The Grant Development Process at Youngstown State University

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Transcript The Grant Development Process at Youngstown State University

March 24, 2015
“Grant Development and Submission:
The Pre-Award Proposal Stage (Grants 101)”
Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs (OGSP)
Scott C. Martin, PhD
Interim Associate Dean for Research
(The designated “Authorized Institutional Official”)
Cheryl Coy, Secretary, x2377, [email protected]
Gary Clark, Coordinator, x2228, [email protected]
Ed Orona, PhD, Director. [email protected]
---------------OGSP – facilitate and coordinate the grant development and
submission process; contract development; finalize awards.
(=>> federal, state govts, other agencies, business, industry)
“Grant Development and Submission”
The Initial Phase: Planning and Clearance Process
Grant awards are to the University. YSU = Legal Applicant
Grant submission is a formal process: requires pre-approval
Proposal Authorization & Pre-approval Endorsement Routing Form: “Blue
Sheet” (Pre-approval form – same as “transmittal” or clearance form)
PI/PD  Dept Chair  Dean
(approval signatures)
“Red Guidebook”
Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs (OGSP)
(5 Yr Rolling Average:
Current FY + 4 previous Yrs)
Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs (OGSP)
External Funding: Activity and Success
Significant growth in twelve years (2002-2014) $3M  ~ $8M
In past 5 years: averaged ~ 126 proposals, requested ~ $34M
In past 5 years: avg. ~ $7.5 M/year - in awarded grants, contracts
FY09 – highest in YSU history (> $11.68 M)
FY11 – second highest at YSU (> $8.6M)
FY14 - ended June 30. > $7.2 M = 3rd highest in history
Faculty Incentives: Why Participate?
Grant funds $ for creative scholarly activities and research
Promotion and tenure considerations
Independence from constraints of Dept. (Univ.) budgets
Re-assigned time (“buy-out” from Sponsor funds) during AY
Supplemental compensation (summer, AY)
Students – increase their involvement (Mentoring)
Early Planning is important:
Early engagement with OGSP and “Notice of Intent” (NOI) is critical.
Get your Dept. Chairs and College Deans involved.
Internal grant pre-review – a learning and communication process
Early planning and budget creation improves proposal development !
OGSP: Pre-and Post-Award Services
Project consultation, prospect identification (Grants Advisor Plus, search engines)
Responding to funding opportunities or Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
Developing, reviewing and Submitting external grant proposals
Authorizing grant Budgets (and revisions, extensions) *
Accepting and authorizing Awards (and sub-awards)
Developing sponsor Agreements and Contracts (and sub-grants)
Interpreting University policies and guidelines; grant Terms & Conditions
Helping to fulfill and track regulatory Compliance Requirements
Committees : Human Subjects research (IRB), Animal Subjects (IACUC).
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) – CITI Training
What OGSP is not.
1. Distinction between: Grant “Writing” vs. Grant “Development”
Grant-writing Tutorial - Go to:
OGSP – assists with “Grant Development”
2. Reminder: Difference between “Gifts” vs. “Grants”
(Definitions: see pages 4-5 in the RED Guidebook)
Gifts: University Development office (now at YSU Foundation)
Grants: under OGSP within Academic Affairs Division
(generally have “Deliverables”- Financial , Progress Reports, etc.)
Sponsor Registration and Submission Portals
* OGSP is responsible for “Registration of YSU”
as an eligible entity or institution.
- Central management of User IDs and PW
SAM: federal System for Award Management (replaces CCR)
Grants.Gov – submission to federal agencies
National Science Foundation (NSF - Fast Lane)
National Institutes of Health (eRA Commons)
U. S. Department of Education (e-Grants)
Ohio Dept. Education (ODE): CCIP system
FedConnect: DoD, Dept. Energy (DOE)
Space Telescope: STGMS system
U. S. Department of Justice (GMS)
DHHS – Electronic Hand Books (EHB)
PI Roles and Responsibilities
Project management according to the approved scope of work, sponsor
conditions and budget
Preparation and submission of progress reports and other deliverables
Supervision of expenditures in conformity with the budget and obtaining
clearances from the University and Sponsor when proposing revisions
Completion of “personnel activity” reports (Time and Effort)
Review and validation of financial reports generated by Grants Accounting
Maintenance of records to establish documentation of expenditures and to
facilitate final project closeout
Performance of project duties in conformity with generally accepted
standards and ethical principles.
Searching, Planning - overview
Use the “Grants Advisor” search engine to view (RFPs)
Federal/State govt. and Foundation sources
Use professional organizations (discipline-specific)
Read the entire RFP and guidelines.
C. FULL PROPOSAL: (set up meeting asap, as needed)
10-20 pp Project Description or Narrative (Technical)
2-5 pp Budget Justification and Forms (sponsor versions) *
Appendix materials: (endorsement letters and supporting documents)
(YSU information; Trustees; Financial statements; Assurances;
IDs, 501c3, EIN, SF424, “Cover page info”, etc.)
