Powerpoint - Merrillville Community School

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Transcript Powerpoint - Merrillville Community School

Pretest Workshop
Spring 2014
• Operational ISTEP+
– No Book II
– No Validation Sites
• ISTEP+ Paper/Pencil
• ISTEP+ Online
• Return of Results
– Parent Network
ISTAR Assessment
IMAST Assessment
LEP Students
CoreLink Assessment
Ethical Testing Practices
Testing Windows
• March 3 – 21 (Approved by the State Board on 2-6-14)
 ISTEP+ Applied Skills (Paper/Pencil and Online)
 Opt-in list posted on www.ctb.com/istep
• April 28 – May 7
 ISTEP+ Multiple-Choice Paper/Pencil
• Insufficient technology / accommodation ONLY
• April 28 – May 9
 ISTEP+ Multiple-Choice Online
• May 5 – 16
 CoreLink Online
Operational ISTEP+
Spring 2014: No Book II or Validation sites
Applied Skills:
Online, Paper/Pencil
Applied Skills Online:
• Online ELA and SS ONLY
• IMPORTANT: Math and Science
custom “partial” paper/pencil
Applied Skills Paper/Pencil:
• Gr. 3-8: one single student test
• Students MUST use the same
correct book for ALL sessions
 What if two books are used; Test
Coordinator’s Manual (TCM)
 Avoid Undetermined test
Online, Paper/Pencil
Multiple-Choice Online:
• ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies
Multiple-Choice Paper/Pencil:
Insufficient Technology /
Accommodation ONLY
• Gr. 3 one single test booklet
• Gr. 4-8 two booklets
 Test booklet
 Answer booklet
• Students MUST use the same answer
book for ALL test sessions
 Avoid Undetermined test results!
Gridded Response items / Calculator usage
begins in Grade 6
All Students, Grades 3-8
• Same rules apply to all grades regarding participation,
accommodations, test security
– IMAST participation (window: April 28 – May 7)
 Critical – Students must not take ISTEP+ in IMAST
content area(s)! [Applied Skills and Multiple-Choice Assessments]
 Avoid Undetermined test results!
• Results have consequences for students, schools, and
– Remediation, accountability
• Science and Social Studies required
• Applied Skills images released (INORS; Parent Network);
Applied Skills items posted on the web (for instructional
Student Test Number (STN)
• Every student MUST have an STN
• STN is critical for matching students across test
windows (AS, MC) to produce results
– Avoid Undetermined and accountability concerns
– If a barcode label for paper/pencil is not available, bubble!
 One STN per student (stays with student)
 Schools required to supply missing STNs
• Schools must account for every student not tested—keep
records now to prepare for the DOE-NT collection.
DOE-TL Barcode File: Paper/Pencil and
• Period 1 Barcode file submitted December 6 – January 19
– Labels delivered Feb. 14-18 in Applied Skills TC Kits
• Period 2 Barcode file submission February 21 – March 5
– Via STN Application Center
– Any students who were not submitted in Period 1, including:
 Students new to the school
 Additional IMAST students, based on Case Conference Committee
decisions for students that were not submitted in Period 1
– Labels delivered April 11-15 in Multiple-Choice TC Kits
 Paper/Pencil (due to insufficient technology/accommodation ONLY)
• Barcode files used to “populate” ISTEP+ Online (AS, MC)
ISTEP+ Paper/Pencil: Barcode Labels
• Review Barcode Label guidance in the Test
Coordinator’s Manual (TCM)
 Student Information Questionnaire (SIQ) #3 – #8
• Not all data appears on the label; see the roster for
• Bubble information for all “new” students without labels
• Use ONLY labels for the Spring 2014 tests
 Securely destroy all unused labels after Multiple-Choice
Students must write their own name on paper-and-pencil test booklets!
ISTEP+ Paper/Pencil: Calendar
Applied Skills
• Dec. 6 – Jan. 19 Period 1 Barcode
• Feb. 21 – Mar. 5 Period 2 Barcode File
• Feb. 10-14 Test Materials Delivery
• April 7-11 Test Materials Delivery
• Feb. 14-18 Test Coordinator Kits
• April 11-15 Test Coordinator Kits
(include Period 1 Barcode Labels)
• Feb. 26 Last day to report shortages
(Test Materials Adjustment opens 2-14)
 www.ctb.com/
• March 19-27 Scheduled pickups for
corporations and nonpublic schools;
YELLOW and BLUE labels
 Include any new students and additional
IMAST students
(Per. 1 & 2: ISTEP+ and IMAST Barcode Labels)
• April 23 Last day to report shortages
 www.ctb.com/ (TMA opens 4-11)
• May 12-14 Scheduled pickups for
corporations and nonpublic schools;
PURPLE and BLUE labels
(very tight schedule—no extensions!)
