(PPFD) Process For Professional & Managerial Staff

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Transcript (PPFD) Process For Professional & Managerial Staff

Christina Sass-Kortsak Assistant Vice-President, Human Resources


Orientation to the Performance Planning Feedback and Development (PPFD) Process For Professional & Managerial Staff


This orientation will

• Review the goals of the program and the importance to U of T • Identify the Performance Planning Feedback and Development (PPFD) Process • Discuss the critical dates and responsibilities for the Reviewer 3

Overview of Human Resources Management Performance Planning Professional & Managerial Staff Compensation Succession Planning Coaching Feedback Coaching Professional Development


The PPFD Process and its Outcomes Assessing Performance Performance Planning Coaching: Feedback & Development

• • •

Positive work climate Competent staff members Recognition Professional development


Part A: Activity Report

• Key Accomplishments in relation to planned objectives • Other Accomplishments - Unplanned • Professional Development Undertaken Personally • Professional Development of Employees Supervised • Service to Profession • Service to the University of Toronto 6

Part B: Values and Competencies Summary

• Review mandatory core values and identify whether the employee ‘meets expectations’ or ‘does not meet expectations’ • Review the competencies that were identified as relevant to role/individual and if any were given more weight • Review detailed definitions provided in Competencies Worksheet Appendix A • Provide suggestions for development activities with the help of the Competency Development Guide Appendix B • Indicate the performance rating of each relevant competencies 7

Competencies Worksheet – Appendix A

• Quality of work • Leadership • Problem solving • Plan/Organize • Initiative/Insight • Communication • Interpersonal/ Teamwork • Service orientation 8

Performance Categories

5 or 4.5 = Exceptional Performance 4 = Excellent Performance 3 or 3.5 = High Quality Performance 2 or 2.5 = Partially Achieving Performance Expectations 1 = Unsatisfactory Performance 9

Part C: Overall Performance Rating

• Provides a recommended job performance rating • Provides a summary of accomplishments and competencies • Signatures and distribution 10

Conducting the Discussion


• • • • •

Observe performance Guide development Give feedback Document performance Create motivating climate LEADER COMMUNICATOR


Part D: Activity Report: Planning for Next Review Period

Aligns • Individual efforts and the organization’s priorities Includes • Objectives and special projects • Professional Development plan • Professional Development plan for any staff supervised 12

Week of June 24

Critical Dates Overview 2013 Annual Process

by July 19 July 22 - Aug 27 by Aug 27 Letter from VP HR&E announcing PM/C performance assessment process.

Reviewer requests Part A Activity Report from P/M and Confidential staff members by July 19. Reviewer collects and reviews the reports and reflects on feedback and coaching discussions that occurred with staff members throughout the review period.

Reviewer completes the Competencies Worksheet and Summary identifying the effective or ineffective behaviors demonstrated during the review period and obtains additional feedback on performance if appropriate.

Reviewer submits the completed performance assessment with a recommended overall rating to the HR Office by Aug 27 for Divisional Review. Reviewers should not share recommended ratings with staff prior to the Divisional Review.


Critical Dates Overview cont. 2013 Annual Process

Aug 27 - Sept 12 by Sept 13 by October 7 By October 21 By October 21 October 31 Divisional HR Offices facilitate Divisional Reviews. Approved ratings are communicated to the Reviewer.

Divisional HR Offices to submit performance ratings to Compensation.

Comp to return final merit dollar distribution to HR Offices.

Reviewer conducts face to face performance assessment discussions and confirms all ratings with P/M and Confidential staff members.

Business Officers process merit increases by October 21 pay close.

A copy of the completed Performance Planning, Feedback and Development Form should be retained in the employee personnel file by the Reviewer and be provided to the staff member.


Human Resources Roles

• Provides stewardship • Provides support for the process, reference tools, training and consultation • Facilitates Divisional Review • Retains copy to review the process for quality, consistency and training needs • Human Resources & Equity Website http://www.hrandequity.utoronto.ca/ 15