment
based savings plans.
• Consider health care costs—long term care insurance
an option?
• Caregiving and its inevitability and need for support.
• Protection of assets from fraud and exploitation.
• CPI-E.
Healthy Aging
No one against it.
Can transform negativism about aging.
Longer life/better life.
Proactive prevention through lifespan key.
Importance of nutrition to healthy aging.
Growing problems of food insecurity, hunger and
• Access to food and right kind of food critical.
Healthy Innovations
• Apps and other technical components — “Aging 2.0.”
• Where and how you live can determine healthy aging
• Reinventing the wheel of livable community, going
back to the close-knit “village” model from spreadout suburbia.
▫ From “retirement community” to the NORC.
• About aging in place.
• People staying in their homes versus going into a
nursing home—retrofitting and reimagining spaces.
Healthy Aging Policy
• Need unified policy in 21st century.
• Linking housing, transportation, services,
employment, access to health care toward goal of
livable community that is intergenerational and
culturally sensitive and competent and has special
recognition for caregivers.
Aging Network: The Future
Aging network now 40 years old.
Must adapt or become obsolete.
Time of great challenge and opportunity.
Challenge comes from possible competition in service space.
Opportunity comes when network is seen as critical by the
• Build business case:
▫ Better communication.
▫ Pricing of services.
▫ No wrong door.
• Work to strengths of network (service coordination and
delivery; information and education; trusted entity to older
Public-Private Partnerships
• Aging network perfect example of a place for publicprivate partnership—and already an example of
some of the best programs of this kind.
• As funding dollars grow more scarce, these
partnerships grow more necessary.
• Meals programs, etc. working with vendors to
provide services.
• More advanced: meals programs and AAAs
partnering with health corps and hospitals, which is
already happening.
Funding Opportunities
• ACA through care transitions, Medicaid expansion,
rebalancing all provide opportunities for aging
network in future.
• New and deeper funding streams.
• New power and responsibility.
• Aging networks are known and trusted entities in
• A strength in future relationships.
• Aging services in the 21st century will be needed in ways
they are provided today and in ways not yet seen.
• What does the older person in 21st century want in
services as consumers?
• They want choice, continuity, a continuum approach.
• They want services to be person centered with outcomes
that can be measured.
• Greater emphasis on prevention and wellness.
• Simplification.
• Cultural competency.
• You have focused on an important topic for reasons
captured in these two quotes:
▫ “It’s getting late early.” Yogi Berra
▫ “Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you
just sit there.” Will Rogers
• Future of aging services is driven by local decisions and
• Yet advocacy also needed to get resources.
• Keep up the good work and remember, best advocacy is
applying gentle pressure but applying it relentlessly.