PERINATAL DEPRESSION - Maine Association of Psychiatric

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Transcript PERINATAL DEPRESSION - Maine Association of Psychiatric

PERINATAL MOOD DISORDERS: Update on Psychotropic Prescribing

Postpartum Depression Project

Disclosures and Thanks

Disclosures: I do not have any conflicts of interest that may have any direct bearing on this CME presentation.

I wish to thank Lee Cohen, M.D. Director of the Perinatal Psychiatry Clinical Research Program at MGH, for lending me the slides of some of the graphics in this presentation


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Between 10-20% of women will experience significant depression during pregnancy This will be a first episode for one third

Course of Depression During Pregnancy

Women from 3 specialty centers stable on antidepressants for at least 3 months prior to pregnancy :

43% relapsed

26% who continued meds relapsed (50% in first trimester)

68% who discontinued meds relapsed (50 % In the 1st trimester, 90% by the end of the 2 nd trimester) Cohen LS, et al. JAMA. 2006:295;499-507.

Time to Relapse in Patients Who Maintained or Discontinued Antidepressant 1 0.9





0 0.7




0 Cohen LS, et al.


. 2006:295;499-507.

12 24

Gestational Age


Maintained (N = 82) Discontinued (N = 65)


Pregnancy puts women with a history of depression at higher risk of recurrence and is not protective.

Pregnant women stable on antidepressants need to be aware of the relapse risk with stopping meds

This should be discussed when weighing the risk/benefit ratio of using antidepressants during pregnancy

Cohen LS, et al. JAMA. 2006:295;499-507.

Relapse of Bipolar Disorder During Pregnancy

89 women with BPD stable at least 1 month prior to conception, 62 continued treatment, 27 discontinued (treatment was mood stabilizer =/- antidepressant and/or antipsychotic)

71% had at least one mood episode ( usually depressed) --47% of episodes occurred in the 1 st trimester --85.5 % of those who discontinued treatment --37% of those who continued treatment

Those who discontinued spent 40% of their pregnancy in an illness state; those who continued only 8.8%

Viguera, et al , Am J Psychiatry, 2008

Relapse of Bipolar Disorder During Pregnancy

Presented at NCDEU, Viguera et al, June 2006 Viguera, et al , Am J Psychiatry, 2008


• • • • • • • •

Neonatal risks (low birth weight and small for gestational age infants Obstetrical risks (higher rates of miscarriage, preterm labor, placental abruption, preeclampsia Irritable babies (with high cortisol levels) Lack of adequate prenatal care Higher use of alcohol and drugs SUBSEQUENT POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION SUBSEQUENT RECURRENT EPISODES OF DEPRESSION SUICIDE


Assess the overall risks through evaluation of the patient’s history, current risk factors and current presentation

For mild to moderate depression try non-pharmacologic intervention

Have an open discussion of the risks and benefits of treatment with medication

Consider the risks of inadequately treated depression

For women who are stable on antidepressants who wish to discontinue antidepressants, inform them of the risks and monitor closely. Intervene early at signs of recurrence

When the decision is made to use medication, select medications with the best established safety profile.

Medication decisions should be guided by the patient’s history of prior medication treatment

If a woman is already on an SSRI antidepressant that is working well, continue her on that one; pregnancy is not a time to change antidepressant s and risk relapse and exposure to two drugs.

TCA’s are safe, with nortriptyline being preferred

Use an adequate dosage, this often increases during the pregnancy because of the increase in blood volume

Consider ECT for severely depressed or psychotic women –it is safe and very effective

Regardless of circumstances, a woman with suicidal or psychotic symptoms should immediately see a mental health specialist for treatment.

APA/ACOG Guidelines

“The Management of Depression During Pregnancy: A Report from the American Psychiatric Association and The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists,” Obstetrics & Gynecology (September 2009) and

General Hospital Psychiatry

(September/October 2009).


FDA Category labeling is often misunderstood and interpreted to mean that the risk increases from A to B to C, etc That is NOT the case.

• • • •

No distinction is made between human and animal data Often is not updated New FDA labeling will be released in 2013 and will eliminate the categories. Pregnancy and lactation subsections would have three components: a risk summary, clinical considerations and a data section.

