Begin with the end in mind” -Steven Covey

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Transcript Begin with the end in mind” -Steven Covey



The User Results The User Interaction The Curriculum Delivery and Technology The Company Partners – soft skills More interested companies

Our Goals

•WHY (this is a really good thing you are doing!) •WHAT (is the WorkKeys ® System?) •HOW (skills are moving with KeyTrain usage.) •WHAT (is it about KeyTrain that is producing results?)

Your Goals


Definitions/Terms • Profile - benchmark • WorkKeys - assess • KeyTrain – remediate • Career Readiness Certificate (CRC)

– Applied Math – Reading for Information – Locating Information

“Begin with the end in mind” Steven Covey

What is the goal of the WorkKeys system? How do you measure it?

More skilled: • College Students • Employees • High School Students • Candidate pool • Workforce WHY?

WorkKeys Test Performance of U.S. Examinees-Reading for Information 50 45 40 35 The Good News: 34% are at Level 4 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 <3 3 The Bad News: 14% are ≤ Level 3 4 5 6

WorkKeys Test Performance of U.S. Examinees-Applied Mathematics 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 <3 3 The Bad News: 27% are ≤ Level 3 4 5 The Good News: 25% are at Level 4 6

Locating Information Requirement – Process Operator

Level 7 Level 6 Level 5 Level 4 Level 3

WorkKeys Test Performance of U.S. Examinees-Locating Information (5/03-4/05) 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 <3 3







The Economic Opportunity

“Rather than a world in which places compete for business [and people follow] we will increasingly live in a world where places compete for people and businesses follow.” The most mobile age group [25-34] in the workforce has leveled in growth.

With an aging workforce, people are becoming more rooted and less mobile.

The opportunity: a rooted, stable, skilled workforce is a powerful asset.

The Young and Restless in a Knowledge Economy CEOs for Cities, 2006

Goals… again

A more skilled: • College Student • Employee • High School Student • Candidate pool • Workforce

WorkKeys Skills Levels 5 4 7 6 9 8 9 8 7 6 5 4 9 8 7 6 5 4 9 8 7 6 5 4 9 8 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 Applied Mathematics Reading for Information Locating Information Applied Technology 1 Writing 5 4 7 6 5 4 7 6 9 8 5 4 7 6 9 8 9 8 7 6 5 4 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 1 Business Writing 1 1 1 Listening Observation Teamwork

WorkKeys Identifies Skill Gaps

• By comparing the job profile and individual assessment results, skills gaps can be identified

5 4 4 3 3 Applied Mathematics Skills Gap 4 3 4 3 Reading for Information 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 Locating Information Skills Gap Individual Results Job Profile

KeyTrain Helps to Fill Skill Gaps

• KeyTrain provides self-paced curriculum to help individuals fill their skill gaps

5 5 4 4 3 3 Applied Mathematics 4 4 3 3 Reading for Information 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 Locating Information KeyTrain Individual Job Profile

• Skill Areas of Most Career Readiness Certificates – Reading for Information – Applied Mathematics – Locating Information • Bronze – Minimum of Level 3 in all Skill Areas – Qualified for 30% of Jobs • Silver – Minimum of Level 4 – Qualified for 65% of Jobs • Gold – Minimum of Level 5 – Qualified for 90% of Jobs •



PSAE KeyTrain was implemented in over 100 high schools.

 At least one level in KeyTrain = one full level higher on WorkKeys Applied Mathematics on average.

 At least one level in KeyTrain = one half level higher on WorkKeys Reading for Information on average.

 More than 110,000 students have been enrolled in KeyTrain at CPS, and over 220,000 contact hours have been logged.  The effect of KeyTrain is significant at a confidence level of over 99%.


Tidewater CC and Norfolk PS – Best Key Program KeyTrain is the primary tool for helping students prepare the GED

• First attempt success rate on the GED has been 89 - 94%. • Nearly 400 students completed their GED and have been placed in jobs, the military or college. • A 100% success and placement rate was recorded in a recent class of more than 100 students.


