Fact or Opinion - Campbell County Schools

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Transcript Fact or Opinion - Campbell County Schools

Fact or Opinion

- 7 SB Activity 2.15 -

What is the Green Movement?

The green movement is the process one takes to address environmental concerns. These concerns may include:       Use natural products (no chemicals) Buy local products Reduce Reuse Recycle Conserve Energy

Anticipation Guide (p. 139)

Review the statements listed on the anticipation guide and decide whether you agree or disagree. Provide an explanation for your opinion.

Fact or Opinion Review

Fact: a statement that can be proven Example: Campbell County Middle School is the largest middle school in Kentucky.

Opinion: a perspective that can be debated Example: Campbell County is the best middle school in the USA.

What does Garfield have to say about fact and opinion?

“ Buying into the Green Movement”

Feature articles, which may have a persuasive purpose, contain both facts and opinions.

As a class we’ll read the article, “Buying into the Green Movement.” While reading…  Highlight the facts listed in the article  In another color, highlight the author’s opinion and opinions of people cited in the article Let’s read page 140 together and identify one opinion and one fact.

After reading

Working with your elbow buddy, identify at least three facts and three opinions listed in the article. Write these facts and opinions in the “my notes” section on page 141.

After reading…inference practice

What can the reader infer from this article?


The author does not care about the environment.




Buying an earth-friendly car will not save the environment.

The author thinks Americans buy earth friendly products to appear fashionable.

The author thinks we should consume more “green” products.

They made a mistake?!?!

Look at page 145 and notice the “correction” at the bottom of the page. Why do publications publish corrections? Is this correction important to the understanding of the article? Explain.

What goes into a persuasive piece?

In a persuasive piece the author’s position is often not directly stated, but implied. The reader must clearly understand the author’s position by differentiating between fact and opinion before they can form a response to the text (you will practice this strategy using the SOAPSTone graphic organizer).

What is the author’s position?

Review your highlighting from the text and determine the author’s position (what is his opinion of the green movement). Write this on the top of your SOAPSTone. Respond to the writing prompt at the bottom of page 146. Writing Prompt: Write a thesis statement responding to the author’s opinion about the Green Movement. Remember: thesis statement = topic + opinion

Thesis statement

On the bottom of page 146, write a thesis statement responding to the author’s opinion about the Green Movement. Hint: thesis statement is the topic of the article and author’s opinion.

The (topic) according to (author).

is (opinion)

How can I strengthen an argument?

Writers use a variety of strategies to strengthen their argument. These strategies include:  Cause and effect   Quotations from authorities Analogies Working with your elbow-buddy, scan the text and label the strategies Williams uses to strengthen his argument.

Which strategy do you think was most effective? Explain.

Anticipation guide

Return to the anticipation guide you completed on page 139. Have your views changed since reading the article? What persuasive points from the article led to the change?


You will work in small groups (3-4) and use the SOAPSTone strategy to analyze the text to develop a deeper understanding of it. Let’s do one example together:

Grammar and Usage appositives

An appositive is a noun or phrase that explains or renames the noun or pronoun next to it in a sentence. commas .

If the appositive adds meaning to the sentence but is not necessary for the sentence to make sense, it should be placed inside of Example: Paul Hawken, an author and longime environmental activist , said the current boom in earth-friendly products offers a false promise.

Appositive practice

Michael Shellenberger is a partner at American Environics. American Environics is a market research firm in Oakland, Calif. He said his company ran a series of focus groups in April and was surprised by the results. What is the best way to rewrite this sentence using an appositive?





Michael Shellenberger is a partner at American Environics who said his company ran a series of focus groups.

Michael Shellenberger, a partner at American Environics, said his company ran a series of focus groups in April, and was surprised by the results. Michael Shellenberger, a market research firm, was surprised by the results of his small focus groups.

Michael Shellenber who is a partner at American Environics said his company ran a series of focus groups in April and was surprised by the results.

Grammar and Usage - Hyphens

Hyphens connect the parts of compound words. Notice the hyphen between two words used as a single phrase to modify a noun:



old school friendly

environmentalism, products.




The writer also uses hyphens to separate certain prefixes and nouns, such as self-abnegation and eco-narcissism.

Using correct hyphenation in your writing helps to make your meaning clear.

Practice: Circle five hyphenated words within the article “Buying into the Green Movement.”

Hyphen practice

Review the sentences below. On a separate sheet of paper, write the compound words requiring a hyphen.






The cat jumped from a two story building.

I need to make sure I self address this envelope.

The student had to make sure she scored well on today’s warm up activity.

Today, we are reading an article about earth friendly products.

For my own well being, I need to make sure I get eight hours of sleep.