SSRI Use during Pregnancy

Recent findings and more data inform the pharmacologic treatment of depression during pregnancy

Consistent conclusions that the absolute risk of SSRI exposure in pregnancy is small 1-3

Recent case-control studies reveal inconsistent data regarding teratogenic risk of individual SSRIs 4-9

Reproductive safety data on SSRIs exceed what is known about most other medicines used in pregnancy

1 8 Louik C, et al.

N Engl J Med

2007; 2 Einarson TR, Einarson A.

Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf Am J Psychiatry

2008; 4 Alwan S, et al.

N Engl J Med

6 Hallberg P, Sjoblom V.

J Clin Psychopharmacol

2007; 2005; 7 5 Greene MF. Wogelius P, et al.

N Engl J Med Epidemiology

2007; 2006;

2005; 3 Einarson A, et al. Dear Healthcare Professional (3/17/08); 9 Dear Healthcare Professional (3/17/08) 17

Antidepressant Drug Treatment During Pregnancy

• • • •

SSRI’s most commonly used Largest sample size exists for Prozac and it is first line Then Celexa/Lexapro, then Zoloft and TCA’s (favored are nortriptyline and desiprimine) Accumulating safety data for Wellbutrin and Effexor

Non-SSRI’s During Pregnancy

More limited reproductive safety data available for SNRI’s compared to SSRI’s, i.e.. venlafaxine, duloxetine

Data on bupropion includes growing number of exposures supporting absence of increased risk for malformation Buproprion registry over 500 Retrospective analysis of 1200 exposed infants Prospective study of 105 infants Chun-Fai-Chan B, Koren G, et al. Am J Obstet Gynecol, March 2005. 192(3).

Evidence for Increased Risk of Cardiac Malformations Following Paroxetine Exposure?

• • • •

Some Epidemiologic data suggesting increased relative risk (1.5) associated with first trimester exposure to paroxetine (VSD, ASD) Absolute risk of 1/50 vs. background risk of 1/100 Resulted in labeling change from category C to D Recent data from global teratogen monitoring programs do no not support increased risks of overall cardiac malformations


Wogelius P, et al.


. 2006;17:701-704.

Lennestål R, Källén.

J Clin Psychopharmacol.


Cohen LS, Nonacs R. Accessed March 17, 2008. Einarson A, et al.

Am J Psychiatry.

2008 Apr 1 [Epub ahead of print].

“Poor Neonatal Adaptation” and SSRI Use During Pregnancy

• • •

Consistent data: Late trimester exposure to SSRIs is associated with transient irritability, agitation, jitteriness, and tachypnea Studies do not control for maternal mental health condition, blinding of exposure in neonatal assessments Effectiveness of discontinuing or lowering the dose late in pregnancy aimed at reducing the risk of neonatal toxicity has not been prospectively studied

“Poor Neonatal Adaptation” and SSRI Use During Pregnancy

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No correlation between measures of umbilical cord blood levels of SSRIS and the risk if developing neonatal symptoms No difference in symptoms between two groups compared : infants born to mothers who had taken SSRIS but tapered 2 weeks prior to delivery vs. those who continued Lowering the dose of antidepressants does, however, increase the risk for maternal postpartum depression

Levinson-Castiel R, et al.

Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med.


Chambers CD, et al.

N Engl J Med

. 2006;354:579-587. Sit, D, et al. Pre-publication communication Warburton et al, Acta Psychiatr Scand 2010; 121(6): 471-9.

Risk for PPHN Associated With Late Trimester Exposure to SSRI Inconsistent Findings:

One report showed increased risk by 6-fold (Chambers 2006)

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(with this highest estimate of 6-fold increase 1% of exposed infants would be affected) Lower association seen with Källén and Olausson, 2008 NO association seen by al., 2009

• • • •

Limitations: Small number of SSRI exposures Recall bias with respect to early versus late SSRI exposure Recent data suggests lower risk than Chambers et al PPHN correlated with cesarean section, race, body mass index, and other factors not related to SSRI use**

** Hernández-Díaz S, et al.


2007;120:e272-e282. Kallen , August 2008 ; Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Safety Chambers CD, et al.

N Engl J Med

. 2006;354:579-587. Hernández-Díaz S, et al.


23 2007;120:e272-e282

SSRI Use vs. Untreated Depression

Both continuous untreated depression and continuous SSRI use associated with 20% increase risk preterm birth

Women taking SSRIs vs. those with psych histories vs. controls: those taking SSRI had higher risk of preterm birth (by only 5 days)

Depression, SSRI exposure and stopping SSRIs during pregnancy have been associated with increased spontaneous abortions

Wisner at al Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2009;163:949–954 .