Watch for Predetermined Pickup Schedule: Posted in IDOE-TCC LC Community and www.ctb.com/istep
ISTEP+ Paper/Pencil: Large Print & Braille
• Shipped directly to Corporation Test Coordinator
• Process documents appropriately
– See Appendices in TCM; avoid Undetermined results!
• Non-Standard Responses (NSR)
Use pastel paper (computer-generated)
Record critical student information at top of each page (see TCM)
Insert document(s) inside the back cover
Keep a copy in a secure location (principal’s office)
 Mark “NSR” in item response area to ensure scoring!
 Note student name and computer-generated on School/Group List
 CGR bubble on front of test booklet (Y/N)
 No need to bubble “N” for students without a CGR
ISTEP+ Paper/Pencil: Materials Return
– Return in correct boxes - do not mix (Blue; Gold)
• Please read directions!  (TCM and posters)
• “Things To Remember” (TCM)
• ALL student test documents must be returned
– How will you account for every test document?
• Teacher names must match exactly on:
– Group Information Sheet (GIS) and
– School/Group List (SGL)
• Three counts must match (GIS, SGL, actual documents)
These exact matches are critical in terms of turnaround time for results!
ISTEP+ Paper/Pencil: Packing & Shipping
• ISTEP+: Use “Stack Cover Cards” and Paper
• IREAD-3: Use envelopes
• Unique Barcode Shipping Labels (by school)
• Be sure to use the correct shipping labels
and boxes for each test!! (ISTEP+, IREAD-3)
Blue-and-white box used for paper/pencil tests:
• Applied Skills
• Multiple-Choice (Insufficient Technology / Accommodation ONLY)
ISTEP+ Online: Calendar
Applied Skills
• Dec. 6 – Jan. 15 Period 1 Barcode
• Feb. 7 AS Examiner’s Manual
Delivery (Online and Paper/Pencil)
• Feb. 10-14 Partial Books
• Feb. 14-18 Test Coordinator Kits
(include Period 1 Barcode Labels)
• Feb. 10 AS Content Release
and Pre-assigned Practice and
Operational Tests
• Feb. 10 – March 21 AS Online
Practice Test Window
• Feb. 21 – Mar. 5 Period 2 Barcode File
 Include any new students and additional IMAST
• March 21 MC Examiner’s Manual
Delivery (Online and Paper/Pencil)
• March 24 MC Content Release and
Pre-assigned Practice Tests
• March 24 – May 9 MC Online Practice
Test Window
• April 7 MC Pre-assigned Operational
• April 7-11 MC Test Materials Delivery
(insufficient technology/accommodation ONLY)
• April 11-15 Test Coordinator Kits
(IMAST and ISTEP+ P/P Barcode Labels)
Test Administration System (TAS) Trainings
• January 28 – March 27
• 6 Regional (onsite sessions) & 14 Webinars
• Optional Pre-Administration Q&A Sessions
ISTEP+ Online: Overview
• Applied Skills: ELA and Social Studies ONLY
• Multiple-Choice: Extended window (April 28 – May 9)
• List of schools with testing online status posted
– www.ctb.com/istep; updated every week
• Test Administration Trainings (TAS)
 Train-the-Trainer: January 28 – March 27
 Choose one required session: Regional (onsite) or Webinar
 Optional: Pre-Administration Q&A Sessions
• Practice Test Required
 2 opportunities scheduled per student; at least 1 required
ISTEP+ Online: iPads
• iPads for IREAD-3 and Multiple-Choice Online only
– iPad 2 or later
– iOS 6 or later
– iTunes Store “OAS IN”
• Expected availability week of February 11 (for IREAD-3)
• Expected availability week of March 24 (for ISTEP+ MC)
• Watch for more information from CTB
– “Guided Access” MUST be enabled
• More information available on portal:
ISTEP+ Online: Details
• Accommodations must be assigned
• Scheduling
– All students in a class must complete a test
session on the same day
• Documentation required for “Invalid” or “Do
Not Score” and kept locally
Marking a student record as “Invalid” or
“Do Not Score” must be completed by:
ISTEP+ Applied Skills Test – March 21
ISTEP+ Multiple-Choice – May 9
ISTEP+ Online: CTB Web Portal
Experience Online Testing
Experience Online Testing
From www.ctb.com/istep, click on the Experience
Online Testing (Students) button to open the Welcome
to Experience Online Testing website.
