Debugging Tools

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Debugging Tools
Towards better use of system tools to
weed the nasty critters out of your
Dr. Pedro Mejia Alvarez
• Tracing programs:
– strace, truss (print out system calls),
– /bin/bash –X to get a shell script to say what its doing
• Command-line debuggers :
– gdb (C, C++), jdb (java), “perl -d”
• Random stuff:
– electric fence or malloc_debug, mtrace, etc (a
specialized malloc() for finding memory leaks in
– purify (Part of Rational Suite, a really good memory
• allow programs to inspect the state of a running program
• become more important when debugging graphical or
complex applications
• Common debuggers: adb, dbx, gdb, kdb, wdb, xdb.
• Microsoft Visual Studio has a built-in debugger.
• jdb and gjdb for java
• gdb for C/C++ programs on unix/Max
• MSVS for Win32
• kdb for the linux kernel
Using gdb
• Compile debugging information into
your program:
gcc -g <program>
• Read the manual:
– man gdb
– in emacs (tex-info):
M-x help <return> i <return>, arrow to GDB,
– online:
gdb comands
run/continue/next/step: start the program, continue
running until break, next line (don’t step into subroutines),
next line (step into subroutines).
break <name>: set a break point on the named subroutine.
Debugger will halt program execution when subroutine
backtrace: print a stack trace.
print <expr>: execute expression in the current program
state, and print results (expression may contain assignments,
function calls).
help: print the help menu. help <subject> prints a subject
quit: exit gdb.
General GDB
easiest to use inside of emacs (M-x gdb)
run starts the program
set args controls the arguments to the program
breakpoints control where the debugger stops the
program (set with C-x space)
• next moves one step forward
• step moves one step forward and also traverses
function calls
• continue runs the program until the next breakpoint
General GDB
• p prints a value (can be formated)
- /x hex
- /o octal
- /t binary (t is for two)
- /f float
- /u unsigned decimal
General GDB
• bt shows the current backtrace (also where)
• up/down move up down the stack
• f # lets you switch to frame # in the current
• set var=value
• call allows call of a function (the syntax can
get funky)
• jump (dump to a particular line of code)
• Thread # lets you switch to a particular
Advanced GDB
• watchpoints let you check if an expression
• catchpoints let you know when interesting
things like exec calls or library loads
• x lets you inspect the contents of memory
• Watchpoints can be quite slow, best to
combine with breakpoints.
Advanced GDB
• gcc 3.1 and up provides macro information
to gdb if you specify the options -gdwardf2
and -g3 on the command line
• you can debug and already running process
with the attach pid command
• you can apply a GDB command to all
threads with thread apply all
• GDB can be used to debug remote
embedded systems (gdbserver, etc..)
The example in gdb
void myinit(int startindex, int startvalue, int length, int* vect){
int i;
for(i=startindex; i< startindex+length; i++)
*vect++ = startvalue++;
void whattheheck(){
printf("How did I ever get here????\n");
exit(2); }
int main(int argc, char**argv){
float d;
int a,b[10],c, i, start,end;
if(argc != 3) {printf("Usage:%s start, end\n",argv[0]);exit(-1); }
end=atoi(argv[2]); /* bad style but shorter
d=3.14159; /* bad style but shorter */
printf("Initally a %d, c %d, d %f, start %d, end %d\n",a,c,d,
printf("finally a %d, c %d, d %f start %d, end %d \n",a,c,d, start,
if(end>10) b[end-1]=134513723;
• Compile your source file with -g option
– Produce debugging information
– For example
javac –g
• To run jdb,
– Type “jdb”, use run command to load an executable
• run <class name>
• For example, run rsdimu
– OR type “jdb <class name>, then
• Type “run” to execute the program
– Type “quit” to exit jdb
• Make your program stops whenever a
certain point in the program is reached
1 public class Demo
• For example
2 {
– Make a breakpoint in
public static void main(…)
line 6
stop at Demo:65
– Program stops before6
execute line 6
– Allow you to examine }
code, variables, etc.
