Transcript Document

Week 6
Week Six/Day One
When a dessert lizard senses
danger it vibrates too instantly
sink beneath the sand.
When a desert lizard senses
danger, it vibrates to instantly
sink beneath the sand.
Week Six/Day Two
Juan did you know that some
kinds of wasps for example,
mud daubers builds nests out of
Juan, did you know that some
kinds of wasps (for example,
mud daubers) build nests out of
Week Six/Day Three
a Queen bee can live for 5 years.
She can lie millions of eggs.
A queen bee can live for five
years, and she can lay millions
of eggs.
Week Six/Day Four
Wood you believe a caterpillar
have about 4000 muscles in it’s
Would you believe a caterpillar
has about 4,000 muscles in its
Week Six/Day Five
Catfish are sort of weird, they
didn’t have scales but they did
have whiskers.
Catfish are sort of weird; they
don’t have scales, but they do
have whiskers.