Lund N, Pedersen LH, Henriksen TB. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2009;163:949–954.

Rahimi R, Nikfar S, Abdollah M. Reprod Toxicol. 2006;22:571–575.

Hemels ME, Einarson A, Koren G, Lanctôt KL, Einarson TR. Ann Pharmacother. 2005;39:803–809.

Gavin AR, Chae DH, Mustillo S, Kiefe CI. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2009;18:803–811.

Einerson et al, pre publication communication, Marce’ Sociaty Annual meeting, 2010

Zolpidem (Ambien) in Pregnancy

• • • • • • •

Evaluated 10,343 women prescribed zolpidem Included if prescribed for > 30 days in pregnancy Excluded women with prior mental disorders, diabetes, hypertension coronary artery disease Extracted 2497 zolpidem exposed and compared to matched control group of 12, 485 Zolpidem exposed had higher rates of LBW, PTD, SGA , highest in those receiving Zolpidem > 90 days No increase in fetal malformations Recommend using alternatives to Ambien for insomnia during pregnancy


Two studies demonstrating absence of neurobehavioral differences with TCAs versus fluoxetine in exposed vs nonexposed children

Children ages 1 1/2 to 6 years exposed to antidepressants (Prozac or TCAs) in utero had similar IQ’s language development, behavioral development, temperament, mood, as those not exposed

No difference between those exposed during just the first trimester or throughout the pregnancy However, depression in the mother was associated with lower cognitive and language achievement

Nulman I, et al.

N Engl J Med

. 1997;336:258-262. Nulman I, et al.

Am J Psychiatry

. 2002;159:1889-1895. Oberlander TF, et al.

J Clin Psychiatry

. 2004;65:230-237. Oberlander TF, et al.

Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med

. 2007;161:22-29. Misri S, et al.

Am J Psychiatry

. 2006;163

Pharmacologic Treatment of Pregnant Women with Bipolar Disorder: Considering the Risks

• • •

Commonly used antimanic agents are either known teratogens or limited available reproductive safety data Risks of untreated psychiatric illness Risk of discontinuing maintenance psychotropic medications

Cohen LS, et al.


. 1994;271:146-150.

Steer RA, et al.

J Clin Epidemiol

. 1992;45:1093-1099; Orr ST, et al.

Am J Prev Med

. 1996;12:459-466; Suppes T, et al.

Arch Gen Psychiatry

. 1991;48:1082-1088; Faedda GL, et al.

Arch Gen Psychiatry

. 1993;50:448-55; Baldessarini RJ, et al. C

lin Psychiatry

. 1996;57:441-448.


Lithium and Teratogenicity

• • •

1970s Lithium Baby Registry—risk for specific cardiovascular malformation high; Ebstein’s anomaly

Revised risk based on meta-analysis: 1/1000 to 1/2000 (0.05%) Relative risk 10 to 20 times the rate in general population (1/20,000) Absolute risk vs relative risk: absolute risk is small

Cohen LS, et al.



Pregnancy Registries for Anticonvulsants: and Teratogenic Risk

• • • • •

North American Antiepileptic Pregnancy Registry Lamotrigine Pregnancy Registry United Kingdom Epilepsy and Pregnancy Register Central Registry of Antiepileptic Drugs and and Pregnancy (EURAP) Australian Pregnancy Registry

Holmes LB, et al.

Arch Neurol.


Meador KJ, et al.



Summary of Findings Across Pregnancy Registries

Valproic acid (VPA) is associated with the highest risk for all major malformations

Risk estimates around 10% and higher 1

– –

Risk appears to be dose-dependent (>1000 mg/d); may be with LTG 2,3 Folic acid supplementation may not be protective against VPA associated neural tube defects

Risk is highest with anticonvulsant polytherapy, specifically with VPA 4,5,

Carbamazepine (CBZ) and LTG are associated with lower risk than VPA

1 . Wyszynski DF, et al.



2. Morrow J, et al.

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry.


3. Cunnington M, et al.



4. Meador KJ, et al.



5. Holmes LB, et al.

Arch Neurol.

30 2004; 61:673-678.

Should Depakote (Valproate) be used in Pregnancy (or women of child bearing age)?