Choose a Grade.
Review the Tools page that appears.
From the Tools page, click “Start the Test”.
Click the Login button to begin.
Login credentials are not required.
The iPad version of Experience
Online Testing should release in the
Apple Store by 4/1.
Experience Online Testing / Operational Practice Test
Experience Online Testing /
Experience Online Testing (Optional)
Practice Test (Required)
Access at IDOE website
Create test session in TAS
(iPad via Apple Store 4/1)
Simulation of test delivery client
Assign students in TAS
Open Access – login credentials
not required
Requires test tickets and test
access codes
No software/content to install
(iPad must install special app)
Requires use of workstation or
iPad installed Test Delivery Client
Available 24/7
One Practice Test per Student
Required by IDOE
Can be taken at home
URL: http://www.doe.in.gov/assessment/
Must Be Taken at School
ISTEP+ Online: Student Testing Tools
Blocking Ruler
Manipulative (protractor, ruler, calculator)
Mark for Later Review
Option (Answer choice) Eliminator
Reference card (grades 6-8)
ISTEP+ Online: Student Testing Accommodations
available for
students with an
IEP, Section 504
Plan, ILP include:
• Screen Reader
• Variable Font Size, Font Color
• Variable Screen Background Color
Results: Online Reports
• All reports via Indiana Online Reporting System (INORS)
 Secure site with unique passwords
 Contains FERPA-protected data! (Family Educational Rights
and Privacy Act)
 Corporation- and school-level data
• Student-level data, end of May
• Summary-level data, June
 Teacher Access
• Determined by GIS and SPN/Online teacher groups
• One paper copy of Individual Student Report and Label
delivered in June
Results: Parent Network
• Online parent access to student results
• Parents can see test results “over time” (multiple years)
• Invitation Codes sent to May “testing schools”
– Distribute to parents upon receipt
– School responsibility to reissue IC codes to parents, as needed
• Applied Skills Images linked to results in PN
– Parent review of student response
• Parent Request Required for Rescore (Applied Skills)
– Parent / school staff collaborate
– School to document and submit rescore request
Results: Details
Preliminary Results
• Late May
For corporations/schools:
• Reports and Applied Skills
images available via INORS
For parents:
• Results and Applied Skills
images available via Parent
• Early June
• Paper copies of Student
Reports and Labels delivered
to corporations and
Rescore Results
• Late May – Mid-June
• Rescore Window
• Mid-July
• Rescore reports available via
INORS and the Parent
• Late July
• Paper copies of rescore
reports delivered to
corporations and
ISTAR: Indiana’s Alternate Assessment
• Indiana Standards Tool for Alternate Reporting
• ISTEP+ or ISTAR Decision
– All students must participate in assessment; Case Conference
Committee decision to use ISTAR
 Referenced to Indiana Standards; will NOT lead to diploma
 March 1 – April 30 window; requires use of STN
 Web-based system, teacher ratings; cut scores (Pass+, Pass, Did Not Pass)
– Clarifying Participation
 No limit re: number of students who can participate in ISTAR
 Federal Regulation sets a 1% limit (for corporations and at the state
level) on the number of students who can be “counted as proficient
on Alternate Standards” when calculating accountability
It is important for each student to participate in the most appropriate assessment for that student.
IMAST: Indiana’s Modified Assessment
• Indiana Modified Achievement Standards Test
– Grades 3-8; E/LA, Math, Science, Social Studies
– Students on-track to receive a diploma
• Identify Students to Participate
– Eligibility criteria: Case Conference Committee decision by February 28
– Provide STNs via DOE-TL Period 2 barcode submission: Feb. 21 – March 5
• Multiple-Choice Format; Testing Window: April 28 – May 7
– Critical – Students must not take ISTEP+ in IMAST content area(s)!