• Add breakpoint
– stop at MyClass:<line num>
– stop in java.lang.String.length
– stop in MyClass.<method name>
• Delete breakpoint
– clear (clear all breakpoints)
– clear <breakpoint>
• e.g. clear MyClasss:22
• Execute one source line, then stop and
return to JDB
• Example
public void func()
return 0;
public void func()
return 0;
• Similar to step, but treat function call as one
source line
• Example
public void func1() {
public void func() {
return 0;
public void func1() {
public void func() {
return 0;
• Resume continuous execution of the
program until either one of the followings
– Next breakpoint
– End of program
• Print
– Display the value of an expression
•print expression
– print MyClass.myStaticField
– print i + j + k
– print myObj.myMethod() (if myMethod returns a nonnull)
– print new java.lang.String("Hello").length()
• Dump
– Display all the content of an object
•dump <object>
Visual Debugger
• Graphically Oriented
• Run from Visual Studio
• Can debug a failed process by selecting the
Yes button at “Debug Application” dialog
after a memory or other failure occurs
• Can attach to a running process by choosing
the Tools->Start Debug->Attach to Process
menu option
The Visual Debugger
• Can stop execution at any line and in any
function. (Location)
• Can set conditions on breakpoints if you are
only interested in specific passes through a
piece of code (Location->Condition)
• Conditional breakpoints detached from any
one line in the program are also possible,
but make program execution very slow
Breakpoint Window
Conditional Window
Conditional Data Breakpoint
Examining Program State
• Print and/or Change variable state.
• Walk up/down the stack trace.
• View disassembled code.
Quick Print/Change Variables
Execution Flow
• Step Into - Execute code, step into a
function if one is called
• Step Out - Continue execution until N-1’st
region of stack frame reached
• Step Over - Execute code, execute any
functions that are called without stopping.
Debugging Techniques
• Use assertions liberally
• Add conditionally compilable debugging
• Multiple platform execution has a way of
bringing bugs to the surface
• Can be used to enforce function pre and
post conditions
• Make your implicit assumptions explicit
• Can be turned off in final release for a
performance boost or left in with messages
to help in bug report creation
Conditional Compilation
• Maintain multiple customized versions in
one code base.
• Typically have one debug version of your
code for bug killing and a release version
(sans debug code) for high performance.
• Caveat 1: You do need to test the release
version before shipping.
• Caveat 2: Conditional Compilation not
available in all languages.
Multiple Platform Execution
• Additional initial design effort
• Great debugging aid
• Can be a commercial selling point
A few tricky cases before moving
on . . .
• The library function calls go nuts, but only
when they are called after function X . . .
• My program is freeing block x prematurely.
How do I find out why (and more
importantly because of where)?
• I am using files to synchronize two
programs “halves” under nfs. The process
periodically breaks when a file open fails.
Analysis Tools
Purpose of Analysis Tools
• Need for a feasible method to catch bugs in
large projects. Formal verification
techniques require unreasonable effort on
large projects.
• Augment traditional debugging techniques
without adding unreasonable burden to the
development process.
Two Types of Analysis Tools
• Static Analysis
• Run-time (dynamic) Analysis
Static Analysis
• Examine a program for bugs without
running the program.
• Examples:
– Splint (,
– PolySpace C Verifier (
• Lint is a semantic checker that identifies potential bugs in C
• Lint is a mistake!
• In the early days of C on UNIX complete semantic checking was
removed from the C compiler as a design decision. This allowed
for smaller, simpler, and faster compilers at the expense of
potentially buggy code.
• Lint exists on UNIX systems (but not LINUX)
• Most modern ANSI C compilers include Lint semantic checking
functionality but only some of Lint’s other features
• Use Lint Early and Often!
What does Lint Do?
• Checks for consistency in function use across multiple files
• Finds
– bugs
– non-portable code
– wasteful code
• Typical Bugs Detected include
– Argument types transposed between function and call
– Function with wrong number of arguments takes junk from
– Variables being used before set or never used
More about Lint
• See Unix man page
• OR “Checking C Programs with lint” By Ian F. Darwin
• Open Source Static Analysis Tool
developed at U.Va by Professor Dave
• Based on Lint.
Errors Splint will detect
• Dereferencing a possibly null pointer.
• Using possibly undefined storage or
returning storage that is not properly
• Type mismatches, with greater precision
and flexibility than provided by C
• Violations of information hiding.
• Memory management errors including uses
of dangling references and memory leaks.