• •


English 98 + KeyTrain: 81% course retention English 98 alone: 60% course retention • •

WorkKeys Reading for Information

English 98 + KeyTrain: 78% scored Level 4 or higher English 98 alone: 57% scored Level 4 or higher • •

Pre vs. Post Accuplacer Scores

English 98 + KeyTrain: 46% increased Accuplacer performance English 98 alone: 35% increased Accuplacer performance


A study was conducted to evaluate how using KeyTrain impacted the performance of at-risk students on the Georgia High School Graduation Test. The following results were observed.


Population At-Risk African American Special Education Low Socio-Economic % KeyTrain Users Passing 94% 93% 90% 93% % Non-KeyTrain Users Passing 57% 59% 27% 36%

GHSGT English/Language Arts

% KeyTrain Users Passing Population At-Risk African American Special Education Low Socio-Economic 96% 93% 94% 97% % Non-KeyTrain Users Passing 76% 77% 50% 65%


CTE in Oklahoma • With some usage of KeyTrain remediation 78% increased at least one level • For all three tests: – 6.3% level 3 – 40% level 4 – 30% level 5 – 20% level 6 – 3.8% level 7 • 94% at 4 or above • 50% at 5 or above

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 <3 3 KEYTRAIN. RESULTS.

4 5 6

KeyTrain: The Complete System

Career Readiness Skills WorkKeys Skills Curriculum Pre-WorkKeys Curriculum Profiles Database Career Clusters Learning Management System

Spanish Language

Multiple Delivery Formats

CD-ROM Web-Based Client-Server Workbooks ACT Centers

KeyTrain Skill Areas

• Reading for Information • Applied Mathematics • Locating Information • Applied Technology • Listening • Writing • Teamwork • Observation • Business Writing • Pre-WorkKeys Courses

Frequently Asked Questions about KeyTrain • Test Prep and/or Concept Mastery?

– Concept mastery that leads to measurable results • Who Developed KeyTrain Curriculum?

– Over 20 educational and subject matter experts • ACT WorkKeys Level 1 Provider?

– Yes, the first accepted in this program • How we measure success? Results!

WorkKeys/KeyTrain Adoptions

• Please contact us at 1-877-842-6205 for specific information on these.

Partial List of Business Users

Andrx AVX Chrysler Dow Chemical M & M Mars GoodYear Westinghouse Kimberly- Clark Amtrak CAPT (Honda Supplier) Protein Technologies – Div. of DuPont Thomasville Furniture Founder’s Furniture, div. of Thomasville Mail America Olin Chemical Siemens Eaton Corporation Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Bridgestone Firestone Dana Corporation GM Coors Brewing Co.

Leiner Health Products Parker Hannifin Corporation BWX Technologies Vermeer Manufacturing Holnam Cement Dixie Yarns Stanley Furniture CSX Railroad Advanced Glassfibers, Inc. formerly Owens Corning Newton Instruments Unilever Countless others through service centers…

KeyTrain Career Skills

• KeyTrain Career Skills is an interactive set of 200 lessons • Field-tested curriculum • Skills identified by employers as those most needed by employees to be successful • Short true/false quiz at the end of each lesson • Major topic areas: – Work Habits, Communication Skills, Workplace Effectiveness, Business Etiquette, The Job Search

KeyTrain Career Skills

ACT-Compliant Curriculum

• KeyTrain / Thinking Media is an ACT “Level I Publisher” and “Preferred Provider” of WorkKeys curriculum • KeyTrain has been reviewed and found to meet ACT’s standards for WorkKeys skills instruction – the first curriculum that met standards in all skill areas.

ACT™ and WorkKeys® are trademarks of ACT, Inc. Thinking Media is not owned or controlled by ACT, Inc.; however, ACT, Inc. has reviewed these training materials and has determined that they meet ACT, Inc.’s standards for WorkKeys training curriculum.

2007 Southeastern WorkKeys Conference

Bridging the gap with

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