[Applied Skills and Multiple-Choice Assessments]…Avoid Undetermined test results!
• Clarifying Participation
– No limit on the number of students taking IMAST
– Federal Regulation sets a 2% limit (for corporations & state) on number
of students who can be “counted as proficient on Modified Standards”
for the purpose of calculating accountability
It is important for each student to participate in the most appropriate assessment for that student.
English Learners/LEP Students
• All EL students MUST take all portions of ISTEP+
– Except those enrolled in US schools < 1 year
“Less than 1 year” definition:
students enrolled after March 1, 2013
MAY substitute LAS Links for ISTEP+/ECA Eng/LangArts
 Corporation-wide NEW> 2 decisions!
1. ISTEP+ Grades 3-8 ELA
2. End of Course Assessment (English 10)
Must take Math and
 Science (Gr. 4 & 6, Biology I ECA) or Social Studies (Gr. 5 & 7)
– Accommodations (refer to Appendix C)
Accommodations for
Special Education and LEP students
• Appendix C in the Indiana Assessment Program Manual
– Outlines the standard accommodations for students with an IEP,
Section 504 Plan, ILP or Nonpublic School Service Plan
• Non-Standard Assessment Accommodation
– Is one NOT identified in the Indiana Assessment Program Manual
• Example: Assistive Technology
– Deadline to submit based on dates listed on the Request for NonStandard Assessment Accommodation form
– Accommodation must be approved by Office of Student Assessment
– IMPORTANT Note: Request for paper test during online
administration considered non-standard
Ethical Testing Practices:
Overview/Highlights – Part One
• Indiana Assessment Program Manual – Chapter 10
The basis for local training; test security and integrity training
should be completed prior to the actual test window.
IMPORTANT Note: Chapter 10 has been revised from 2012-13.
 Reminder: The “original” training must take place at the beginning of
the school year.
• Policy requirement
Every school corporation and school (public, charter,
nonpublic, and Choice) MUST have a written Test Security
Policy that is reviewed and updated on an annual basis.
Policy should be kept locally on file.
Ethical Testing Practices:
Overview/Highlights – Part Two
• Formal Training for Staff
In order to administer the assessment, staff MUST have
 Completed Security & Integrity Training (refer to the
August 13, 2013, ListServ message for more details)
 Signed the Indiana Testing Security and Integrity
Agreement (see Appendix A of the Indiana Assessment
Program Manual)
 Reviewed the school corporation’s Test Security Policy
sheets documenting staff completion of the
training must be kept locally on file.
Ethical Testing Practices:
Preparing for the Test – Part One
• Administrators must review and
approve materials used to
prepare students
• Assign Test Examiners and
Verify examiner qualifications
 Examiners must be certified
Review Assessment Roles &
Responsibilities information (see
August 15, 2013, ListServ email)
Ethical Testing Practices:
Preparing for the Test – Part Two
• CTCs/STCs must provide training for staff (e.g., classroom practices,
test administration) and review:
Acceptable teacher practices: prior to, during, and after the test
Appropriate test administration policies/practices (mechanics)
Specifics regarding test security and integrity
The Code of Ethical Practices & Procedures (see Appendix A of the
Indiana Assessment Program Manual).
- Sign-In sheets documenting staff completion of the training must be
kept on file.
- Copies of training materials used with staff (i.e., PowerPoints,
documents, etc.) should be kept locally on file.
Ethical Testing Practices:
Ensuring Examiner Readiness
• Examiner’s Manual
Secure document
• Access to Examiner’s Manual (EM)
For all assessments except IREAD-3, staff may retain
EM in a secure location after orientation session
• Access to assessment books (student documents)
NO advance access to actual student test
documents or test questions
• Usernames, passwords and access codes
Same level of security as test books
Ethical Testing Practices:
Administering the Test
• Administer test sessions in order
• Access codes must NOT be provided to the students in written
or print form prior to giving verbal directions at the start of a
test session.
• Examiners/Proctors
must monitor test sessions
should not use a student’s keyboard except in the case of a
• If a concern arises regarding an item….
Refer to the item by content area, test session, and item
NEVER make a copy or email the item (even to IDOE)!
