Transcript Slide 1

Collective Impact and the
Importance of Partnerships
UNLEASH the POWER of the
Discussion Questions
 Why do we need partnerships
with other sectors for effective
literacy service planning?
 What partners need to be
involved in literacy service
MTCU Expectations
 “Planning and coordination should extend beyond Literacy and Basic
Skills (LBS) service providers to those other organizations whose
mandates complement LBS and who have the capacity to provide
some of the additional supports needed”
 One of the service categories outlined for Regional Networks is to
support seamless client pathways across EO and EDU, MCI and MTCU
 “The Ministry’s vision of Employment Ontario (EO) is that there will
eventually be a comprehensive system that, in addition to breaking
down barriers between “programs”, will also better integrate the
supports that clients/learners require to succeed
Key Principles Guiding
EO Service Delivery
 “Service delivery goals, processes, infrastructure and
technology are aligned across channels allowing all EO
service providers to meet client needs and provide
seamless service”
Community-Based Coordination
 “All EO service delivery is provided throughout the
province by service providers that coordinate their
work at the community level through participation in
the local planning and coordination process”
Expanded System
An integrated training and employment system
that supports seamless client pathways
Discussion Questions
 How do we bring partners to
the table?
 How do we communicate the
value of this type of planning?
Collective Impact
 Introduced as a concept by John Kania and Mark
Kramer in a paper in the Stanford Social
Innovation Review (Winter 2011)
 Focus is on multi-sector collaboration and
collective impact
Using Collective Impact as an
Organizing Framework
What is Collective Impact?
“The commitment of a group of important actors from
different sectors to a common agenda for solving a
specific social problem.”
 Click here for a video about Collective Impact
The Concept of Collective Impact
 Large-scale social change comes from better crosssector coordination rather than from the isolated
intervention of individual organizations
 While the need to work collectively to solve complex
social issues seems obvious, the reality is that
working collectively can be challenging
 Collective Impact is a disciplined and deliberate
approach to working together with a clearly defined
goal, focused on 5 conditions
 Different sectors have different ways of thinking,
different assumptions of how change happens and
different languages
 There are many incentives to work in isolation
Examples of Collective Impact
 Cross-sector collaboration that helps urban youth
succeed academically from early childhood through
college and enter a meaningful career
 More than 300 organizations and institutions
Five Conditions for Collective Impact
There are five conditions necessary to support true
alignment and generate powerful results
1. Common Agenda
2. Shared Measurement Systems
3. Mutually Reinforcing Activities
4. Continuous Communication
5. Backbone Support
Common Agenda
To establish a common agenda, a multi-sector group
must come together and focus on the following three
1. A common understanding of the problem
2. Agreement on a common set of strategies for
addressing the problem
3. Agreement to jointly address the problem and
hold one another accountable
Examples of Common Agendas
1. End Poverty
2. Make Literacy a Way of
3. Lead the Nation in
Increasing Healthy Eating
and Healthy Physical
4. Create a Family-Centred
Service System
CYN Agenda
Every child:
1. is prepared for school
2. is supported in and out
of school
3. succeeds academically
4. enrols in some form of
5. graduates and enters a
Strive Partnership Report
Shared Measurement Systems
 It is important to have common ways to measure and
report on the success of the common agenda
 Collecting data and measuring results consistently on
a short set of indicators at the community level is
both essential and doable
 Great progress is happening in this area
 Breakthroughs in Shared Measurement and Social
Example: Child and Youth Network
 Established desired outcomes for each of the four priorities.
Some have a specific target (e.g., reducing the proportion of
families living in poverty by 25% in five years). Others have
more general targets of increasing the number of children
who are ready for school and who stay in school, and
improving physical activity levels and eating habits amongst
London’s children, youth and families
 For each priority, the group has identified the measures they
will track to determine their progress. Developing common
measurement systems will continue to be a priority over the
next three years
 CYN 2011 Progress Report
Example: Strive
 Monitors progress toward its five key goals using ten
community-level progress indicators
 Annual report to the community documents the
current status of each indicator and serves as a
catalyst for discussion in the community
 Strive 2011 Partnership Report
Mutually Reinforcing Activities
 Over time, because various players within a system are working
collectively, talking regularly and interacting more frequently
around shared measurements, they begin to develop a much
better sense of the work of various partners
 Collective impact depends on a diverse group of stakeholders
working together, not by requiring that all participants do the
same thing, but by encouraging each participant to undertake
the specific set of activities at which it excels in a way that
supports and is coordinated with the actions of others
Example: Child and Youth Network
 Many organizations are working together to improve literacy.
