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Application of c-squares spatial
indexing to an archive of
remotely sensed data
Tony Rees and Glenelg Smith
Divisional Data Centre + Remote Sensing Facility
CSIRO Marine Research, Australia
([email protected])
The starting point …
Archive of c.60,000 satellite
AVHRR scenes, 1986current, accumulating at
another 15+ per day
Region covered varies for
each scene
Metadata (satellite, orbit,
time parameters) and
computed polygon (e.g. 7
points per side) available for
each scene
Determining which scenes
include any given point, onthe-fly (to answer user’s
request) is a standard
requirement, but not trivial –
available methods may be
slow, or inaccurate, or both...
example in more detail ...
Example – may need to query which out of these four scenes includes
point “x” (in reality, stop/start points of scenes also vary, also other
scenes cross at different angle/s)
Options for spatial indexing
Bounding polygons
Bounding rectangles
Computationally cheap, rapid to query, no
GIS required
Typically a poor fit to actual data footprints
(typically these are not square, or even
nearly so) – many “false positives”
Can be problems with footprints which
cross the date line, or include a pole
Require a GIS system (or similar)
for spatial queries (polygon
overlays); can be slow to test
many thousands of scenes
Can be problems with footprints
which cross the date line, or
include a pole
Gridded (tile based) representation
Potentially simple to query, no GIS required
May be poor fit to actual data footprints if tile size is large (smaller tiles best,
however index gets larger – tradeoff required here)
Compromise approach – slightly inexact compared with polygon overlays, but
should be better performance for real-time queries (most computation has been
done in advance)
Problems with footprints which cross the date line, or include a pole, can be prehandled
C-squares basics
• Based on a tiled (gridded) representation of the earth’s
surface, at choice of 10 x 10, 5 x 5, 1 x 1, 0.5 x 0.5
degree tiles, etc. (0.5 x 0.5 degree tiles are used in this
• Every tile has a unique, hierarchical alphanumeric ID
(incorporates the ID of all parent, grandparent, etc. in
every child tile ID)
• Dataset (=scene) extents are represented by a list of all
the tiles included in, or intersected by the footprint
• Spatial search comprises looking for one or more tile
IDs in the set associated with any dataset (= simple text
(more details – see )
C-squares nomenclature – ten degree squares
(follows WMO
10 x 10º square
Adaptive square size – 10 x 10, 5 x 5, 1 x 1, 0.5 x 0.5 degrees
(etc.) – produces quadtree-like efficiencies (“compaction”)
(this example
shows detail to 1degree square
10 degree square:
5 degree square:
1 degree square:
- can reduce storage
requirement by up to
90%, cf. constantresolution encoding
A real-world example
NOAA-12 .. 21 Jun 2003 06:23
5 x 5 degree squares (99)
= 36 after “compaction”
1 x 1 degree squares
(1,982) = 515 after
10 x 10 degree
squares (28)
(base level of hierarchy,
cannot compact)
0.5 x 0.5 degree squares
(7,691) = 704 after comp.
0.5 x 0.5 degree squares
- detail
Metadata table
concept – 2 “search” tables only
Scene details (1 row per scene)
Scene <> c-square pairs
(600-1200 rows per scene)
Example search result
SQL for spatial search
(example for 0.5 degree search square)
select distinct A.scene_id, B.satellite, B.scene_date_time, B.image_location
from satdata_csq_all A, scene_info B
where (
(sqrsize = 0.5 and
(A.csquare = search_csq -- e.g. 3414:100:1 (0.5 degree square)
or A.csquare = substr(search_csq,1,8)||
or A.csquare = substr(search_csq,1,6)|| '**:*'
or A.csquare = substr(search_csq,1,4)||':***:*')
-- 1 level of compression
-- 2 levels of compression
-- 3 levels of compression
) -- (other supported search square size options inserted here)
order by
(startdate is null or B.scene_date_time >= startdate)
(enddate is null or B.scene_date_time <= enddate)
(sat = 'any' or B.satellite = sat)
A.scene_id = B.scene_id
B.scene_date_time, B.satellite;
Summary of steps involved
(1) Encoding – using custom polygon-to-c-squares
algorithm (first attempt: 3+ mins per scene; second
attempt: 30 seconds per scene to encode)
(2) Storage – first attempt: all scene/c-square pairs in
one large table, second attempt: partitioned by 10 x 10º
“bins” (100 smaller tables, for faster searching)
(3) Querying – using standard SQL and text matches
(4) (optional) Visualising – generating footprints, using
web call to multi-purpose c-squares mapper
More information: c-squares website
CMR Satellite Data spatial search: