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Irish Social Policy Association 2004
Eithne Fitzgerald
National Disability Authority
Cost of Disability
• May add a quarter to cost of living
• Varies with severity of disability
• International studies €40 a week minimum
at high disability
• Cost of Disability Payment recommended
• €168m. a year
Research on cost of
• 4 hospitals
• Crumlin
• Temple St.
• Cork UH
• Sligo
• 110 parents
• Travel, overnights, meals, childcare, treats
Key findings
• Average cost €80 a day
• Parents under financial strain when
– Child in hospital more than once
– Child a long-stay patient
– Parents on low income
Average daily costs
• Meals away from home
• Travel costs
• Extra housekeeping
• Other extras
e.g. childcare, treats, laundry, phone
• Total costs
Travel costs
• Distances to specialist centres
• 30% came over 100 miles
• Car parking averaged up to €12 a day
Overnight stays
• Most mothers stayed overnight
• Dads at weekends
• Mainly slept in ward
• Hospital accommodation €6-€12 a night
• But mother of long-stay child could spend
up to €1,000 on overnights alone
Loss of income
• 60% of parents lost income
• Average €500
Financial strain
• 60% of repeat hospitalisations led to
financial strain and/or debt
• Almost all low-income parents under
financial strain
• Half of higher income parents under strain
• Financial strain in most cases meant
Gaps in support
Little help towards extra expense
Little info. on rights
Anomalies, long-term illness scheme
Most help is means-tested
Only 5 got help from CWO
Only 5 applied for tax relief
Child’s illness enough worry, without
added financial troubles
Financial help for long stays/repeat stays
Free parking
Suggested 17c a mile, and up to €40 a day
Clear rules of entitlement
No means test unless exceptional incomes
CWO service in children’s units
Medical cards for all children on DCA
Cost of scheme about €4m
The last word
“When you go to try and get help, they (social welfare)
make it so difficult and they make you feel like you are
begging. Most times I feel like crying after asking them.
We don’t like being in this situation but we are only trying
to help our children. Not so many forms and questions
and delays all the time”
Parent of a child under two with multiple disabilities who has
had 12 hospital stays totalling 15 weeks in the previous year
“There shouldn’t be any need for money worries when you
are worrying about your baby”
Parent whose child has spent 11 weeks in hospital