Errors Splint will detect continued…
• Modifications and global variable uses that are
inconsistent with specified interfaces.
• Problematic control flow such as likely infinite
• Buffer overflow vulnerabilities.
• Dangerous macro initializations and invocations.
• Violations of customized naming conventions.
What’s wrong with this code?
void strcpy(char* str1, char* str2)
while (str2 != 0)
*str1 = *str2;
str1 = 0; //null terminate the string
What happens to the stack?
void foo()
char buff1[20]; char buff2[40];
//put some data into buff2
strcpy(buff1, buff2);
Secure Programming
• Exploitable bugs such as buffer overflows
in software are the most costly bugs.
• Incredibly frequent because they are so hard
to catch.
• Analysis tools play a big part in finding and
fixing security holes in software.
How does Splint deal with false
• Splint supports annotations to the code that
document assumptions the programmer
makes about a given piece of code
• These annotations help limit false positives.
Run-time Analysis
• Many bugs cannot be determined at compile
time. Run-time tools required to find these
• Run-time analysis tools work at run-time
instead of compile time.
• Example – Purify (
• Purify modifies object files at link time.
• After execution, Purify will report bugs
such as memory leaks and null
• Purify is a tool for locating runtime errors in a C/C++ program
• Purify can find
– Array bounds errors
– Accesses through dangling pointers
– Uninitialized memory reads
– Memory allocation errors
– Memory leaks
• Purify is available on Windows and UNIX systems and is a
product of Rational Software
How Purify Works
• Purify instruments a program by adding protection
instructions around every load and store operation
• When program is executed a viewer will be created to
display errors as they happen
• Purify is flexible and can be run standalone with any
executable (written in C) or within a debugging
environment like Visual Studio
• Purify is customizable and can be set to ignore certain
types of errors
Purify continued…
• From the purify manual: “Purify checks
every memory access operation, pinpointing
where errors occur and providing diagnostic
information to help you analyze why the
errors occur.”
Types of errors found by Purify
• Reading or writing beyond the bounds of an
• Using un-initialized memory.
• Reading or writing freed memory.
• Reading or writing beyond the stack pointer.
• Reading or writing through null pointers.
• Leaking memory and file descriptors.
• Using a pointer whose memory location was
just deallocated
How to Use Purify
• add purify command to link command
• program: $(OBJS)
purify [-option ...] $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o\
program $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
• OR run purify in Visual Studio
• OR load file in purify executable
Static vs. Run-time Analysis
• Probably good to use both.
• Run-time analysis has fewer false positives,
but usually requires that a test harness test
all possible control flow paths.
Cons of Analysis Tools
• Add time and effort to the development
• Lots of false positives.
• No guarantee of catching every bug.
• However, in a commercial situation,
probably worth your time to use these tools.
Other Tools
• Mallocdebug and debugmalloc libraries
• valgrind is a purify-like tool which can really
help track down memory corruption (linux
• MemProf for memory profiling and leak
detection (linux only)
• electric fence is a library which helps you find
memory errors
• c++filt demangles a mangled c++ name
Other linux Tools
• strace / truss / ktrace let you know what
system calls a process is making
• Data Display Debugger (DDD) is good for
visualizing your program data
• gcov lets you see which parts of your code
are getting executed
• Profilers (gprof) to see where you are
spending “time” which can help with
performance logic bugs
Code beautifier
• Improve indentation of your source code for
better readability
• source code beautifier in UNIX/Cygwin
– Indent
– M-x indent-region in emacs
• Make sure the code beautifier
does not change how your code
works after beautification!
Linux Garbage Collection Aids
• If you are using C then checker-gcc is an
excellent tool - compile your code using
modified gcc compiler and memory errors
• Options exist in C++ (checker-g++,
ccmalloc, dmalloc), but they tend to be
fragile and/or very slow.
Performance & Programming
• Profiling
• Code tuning
• Refactoring
Performance Tuning
• Why tune? Won’t processors be twice as
fast next year?
– Customers want it faster NOW
– Processor speed isn’t always the bottleneck
– Algorithmic improvements can speed up
your code far more than 2x
– Embedded systems
When Should I Tune?
