Unit 3 Back to the past Learning aims

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Unit 3 Back to the past

Learning aims: 1. You should learn to respect the past and learn from the history.

2. Learn the basic information about Pompeii and Loulan which can represent lost civilizations.

3. You should learn to analyze the elements of dairies to improve your reading skills.

How much do you know about the ancient civilization?

1. Do you know the name of the song?

River of Babylon.

2. As we know, Babylon was one of the four ancient civilized nations, so can you name the other three ones?

They are China, ancient India, ancient Egypt.

3. Can you name some buildings that could represent ancient civilizations in China?

Let’s enjoy the pictures.

The Palace Museum


The Temple of Heaven


the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang 敦煌莫高窟

The Eight Wonders around the World

1. The Hanging Gardens


2. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus King (



3. The Lighthouse of Alexandria (



4. The Colossus of Rhodes (



5. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus


6. Pyramids (



7. Terra Cotta Warriors


8. The Statue of Zeus (



 

1. Who do you know is Zeus? Zeus is known as the most powerful god in Greek mythology



(希腊神话中的  

2. Where was the statue once located


In ancient Greece.

Zeus have the power to control thunder and lighting.

The word Zeus in Greek means brightness.

The Taj Mahal


 

1. It looks like a palace, but actually what it is?

It is a tomb.

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2. It was built under whose order and what reason? An Indian emperor asked his people to build for his beloved wife.

The city of Pompeii


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1. Where was it once located?

In ancient Rome.

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2. It was destroyed by what?

It was the volcano eruption.

The Potala Palace


 在唐太宗时期,松赞干布为迎娶文成公 主兴建了布达拉宫。


世纪重建后,布 达拉宫成为历代达赖喇嘛的冬宫居所, 也是西藏政教合一的统治中心。整座宫 殿具有鲜明的藏式风格,依山而建,气 势雄伟。


年,布达拉宫被列为世界 文化遗产。

Lost Civilizations

What do you think of the meaning of the title Lost Civilizations?

It means ancient buildings, cultures and countries that no longer existed.

Reading strategy

Match the phrases and sentences together.

Dates and place names Loulan was a stopping point on the famous Silk Road.

Facts and historical information How unfortunate!

Personal feelings and opinions 24, July: Finally we arrived in Loulan.

Fast reading: read the passage quickly and answer the following questions.

1. What is the main similarities between Pompeii and Loulan?

Both Pompeii and Loulan became lost civilizations long ago.

2. What caused the disappearance of Pompeii and Loulan?

Because Pompeii was destroyed by the volcano eruption and Loulan was buried by sandstorms.

Detailed- Reading

task 1

Read the passage carefully and write down the main idea of each dairies.

Day 1

Ann plan to visit Pompeii and Loulan.

Day 2

: 

Day 3

Introduce Pompeii.

Ann arrived Pompeii and showed what she saw in the city.

Day 10

The brief introduction of Loulan.

Day 11

It tells us the information about how Loulan was discovered, what was found and the reason why it was destroyed.

Task 2

1. Read the 2nd dairy and judge whether the sentences T/F.

1). Pompeii became a rich and busy city when it was found in the 8th century.

F 2). In 89 BC , the Normans took over Pompeii.

F 3). The volcano continued to erupt for the next two days, but many people were alive.

F 4). The disaster happen on 24 August AD 79.


2.Read the 3rd dairy and choose the right answer.


years until .

2000 years ago B. in 1860 C. the 18th century D. In 89 BC A.



broken city------ Pompeii.

writing on stones B. digging the area for treasure stepping stones along the road cutting down the trees

 (


3). Which one was not found by Ann in the city of Pompeii.

A. bodies of people

B. houses decorated with wall painting

C. Stepping stones along the road

D. water system

C city, their body ……in the ash." Line 23) which choice can replace the underline word.

A. leave B. arrive C. run away D. run out

3. Read the last two dairies and complete the following exercises.

1). Why was Loulan an important city about 2,000 years ago?

Because it was a stopping point on the famous Silk Road between the East and the West.

2). How did they know that the desert was once a green land with huge trees?

There was an ancient water system that ran through the middle of the city.

D “beneath”.

A. near B. upon C. above D. under

4). Choose the right word and its form to fill in the blanks.

  ②

ruin destroy

 ①

An atom bomb

(原子弹) destroy 表示完全摧毁损坏 , 导致失去面来的面貌 , 无法继续使用 , 或者不存在了 ruin 表示损坏到无法修复的地步 , 但没意味着破坏到不存在 , 并没完全破坏到失去 原来面貌

The Silk Road

 丝绸之路通常是指欧亚北部的商路,与南方 的茶马古道形成对比,西汉时张骞出使西域 开辟的以西安为起点。往西一直延伸到罗马。 在通过这条漫漫长路进行贸易的货物中,中 国的丝绸最具代表性,“丝绸之路”因此得 名。丝绸之路不仅是古代亚欧互通有无的商 贸大道,还是促进亚欧各国和中国的友好往 来、沟通东西方文化的友谊之路。

Post Reading: Compare the two cities Location Pompeii in Italy Found Destroyed Cause in the 8th century BC about 2,000 years ago volcano eruption Explorer a farmer Discovery streets, houses and bodies of people Past situatio n a rich city Loulan in China 2,000 years ago in AD 500 sandstorms Sven Hedin city ruins and an ancient water system a small wealthy commercial city, a stopping point and a green land

Summary 89 BC. On 24th Aug. AD 79, Mount Vesuvius found.

1.Do you think it is important to protect cultural heritage? Why or why not

? 

2. Do you have any suggestions on how to protect them?

No matter whether the civilizations are ancient or modern, no matter whether they are material or intangible, no matter which country or culture they belong to, one thing is certain: they are man’s treasures. We are supposed to cherish and protect them. We are supposed to learn from them and develop them. We are supposed to create a better future for our off-springs. As a result, our children, our children’s children will enjoy the beauty of more civilizations.


1. Read the passage carefully and review the new words and phrases.

2. Complete language practice.

Thank you