• Unannounced security audits
IDOE due diligence
Ethical Testing Practices:
Materials Security – Part One
• CTCs and STCs MUST:
Control secure storage, distribution, administration, and
collection of tests (including online login credentials and
access codes)
 Develop a system to inventory and track all testing materials
(documentation of the tracking system used must be on file);
 Critical: Develop a form to track Daily sign-in/sign-out of test
 The STC must ensure the accuracy of the completion of the
tracking forms on a daily basis and confirm ALL testing
materials have been returned to secure storage at the close of
each testing day.
 The CTC should have a system for verifying these daily reviews
are completed by each STC daily during the testing window.
Ethical Testing Practices:
Materials Security – Part Two
• CTCs and STCs MUST:
Ensure that no test items are copied in any
Return all used and unused test materials in the
appropriately-marked box with the proper labels
from the test vendor if you have received any
non-standard accommodation materials or large
print/Braille test documents.
Ethical Testing Practices:
Security Violations – Part One
• Communicate the school corporation’s Test Security Policy,
IDOE’s test administration/test security guidelines and
expectations for ethical testing practices, as well as potential
consequences for test security violations.
Consequences at the corporation level (review corporation’s Test
Security policy)
Consequences at the state level (review the Protocol for Reporting
and Investigating Alleged Breaches or Irregularities in Appendix A of
the Indiana Assessment Program Manual)
Ethical Testing Practices:
Security Violations – Part Two
• Provide a way for students and staff to report concerns
and ensure the rights of those involved.
During staff trainings:
 Include a section detailing the process staff should use to report
test security concerns to the school corporation or IDOE.
(depending on the nature of the allegation(s), staff may desire to
contact IDOE directly regarding test security concerns)
– Refer to the Testing Concerns and Security Violations
Report form in Appendix B of the Indiana Assessment
Program Manual.
 Include guidance explaining how staff should inform students
of the process they should use to report concerns.
Ethical Testing Practices:
Security Violations – Part Three
• Establish a process to investigate irregularities, concerns,
Process, at a minimum, must include documented interviews with
students, teachers, and school staff involved
• Report security violations to IDOE’s Assessment Office
Appendix B: Testing Irregularity Report form (send via fax) on IDOE’s
Assessment webpage
 Form must be signed and submitted by CTC
Note: “Testing Concerns & Security Violations Report” form is designed
for use by parents or other concerned individuals.
 May be completed by school staff who have concerns regarding the
Ethical Testing Practices:
Security Violations – Part Four
• It is a violation of test security to:
Give students access to test questions in advance
Coach students in any way during the test
Copy, reproduce, or use in any manner any portion of a
secure test document for any reason
Alter answer documents after testing
Score student responses on the assessment before
returning documents for scoring
See Chapter 10 of the Indiana Assessment Program Manual for more details.
What if…
• If an assessment issue arises, please contact the
Assessment Office by calling (317) 232-9050
 A number of events can occur; time is of the essence!
 Document (Write it down at the time!)
 Notes should include, but not be limited to, who was involved, the
test session/materials involved, what happened, date/time/location
of event/incident, etc.
 Sample issues/concerns:
Test material issues
Test irregularities
Student or adult cheating
Student illness
Interruption to testing
Exposure of items
Acts of nature
Inappropriate testing practices
Assessment Resources
• Visit http://www.doe.in.gov/assessment
Test Blueprints, Item Samplers, and other key information
regarding specific assessments
• Indiana Assessment Program Manual
• Test Coordinator Corner (TCC)
Located in Learning Connection community
 IDOE - Test Coordinator Corner
 For CTCs and Nonpublic/Charter/Choice STCs
 Watch for future communication about the TCC from our office
Contact Information
• Assessment Office [email protected]
Telephone 317-232-9050; Toll Free 888-544-7837
Fax 317-233-2196
Website http://www.doe.in.gov/assessment
Learning Connection https://learningconnection.doe.in.gov
Karen Stein, Spec. Programs Asmt. Specialist [email protected]
• STN Application Center (800) 527-4931
• Office of Special Education 317-232-0570
• Office of English Learners 317-232-0555
• School Accountability [email protected]
Whom Should CTCs Call?
Call Test Vendor
 Usernames &
 Student Login
 Online testing issues
 Pencil/paper testing
 Other vendor related
Call Assessment Office
 Policy Issues
 Test Irregularities
Call STN App Center
 Barcode data file
questions or concerns
 Questions about STNs
 Assessment program
Thank you for viewing
this recording!