Three year old children of 309 women who took anticonvulsants studied: Valproate exposed had IQ’s 9 points lower than lamotrigine exposed Data from several studies suggest VPA exposure is associated with increased risk for adverse cognitive and neurodevelopmental effects compared with other anticonvulsants

1565 pregnancies in which infants were exposed to valproic acid with 118 malformations

14 malformations were more common in infants exposed to valproic acid in the 1st trimester.

Should Depakote (Valproate) be used in Pregnancy (or women of child bearing age)?

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spina bifida, microcephaly, ventricular and atrial septal defects, tetralogy of Fallot, cleft palate, hypospadias, club foot and craniosynostosis Use of valproic acid monotherapy in 37,154 women was associated with significantly increased risks for 6 of the 14 malformations: Spina bifida, Atrial septal defect , Cleft palate , Hypospadias , Polydactyly , Craniosynostosis AMERICAN ACADEMY OF NEUROLOGISTS RECOMMENDS AGAINST THE USE OF VALPROATE IN PREGNANCY

• • • • Kimford, JM et al, Cognitive function at 3 years of age after fetal exposure to antepileptic drugs, NEJM; 2009 , 360 (16) 1597-1605 Jentink, J. New England Journal of Medicine, 2010; vol 362: pp 2185-2193. Adab N, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2004;75:1575-1583.

Adab N, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2001;70:15-21. Vinten J, et al. Neurology. 2005;64:949-954. Gaily E, et al. Neurology. 2004;62:28-32

Lamotrigine (Lamictal) Monotherapy Exposure: Increased Risk for Oral Clefts

Overall risk for major malformations with lamotrigine approximately 2.7% across several studies; no significant difference from the general population

North American Antiepileptic Pregnancy Registry showed an increased incidence of a specific malformation Oral clefts: 8.9/1000 vs baseline 0.37/1000

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Finding not found in the pooled analysis of 19 other registries Absolute risk remains small

Cunnington M, et al.

Neurology. Neurology March 22, 2005 64:955-960


Holmes LB, et al.

Neurology 2008 70 (22 part2) 2152-8

Dolk, H et .

;Neurology 2008, 71 (10) 714-22

Antipsychotic Use During Pregnancy Typical antipsychotics and teratogenic risk: Data support safety of typical antipsychotics with respect to teratogenicity

Atypicals and teratogenic risk: 151 subjects exposed to different atypicals-60 to olanzapine, 49 to risperidone, 36 to quetiapine, and 6 to clozapine-with non-exposed controls, major malformation rates were not significantly different between the two groups

Altshuler LL, et al.

Am J Psychiatry.

1996;153: 592-606Yaeger D, et al.

Am J Psychiatry.


.McKenna K, et al.

J Clin psychiatry.

2005;66:444-449. Kulkarni J, et al.

Aust N Z J Psychiatry.

2008;42:38-44 Newham, JJ et Br J Psych; 2008, 192(5) 333-7McKenna et al, J. Clin. Psychiatry 2005;66:444-9

Antipsychotic Use During Pregnancy

Infants exposed to atypical antipsychotics are more likely to be large for gestational age Conclusions regarding reproductive safety of these agents are limited with currently available data, though no of teratogenicity is evident based on limited studies National Pregnancy Registry for Atypical Antipsychotics 1-866-961-2388

Altshuler LL, et al.

Am J Psychiatry.

1996;153: 592-606Yaeger D, et al.

Am J Psychiatry.


.McKenna K, et al.

J Clin psychiatry.

2005;66:444-449. Kulkarni J, et al.

Aust N Z J Psychiatry.

2008;42:38-44 Newham, JJ et Br J Psych; 2008, 192(5) 333-7McKenna et al, J. Clin. Psychiatry 2005;66:444-9

Antipsychotic Use During Pregnancy

• • • •

New FDA Black Box warning: All antipsychotics have been updated to have a black box warning about the use in pregnancy regarding abnormal movements (EPS) or withdrawal symptoms in infants exposed in the third trimester Data from FDA adverse Event Reporting System 69 cases of withdrawal or EPS with antipsychotics Some resolved within hours without treatment; others required longer hospital stays

Antipsychotic Use During Pregnancy

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Pitfalls: This data does not reveal anything about the incidence Typical antipsychotics have been used during pregnancy since the 1950’s FDA noted that these cases were confounded by other variables—other meds, other neonatal and obstetrical complications Bottom line: Be aware of the potential for adverse effects Balance the benefits and risks , especially that of relapse of a psychotic illness

Benzodiazepine Use during Pregnancy

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Some evidence for a slight increase in oral clefts with first trimester exposure Infants born to mothers taking high doses in late pregnancy may show signs of toxicity Anxiety is a risk factor for preeclampsia, preterm labor, low birth weight, PPD; long term, behavioral, cognitive, developmental and medical problems in the exposed fetus

Treatment of Bipolar Disorder in Pregnancy

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Mild to moderate bipolar disorder: Gradual taper and discontinuation of anti-manic prophylaxis (lithium, sodium valproate) prior to pregnancy can be considered Reintroduce mood stabilizer as needed or during second trimester; except for sodium valproate given data for behavioral teratogenicity.

• • •

Moderate to severe bipolar disorder: Lithium may be the safest alternative for women dependent on mood stabilizers For lithium nonresponders consider lamotrigine monotherapy Consider lamotrigine and typical or atypical antipsychotic if lamotrigine monotherapy ineffective

Cohen LS, J Clin Psychiatry 2007;68 ( suppl 9).

ECT During Pregnancy

   

Treatment of choice when urgent management is necessary or illness is life threatening Especially recommended in delusional depression, mania External fetal monitoring, ultrasonography increases safety Requires a comprehensive treatment team

Treatment of Mood Disorders during Pregnancy

• • • • • •

Pregnancy is not protective with respect to new onset or recurrent mood disorders Thoughtful consideration needs to be given to the risks of untreated psychiatric illness Thoughtful treatment decisions can be made regarding the use of psychotropics during pregnancy Weighing the relative risks of medication treatment should be done on an individualized case by case basis.

Maintaining euthymic mood during pregnancy is crucial NO DECISION IS PERFECT; NO TREATMENT IS RISK FREE.

PPD as a Public Health Problem

• • • • •

Over 4 million women give birth in America One of every 8 new mothers experience depression Over half a million women will suffer postpartum depression each year Most common complication of childbearing Causes serious and lasting effects on child health and family functioning

1 Wisner K et al. N Engl J Med. 2002;347:194-199; 2Wisner K et al. J Clin Psychiatry. 2001;62:82-86.

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 –2 Years

Epidemiology of Postpartum Episodes

Pregnancy – 1 Year Childbirth +1 Year Kendell RE et al. Br J Psychiatry. 1987;150:662-673 .

+2 Years

Spectrum of Postpartum Mood Disorders

Postpartum Psychosis(0.1 0.2%) Postpartum Depression(10-15%) Postpartum Symptom Severity

Postpartum Blues (50-85%) None

• • •

Risks of Untreated PPD

To mother: Stressful impact on relationship with partner Kindling phenomenon---development of a chronic low grade depression with more susceptibility to repeated episodes of MDD Severe postpartum psychiatric disorder is associated with a high rate of death from natural and unnatural causes, particularly suicide Suicide risk in the first postnatal year is increased 70-fold

Risks of Untreated PPD

To child:

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Poor weight gain Sleep problems

Less breastfeeding-depressed mothers more likely to discontinue breastfeeding

Impaired maternal health and safety practices Disruption in the attuned infant-caregiver interactions which promote brain neurological “wiring”:

Future , hyperactivity, conduct disorders and school behavior problems

Delays in language and social development

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Increased risk of depression Maternal depression is an “Adverse childhood experience” ACE, often it is not the only adversity MATERNAL POST PARTUM MOOD IS ONE OF THE STRONGEST PREDICTORS OF NEUROCOGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT IN CHILDREN MEASURED UP TO AGE SIX



Women are often unable to sleep even when given the opportunity to do so Anxiety symptoms are often a very prominent aspect of PPD

Frequently have intrusive, obsessional ruminations, or images, usually focused on the baby, often violent in nature, but they are egodystonic and there is not a problem with reality testing i.e. non-psychotic. One study showed 50% of women with PPD had these. Such obsessional thoughts do not increase the risk of harm to the baby and are important to distinguish from psychosis.


Typical onset is within 2 weeks after delivery, first symptoms often within 48-72 hours

Earliest signs are restlessness, irritability and insomnia

Often very labile in presentation

Often looks “organic” with a lot of confusion and disorientation

Most often consistent with mania or a mixed state


Includes agitation, paranoia, delusions, disorganized thinking and impulsivity

Thoughts of harming the baby are frequently driven by delusions—Child must be saved from harm, child is malevolent, dangerous, has special powers, is Satan or God

Rates of infanticide associated with untreated postpartum psychosis have been estimated to be as high as 4% and of suicide as high as 5 %.


Selection of treatment:

• • • • • • •

First requires good evaluation, review of prior history and assessment for suicidality/dangerousness individual psychotherapy--CBT /IP Interpersonal and cognitive behavioral therapy very effective for mild to moderate PPD support group community support programs Medication ECT hospitalization

O'Hara MW, et al. Arch Gen Psych. 2000;57:1039-1045. Stuart S, et al. J Psychother Pract Res. 1995;4:18-29. Appleby L, et al. BMJ. 1997;314:932-936.

Postpartum Depression: Pharmacologic Strategies

Data to support use of serotonergic agents (sertraline, fluoxetine, venlafaxine, fluvoxamine) and TCAs (nortriptyline)

Other antidepressants can also be effective

Adequate dosage need to be given

Adequate duration of treatment (>6 months)

TREAT ANXIETY: Adjunctive anxiolytic agents (lorazepam, clonazepam) are often needed

Colombo, et al. 1999

Which Antidepressant is the Best ?

The one that is most likely to be effective

Continue antidepressant used during pregnancy

Use agent to which patient has responded to in the past

All SSRIs are secreted into breast milk, but no serious adverse effects have been reported in association with this. There have been some anecdotal reports of mild adverse effects possibly associated with exposure to the drugs through breast milk

Caution may be needed with exposure in premature infants with hepatic immaturity

Use of SSRI’s During Lactation

Exposure for the infant is lowest for sertraline (Zoloft) and fluvoxamine (Luvox), somewhat higher for paroxetine (Paxil), highest with citalopram (Celexa) and fluoxetine (Prozac)

SSRI’s are present in the infant’s blood stream at very low levels, not detectable by usual methods. ACOG does not recommend checking infant serum levels.

With the current knowledge there is no strong evidence to recommend one drug over another or rationale to switch from one SSRI to another to promote safety during breastfeeding

Use of BZN’s/Hypnotics During Lactation

• • • • •

Data is somewhat limited When measured, exposure through breast milk is extremely low Some anecdotal reports of sedation, poor feeding, respiratory distress; pooled data show low incidence of adverse effects Diazepam more likely to accumulate in breast feeding baby Less likely to accumulate—lorazepam (Ativan) clonazepam (Klonopin) Birnbaum et al; Pediatrics, 1999, July 104 (1)e11

Treatment of Postpartum Bipolar Disorder

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PROTECT SLEEP! Sleep deprivation – similar to antidepressants regarding risk of induction of mania/hypomania (10%) Despite the theoretical risk of Stevens-Johnsons Syndrome with Lamictal, this has not been reported, Lamictal levels are significant in infant serum Lithium is not generally recommended Depakote and tegretol are approved for use during lactation by the AAP, but should be used with much caution


• • • •

Psychiatric/obstetrical emergency Treat as affective psychosis—i.e. as Bipolar disorder Requires inpatient hospitalization Medication treatment is necessary beginning with an antipsychotic/mood stabilizer such as Zyprexa, a traditional mood stabilizer like lithium or Lamictal, adjunctive bezodiazepines


• • •

ECT is very effective and rapid treatment Then consider adding a mood stabilizer such as Lamictal or Lithium As 70-90% of women with a prior history of post partum psychosis relapse with subsequent pregnancies, prophylactic treatment either before delivery at 36 weeks or no later than 48 hours after delivery is recommended. Lithium has been best studied

Mood Stabilizers and Lactation

• • •

Lamictal present in breast milk at variable levels; infant serum levels 20-50 % of maternal . Only one adverse event reported with daily maternal Lamictal dose of 850 mg.

Tegretol and Depakote are approved by the AAP for use in lactating infants. Need very close monitoring for drug levels and liver function Lithium is excreted into breast milk at high levels

Breastfeeding generally avoided

Possible as monotherapy with close supervision at lowest possible dose with close clinical monitoring for signs of toxicity and checking Li levels, TSH, BUN, Cr

Newport DJ, Pennell PB, Calamaras MR, et al. Pediatrics. 2008. 122(1):e223-e231 Viguera AC, Newport DJ, Ritchie J et al. Am J Psychiatry. 2007: 164(2): 342-345 Yonkers KA, Wisner KL, Stowe Z, et al.Am J Psychiatry. 2004: 161(4): 608-620.

