Ancient Mesopotamia

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Ancient Mesopotamia

0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011


Stripes Team L. Nabulsi All information in this PowerPoint came from Banks, J.

World Adventures in Time and Place.

New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001.


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0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011 • 4000 BC – Mesopotamia • 3000 BC - Ur • 2300 BC – Kish • 1800 BC – Babylon • 1250 BC - Canaan



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0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011 • Plateau • Drought • Fertile Crescent • Tigris River • Euphrates River • Mesopotamia



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Geography of the Fertile Crescent

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This is a direct quote so it needs quotation marks around it. The period goes outside the Parentheses which give the documentation information.

If you used this quote in a paper, however, you would indent it because of its length, over 25 words.

Read Aloud

0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011 • “ For six days and seven nights the wind blew, flood and tempest [storm] overwhelmed the land; when the seventh


themselves out. The sea became calm, the …wind grew quieter, the flood held back….Silence reigned, for all mankind returned to clay” (Banks 104).


NOTE: clay” (Bank 104).

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The Big Picture

• • 0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011 •

The Fertile Crescent was located northeast of Egypt and was developing at the same time as Egypt.

“like a quarter moon” (Banks, 104).

1 Modern countries that are located in the Fertile Crescent are Lebanon, Israel, Syria and Iraq.


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The land of two rivers

0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011 • The Tigris River and the Euphrates River 104).

made the rocky, desert a fertile valley.

• These rivers compare to the Nile in the way


river both positively and negatively (Banks,


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Between Two Rivers

0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011


pp. 105-107


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Between two rivers

0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011 • The area between the two rivers was called Mesopotamia, which is its meaning in Greek.

• Present day Iraq.



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From Mountains to the Sea

0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011 • Mountains – Taurus Mountains – the source of the two rivers in present-day Turkey • Flow from mountains through canyons to valleys below • Extend to a plateau in “present-day Iraq”


(Banks 105).

• Plateau – • Southern Iraq – land is lower where rivers eventually empty into the Persian Gulf


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• Mesopotamians “depended on river deposits of silt” (Banks 105).

• Farmers challenged – Flooding not regular – Often at harvest time – Cost crops and lives – Farms needed protection – Crops needed watering – South Mesopotamia experienced droughts not large areas of


– Northern Mesopotamia had sufficient water but fertile soil - Less silt in the North than in the South


2 5 3 - South known for fertile fields

Maps that might help

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0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011 Take a piece of paper. Divide it in half horizontally.

On the back of the paper, put your name, Social Studies, Fertile Crescent, date On the front which has a line halfway down the page


upper half of the page. Give an arrow to indicate the flow of the river. Determine from a world map the longitude and latitude. Mark these degrees on the map. Color the map and code the colors. On the lower half of that same page, draw a map of the Fertile Crescent as seen on p. 105.


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In Class Assignment: Can you compare the impact of the Nile River with the Tigris and Euphrates?

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• I. Compare/contrast geography and effect of two rive cultures, the Nile River Valley and the Fertile Crescent – A. River • 1. Nile – B. Source – C. Flow Outline Information from VENN diagram • 2. Tigris and Euphrates • 1. Nile Source – mountains in Africa • 2. Fertile Crescent source – Taurus Mountains • 1. Nile – south to north • 2. T and E – north to south D. Empties 1. Nile – Mediterranean Sea 2. T and E – Persian Gulf – E. Carries silt – F. Effect on people • 1. Nile – predictable so they could plan where to live and when to harvest • 2. Fertile Crescent – unpredictable causing loss of life – g. Effect on land • 1. Nile – fertile land along the river which allowed for the development of land the length of the river • 2. Fertile Crescent – a. North as water but not much silt or land area – b. South had land area and silt but no water



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From River to Field

0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011 • PROBLEMS: • Fall – Planting season in south; no water • Spring – Harvest time, but floods came.

• SOLUTIONS • Built “water-control and irrigation systems”


(Banks 106).

• See page 106 and ge/cha_set.html


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Farming in Ancient Mesopotamia

0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011 • Crops grown in Mesopotamia – Barley – Wheat – Beans – Onions – Lettuce – Cucumbers – Spice plants – Date Palm – Apple – Pomegranate • • – – – – – • • • • • • Animals Sheep Milk Meat Wild animals


Jackals Lions Milk Wool Goats Cattle


Leather 2 5 3

Why it matters

0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011 • Uninviting area of the world developed into one of the “earliest civilizations developed” (Banks 107).

• Geography – the Tigris and Euphrates


Rivers made the civilization • Farmers solving problems – – managing the geography- made it work – Over producing lead to growth.


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Assignment- Cause/Effect Problem/solution

0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011 • Journal Topic: You are a farmer in the North visiting in the South during the flooding season. Make a speech to the leaders of the south showing how the ability of man to handle the problems of the geography will result in and then give the solution. Write


• Greet your audience and tell the purpose of your speech.

• Give the problems • Give the solution • End with a call for action


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• Find information about devastating three floods along the Mississippi River. • What was destroyed? • What are other effects?

• What was learned from these floods?

• What adjustments were made?

Egyptian and Mesopotamians did? • Place this information on a chart.

Document and have a works cited page.


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Location When 0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011 Flood 1 Effects Learned Adjustments Flood 2 Flood 3



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Outline for paper

• Introduction – Give historical background about Egypt and Mesopotamia – Floods still exist – Thesis: Modern man does/not learn and conquer nature the way ancient man did.

• 0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011 – Flood One – Topic sentence what/where and if anything learned simply stated – Flood Two - Topic sentence what/where and if anything learned simply stated • – Flood Three - Topic sentence what/where and if anything learned simply stated • • Where • When • Effects • Learned • Adjustments • Evaluate Where • When • Effects • Learned • Adjustments • Evaluate Where • When • Effects • Learned • Adjustments • Evaluate



2 5 3 Conclusion – Who learned the most from nature and prospered

Grade for this unit

• 1. Answer the questions on page 107. Answer in complete sentences. (10 points- in class) as indicated. (25 points – in class) • 3. Make a Venn diagram comparing/contrasting the Egypt and Mesopotamia. (10 points – in class) • 4. Write a journal entry (part of notebook grade)


• 6. Write the paper from the chart: MLA, Outline, five paragraph paper with documentation, work cited page. (100 points – in class) • 7. Ticket Outs – (10 points each) • 8. Test – (100 points)


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0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011 • January 25 – Read pp. 104-107l do study questions on p. 107 • January 29 – Go over PP in class, TO 1, Venn Diagram.

• February 2 – TO 2, Write journal (outline, write rough draft, peer evaluation, correct errors)


• February 6 – TO 3 -Do research on floods, make charts • February 8 – TO 4 -Write outline for paper; fill in and document as you go (last para. #) or “Word in title” para. #).

questions p. 115.


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