• Knuth: “Premature optimization is the root of all
• Tune after you test and debug your code
– No point being fast if it’s wrong
– Bug fixes can de-tune code
– Tuning often makes code more complicated,
making it more difficult to debug
• Maintain/Improve performance after you ship
– Add performance tracking to regression suite to
prevent degradation
The Tuning Process
Don’t tune unless you really have to
Iterative process
Profile, tune, profile, tune . . .
This continues until you reach the point of
diminishing returns
• Profiling will tell you where you’re program is
spending it’s time
– A typical program spends 90% of its time in 10%
of the code
– You want to speed up the hot code
• NEVER tune without profiling
– With complex software difficult to tell where the
program spends its time
• Profile under realistic conditions with realistic
• All profilers are intrusive
– They perturb the program being profiled
– Want a profiler that minimizes the intrusion
Do-It-Yourself Profilers
• Add timers to the source code
• Usually want time spent in your process,
not real time
– Unix user+sys time not real time
• Use HW counters
– Often count cycles for all processes on the
system, so you need to run on a quiescent
Function-level profilers
• Two major types of profilers
– Instrumentation:
• Automatically add code to the program to
– count how often a function is called
– record how much time is spent in a function
• Usually requires recompiling or relinking
– Stochastic
• Stops program every 10-100ms and check what
function the program counter is in
• Some work out of the box, others require a relink
Instruction-Level Profilers
• Good for tuning within a function (if you read
assembly code)
• Usually stochastic profiler: requires longer run
than function level since more fine-grained
• Shade (Solaris) and Atom (Alpha) interpret the
machine code and count the number of times a
given instruction is executed
• CPU emulators can tell you anything you need to
know (if you have the time)
Code Tuning Techniques
• Change algorithm
– Most gain, but also most difficult
– Example: set data structure
• If sets are dense, bit vectors often better
• If sets are sparse, hash tables, binary trees, or
another sparse data structure might be better
Code Tuning Techniques II
• Make hot functions faster
– Throw more compiler optimizations at it
– Rewrite in assembly (often not worth it)
– Indirect calls -> direct calls
• C++: virtual functions -> non-virtual
• Java: non-static functions -> static
– Probably not worth it with latest JVM’s
– Move infrequently executed code out of the way
– Eliminate unnecessary I/O, system calls, allocation
Code Tuning Techniques III
• Call hot functions less often
– Cache previously computed values (memoization)
– Inline: eliminates call overhead and allows compiler to
do better job optimizing
• Inline by hand if compiler can’t (ex: indirect calls)
• Java: less synchronization
– Ex “a” + “b” + “c”
• NewStringBuffer(“a”).append(“b”).append(“c”).toSt
• 3 monitor enter instructions: All unnecessary
Intuitive Approach
• Previous suggestions geared towards
explicit speed improvements
• Alternative approach is to code algorithms
in a simple easy-to-understand manner
• If it is easy for others to understand
compiler can probably understand it, too
• Result: Compiler optimization can be much
more effective
Options Tuning
• Don’t optimize a program whose running time
doesn’t matter
• Start with -O
– Typical Speedup: 2x
– Even local optimizations help 30-50%
• Inlining: 10% if done blindly, 30% if done with
profiling information
• Aliasing options: Allow compiler to eliminate
more memory references
Options Tuning for Java
• Increase max heap size for less frequent GC
• Experiment with vendor-specific options
– Often many options for improving
synchronization performance
• Refactoring is:
– restructuring (rearranging) code in a series of small, semantics-preserving
transformations (i.e. the code keeps working) in order to make the code easier to
maintain and modify
• Refactoring is not just arbitrary restructuring
Code must still work
Small steps only so the semantics are preserved (i.e. not a major re-write)
Unit tests to prove the code still works
Code is
• More loosely coupled
• More cohesive modules
• More comprehensible
• There are numerous well-known refactoring techniques
– You should be at least somewhat familiar with these before inventing your own
– Refactoring “catalog”
When to refactor
• You should refactor:
– Any time that you see a better way to do things
• “Better” means making the code easier to understand and to
modify in the future
– You can do so without breaking the code
• Unit tests are essential for this
• You should not refactor:
– Stable code that won’t need to change
– Someone else’s code
• Unless the other person agrees to it or it belongs to you
• Not an issue in Agile Programming since code is communal