Antipsychotics and Lactation

• • • •

Medium to high potency typical antipsychotics rarely have adverse effects Thorazine associated with sedation and developmental delay Clozapine may be concentrated in breast milk– requires infant blood monitoring Atypicals: olanzapine, risperidone, and quetiapine-

excretion into breast milk is low

adverse effects appear to be rare


Effective treatment of maternal postpartum illness is an early intervention for a child


MAPP’s website for the PPD Project

Mental Health MGH Center for Women’s

• •

Postpartum Support International NIMH supported website

Excellent resource, regularly updated

9 educational modules aimed at different provider categories

offering CME’s

Motherisk Program of Canada , clinical research and teaching program on drug and other exposure during pregnancy and lactation


For more information or resources, or to get involved with the PPD project: Please contact me: P. Lynn Ouellette [email protected]

Subject line: MAPP PPD Project

• • • • • • • • • • • • •


Altshuler LL, Hendrich V, Cohen LS. Course of mood and anxiety disorders during pregnancy and the postpartum period. J Clin Psychiatry 1998; 59:29-33.

Appleby L, Warner R, Whitton A, Faragher B. A controlled study of fluoxetine and cognitive behavioural counselling in the treatment of postnatal depression. Br Med J 1997; 314:932 939.

Birnbaum et al; Serum concentrations of antidepressants and benzodiazepines in nursing infants: A case series; Pediatrics, 1999, July 104 (1)e11

Burt VK, Suri R, Altshuler L, Stowe Z, Hendrick VC, Muntean E. The use of psychotropic medications during breast-feeding. Am J Psychiatry. 2001; 158(7):1001-9.

Chambers CD, Hernandez-Diaz S, Van Marter LJ, Werler MM, Louik C, Jones KL, Mitchell AA. Selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors and risk of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. N Engl J Med. 2006; 354(6):579-87.

Cohen LS, Altshuler LL, Harlow BL, Nonacs R, Newport DJ, Viguera AC, Suri R, Burt VK, Hendrick V, Remnick AM, Loughead A, Vitonis AF, Stowe ZN. Relapse of major depression during pregnancy in women who maintain or discontinue antidepressant treatment. JAMA. 2006; 295(5):499-507.

Cohen LS, Sichel DA, Robertson LM, Heckscher E, Rosenbaum JF. Postpartum prophylaxis for women with bipolar disorder. Am J Psychiatry 1995;152, 1641-1645.

Cunnington M, et al. Neurology. Lamotrigine and the risk of malformations in pregnancy Neurology March 22, 2005 64:955-960.

Dennis CL. Psychosocial and psychological interventions for prevention of postnatal depression: systematic review. BMJ 2005; 331(7507):15.

Dolk, h et . Does lamotrigine use in pregnancy increase orofacial cleft risk relative to other

malformations?;Neurology 2008, 71 (10) 714-22

Hemels ME, Einarson A, Koren G, Lanctôt KL, Einarson TR. Antidepressant use during pregnancy and the rates of spontaneous abortions: A meta-analysis. Ann Pharmacother. 2005;39:803–809.

Einarson A, Pistelli A, DeSantis M, Malm H, Paulus WD, Panchaud A, et al. Evaluation of the risk of congenital cardiovascular defects associated with use of paroxetine during pregnancy. Am J Psychiatry. 2008;165:749–752.

Evans J, Heron J, Francomb H, Oke S, Golding J. Cohort study of depressed mood during pregnancy and after childbirth. BMJ 2001; 323:257-60.

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References (cont.)

Frank E, Kupfer DJ, Thase ME, Mallinger AG, Swartz HA, Fagiolini AM, Grochocinski V, Houck P, Scott J, Thompson W, Monk T. Two-year outcomes for interpersonal and social rhythm therapy in individuals with bipolar I disorder. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2005;62(9):996-1004.

Freeman MP, Smith KW, Freeman SA et al. The impact of reproductive events on the course of bipolar disorder in women. J Clin Psychiatry; 2002 63(4), 284-287.

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