“Grant Development and Submission”
The Initial Phase: Planning and Clearance
Grant awards are to the University. YSU = Legal Applicant
Grant submission is a formal process: requires pre-approval
YSU Proposal Authorization & Pre-Approval Form: “Blue Sheet”
(approval form – same as a “routing” or clearance form)
PI/PD  Dept Chair  Dean
(approval signatures)
“Red Guidebook”
The Submission Process:
“Notice of Intent” (NOI) – send email to us. (to ckc,c gary,Ed)
Preferable – give, at least, 3 weeks advance notice.
“Blue Sheet” = the YSU Proposal Authorization and Pre-Approval Form
This form and process must be completed
at least 3 days prior to the submission
of an external proposal .
==> Please provide:
Deadline – Due Date (at the Sponsor),
Link to Request for Proposal (RFP) or Funding Opportunity,
Project Description (draft),
Budget and Budget Justification. >> (See next slide– Handouts)
(See Handout)
Template budget spreadsheet
(used to calculate salaries, fringes, indirect
costs, re-assigned time, summer pay)
Click on:
Go to : Quick Link “Developing Budgets”
Use “Blank Template – YSU Version #1”
Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
53% of Salaries
Budget: Direct v. Indirect Costs (F&A)
Requested Total Project Funds from a Sponsor = Direct + Indirect Costs
Direct Costs: salaries, fringe benefits, supplies, travel, equip. etc.
Indirect Costs: = “Facilities and Administrative” costs (F&A)
‘Institutional Overhead’ (funds – not available to the PI)
Indirect Costs are “real and allowable costs” (cost of business)
YSU rate (53% salaries): federally-negotiated rate (DHHS)
If sponsor RFP has 0 rate or reduced %, YSU accepts policy.
Otherwise, YSU seeks full rate request for Indirect costs.
PIs should not “negotiate” these independently with potential Sponsors.
A “waiver” of Indirect costs in the Sponsor budget request – requires
pre-approval of YSU Authorized Official.
If no requests for Indirect costs = equates to “lost revenue” !
Budget: Cost-Sharing or Matching
Cost-Sharing or Match: $ sometimes required, up to 1:1 (non-voluntary)
Pre-approval required by Dept Chairs and College Deans (if their account #)
Must identify source of match on Blue Sheet.
Re-assigned time as cost-sharing: an important issue.
- needs Chair/Dean approval, since situation involves $ for replacement faculty.
Indirect costs. If 0 or reduced $ amount is requested = “Unrecovered Indirects”.
The “unrecovered Indirects” can be used as $ match with Sponsor approval.
Match only the required $ amount, as described in the RFP.
“Over-matching” - not allowed:
YSU Board Policy against “over-matching” – safeguard University budget.
Sponsoring Agency- does not necessarily want or need
Audit/Compliance issue: difficult to trace and complicated
These $ sources cannot be used elsewhere.
Matching: from “Third party” (non-YSU). Document $ amounts in writing.
Scenarios: after proposal submission
“GOOD Doggie”
Thank you. Your proposal has been assigned an ID number by
the Grants Office (ex. S# 1234-15). We appreciate your effort.
“BAD Doggie”
“A grant proposal was submitted WITHOUT adequate review and pre-approval by the
appropriate institutional officials. Be aware that the following may occur:
(a) YSU reserves the right to withdraw the proposal, if there are potential problems.
(b) YSU reserves the right to not accept the grant award.
(c) If proposal is funded, YSU may accept the award. However, budget revisions
may be needed (ex. to resolve inappropriate or inaccurate fringe rates,
indirect costs, cost-sharing issues, etc). ”
Why? Remember: The “Legal Applicant” is YSU
Grant and contract “awards” are made to the University!
Grant Award: Banner FOAPAL Set-up
Grant Submission FILE:
OGSP Proposal and Blue Sheet log-in: S# (submission)
Notice of Grant Award Notice (NOGA): Terms & Conditions
Budget: Excel spreadsheet (object codes)
POST-AWARD (Controller /Grants Accounting)
1. Grants Accounting → unique Banner account # (FOAPAL)
with Budget Object Codes: ex. 211200-140999-22
2. PI gets - “Grants Profile Sheet”: Summary of award info.
PI: gets the
“Direct Costs”
YSU Admin:
gets the
“Indirect Costs”
Use of Indirect Costs $:
25% to College/Dept
25% to VP Admin (accounting)
50% Research Incentive Fund (Grad School)
(for RAs, URC grants, match)
Advice for Novices: Bookmark OGSP website:
- Initially, review the first 2 web pages on Menu.
Advice for Novices: “External Funding Opps” – use SEARCH Engines.
(“Profiling” is not always a bad thing!”)
=> Develop individual profile; receive auto. emails based on interests.
1. Grants Advisor Plus: *
Develop Draft Budget: Template – “Budget Auto-Calculator”
CITI Training: The IRB approves research protocols involving human subjects.
(CITI - Certification Requirement) *
CITI - Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) re: NSF (Effective Fall 2014!)
Context for the near future:
1. Increasing Compliance and evolving regulations
2. Tight YSU and Sponsor budgets
3. YSU – major Administrative changes
4. Institutional Integrity and Ethics
YSU has a fiduciary responsibility – to sponsors and taxpayers
to manage their grant funds wisely and ethically.
Comments, Questions ?