Others are working together to enhance healthy eating and
healthy physical activity. In these collaborations, each agency
brings its own strengths and skills to bear to help achieve
common targets
 Organizations also offer a myriad of programs and services
that are directed at accomplishing the same goals as the Child
and Youth Network
 Opportunities exist to align CYN initiatives and the approach of
these organizations in an effort to support each other. This
would leverage the great things that organizations are already
doing in the community while making the CYN operate more
Continuous Communication
 This condition is one that is "blindingly obvious" and yet many
collaboratives do not continuously communicate well
 Developing trust among nonprofits, corporations, and
government agencies is a monumental challenge. Participants
need several years of regular meetings to build up enough
experience with each other to recognize and appreciate the
common motivation behind their different efforts
 They need time to see that their own interests will be treated
fairly, and that decisions will be made on the basis of
objective evidence and the best possible solution to the
problem, not to favour the priorities of one organization over
 In year five of its
 Network meets 4 to 5
times a year
 In the first two years of
the initiative,
participants met every
two weeks
 Public website with all
agendas, minutes and
documents (CYN
Backbone Support
 Need an organization and staff with a very specific
set of skills to serve as the backbone for the whole
 Role is to facilitate alignment, coordination and
collective problem-solving across multiple
organizations and partners
 Ensure the strategic coherence of the overall effort
 These organizations require a broad set of skills that
are rarely held within any one individual
 There are a number of
organizations helping to
play this role within the
Child and Youth
 Eight full-time staff
 Each Student Success
Network is assigned a
Strive staff member as a
 Each network has a
facilitator to lead the biweekly meetings
Group Activity
Five workstations around the room. For each of the
five conditions of Collective Impact, answer the
 What would this condition look like in action?
 What would we see happening if we were doing this
Collective Impact and Partnerships
 Large-scale social change comes from better crosssector coordination rather than from the isolated
intervention of individual organizations
 This means partnerships!
 While the need to work collectively to solve complex
social issues seems obvious, the reality is that
working collectively can be challenging
The Importance of Partnerships
 Supporting seamless client pathways requires forging
partnerships and collaboration among organizations
 Integrating all of these partners is difficult and slow
work. Collective impact is a marathon, not a sprint
 The creation of partnerships leads to mutually
reinforcing activities
 Stakeholders don’t do the same things – they
undertake a specific set of activities in which they
excel in a way that supports and is coordinated with
the actions of achieve the shared
The London Experience
 Almost 5 years into the process
 Over 150 different partner organizations
 Neighbourhood Child and Family Centres open in 4
locations in 2012
Potential Barriers
 What are some of the potential barriers to forging
partnerships in the Employment Ontario system?
 How can these potential barriers be overcome?
 How can the concept of collective impact help to
bring other partners to the planning table?
Pre-Conditions for Collective Impact
1. An Influential Champion - An individual or small
group who commands the respect necessary to
bring executive level cross-sector leaders together
and keep them actively engaged over time
Child and Youth Network
Lynne Livingston is
identified as key in making
the process successful
Executive Committee of 23 CEOs
and EDs who are well respected
in the region and remain highly
involved with the collaborative
2. Adequate Financial Resourcing - Adequate financial
resources to last at least two to three years and
generally involving at least one anchor funder to
support needed infrastructure and planning
Strive’s annual budget is $2 million, while the combined
annual budgets of all 300 participating organizations is
nearly $7 billion
City of London receives $200,000 per year from the
Province as a Community Integration Leader
3. A Sense of Urgency for Change - A new opportunity
or crisis that convinces people that a particular
issue must be acted upon now and/or that a new
approach is needed
Our success in growing a stronger economy and lifting
incomes depends on getting better results in education
Child and Youth Network
Provincial goals of integration and
seamless service
Discussion Questions
1. Do the three pre-conditions for collective impact exist in
your community? If not, what can you do to create them?
2. Which of the five conditions for successful collective
impact do you see as a strength of your Network?
3. What are the important pieces you see as needing to be
put in place to strengthen your Network’s work? Why?
4. What first steps can you take to strengthen your
Network’s collective impact?
Choosing Potential Members
 Need an appropriate cross section of people
 Criteria for choosing potential members:
Capacity required varies with the scope of
the effort
How to involve end users – they know what
they need best
Be aware of existing relationships when
choosing members
People who have the power to achieve
results. What powers might be helpful?
Similarities and a history of positive working
relationships are a benefit
Some people may attract others to be part
of the group
Unusual or difficult partners may be
beneficial and necessary/Don’t avoid certain
Include people from as many different
sectors as appropriate
Members with varied skills and powers
Trust and Relationship Building
 Trust is a key aspect of establishing partnerships and
building relationships
 There are characteristic and competence behaviours
which create trust
Trust is Established through Action
Talk straight
Demonstrate respect
Create transparency
Right wrongs
Show loyalty
Deliver results
Get better
 Confront reality
 Clarify expectations
 Practice
 Listen first
 Keep commitments
 Extend trust
Common Mistakes
 Failure to take the upfront time needed to develop
 Imposing a vision on members
 Designing processes that are not inclusive or open
 Failing to inform or involve members in an ongoing
and meaningful manner
 Leaders who take control and fail to build ownership
 What learnings and reflections
do I have from this session?
 What are some potential
actions for my Regional
Wrap Up and Questions
 Collective Impact (Stanford Social Innovation Review)
 Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities. (October 2011).
Supporting Learners through Service Coordination and
Referrals. Province of Ontario.
 Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. (April 2, 2012).
Literacy and Basic Skills: Service Provider Guidelines. Province
of Ontario. Retrieved from
 Winer, Michael and Karen Ray. (1994). Collaboration
Handbook: Creating, Sustaining and Enjoying the Journey.
Minnesota: Amherst H. Wilder Foundation.