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Differential Expression Analysis
Introduction to Systems Biology Course
Chris Plaisier
Institute for Systems Biology
Glioma: A Deadly Brain Cancer
Wikimedia commons
miRNAs in Cancer
Caldas et al., 2005
Utility of miRNAs in Cancer
Chan et al., 2011
miRNAs are Dysregulated in Cancer
Chan et al., 2011
What data do we need?
Analysis Method
Mischel et al, 2004
Utility of miRNAs in Cancer
Chan et al., 2011
Student’s T-test
Data for Analysis
• Patient tumor miRNA expression levels
• By identifying miRNAs whose expression is
significantly different between glioma and
– Could be drivers of cancer related processes
Loading the Data
Comma separated values file is a text file where each line is a row and
the columns separated by a comma.
• In R you can easily load these types of files using:
# Load up data for differential expression analysis
d1 = read.csv(
NOTE: CSV files can easily be imported or exported from Microsoft
What does the data look like?
Subset Data Types
• This file contains the case/control stats, CNVs and miRNA expression
• We want to separate these out to make our analysis easier
# Case or control status (1 = case, 0 = control)
case_control = d1[1,]
# miRNA expression levels
mirna = d1[361:894,]
# Copy number variation
cnv = d1[2:360,]
Plot the Data
• What statistics should we compute?
• What results should we save from the
Calculating T-test for all miRNAs
Use a Student's T-test to identify the differentially expressed miRNAs
from the study (compare experimental to controls).
Input: cnvData_miRNAExp.csv - matrix of miRNA expression profiles
Desired output:
• t.test.fc.mirna.csv – a matrix of fold-changes, Student’s T-test statistics, Student's T-test pvalues with Bonferroni and Benjamini-Hochberg correction in separate columns labeled by
miRNA names (write them out sorted by Benjamini-Hochberg corrected p-values).
The number of miRNAs differentially expressed (α ≤ 0.05 and fold-change ± 2) for no
multiple testing correction, Bonferroni and Benjamini-Hochberg correction (use whatever
method you like: R or Excel)
volcanoPlotTCGAmiRNAs.pdf – Create a volcano plot of the –log10(p-value) vs. log2(foldchange)
Useful functions: read.csv, t.test, sapply, p.adjust, order, write.csv, print, pdf, plot, t, pdf, dev.off,
Calculating Fold-Changes
Now lets calculate the fold-changes for each of the miRNAs, values are
log2 transformed so need to reverse this before calculating fold-changes:
# Calculate fold-changes
fc = rep(NA, nrow(mirna))
for(i in 1:nrow(mirna)) {
fc[i] = median(2^as.numeric(mirna[i, which(case_control==1)]), na.rm
= T) / median(2^as.numeric(mirna[i, which(case_control==0)]), na.rm
= T)
or a faster version using an apply:
# Faster version using an sapply
fc.2 = sapply(1:nrow(mirna), function(i) {
return(median(2^as.numeric(mirna[i, which(case_control==1)]), na.rm
= T) / median(2^as.numeric(mirna[i, which(case_control==0)]), na.rm
= T)) } )
Calculating T-Test for All miRNAs
Now lets calculate the significance of differential
expression for each of the miRNAs:
# Calculate Student's T-test p-values
t1.t = rep(NA, nrow(mirna))
t1.p = rep(NA, nrow(mirna))
for(i in 1:nrow(mirna)) {
t1 = t.test( mirna[ i,
which(case_control==1) ],
mirna[ i,
which(case_control==0) ] )
t1.t[ i ] = t1$statistic
t1.p[ i ] = t1$p.value
Multiple Testing Correction
When to use FDR vs. FWER for setting a threshold?
• Family Wise Error Rate (FWER) - e.g. Bonferroni
Extremely conservative only few miRNAs are called significant.
Is used when one needs to be certain that all called miRNAs are truly positive.
False Discovery Rate (FDR) - e.g. Benjamini-Hochberg
If the FWER is too stringent when one is more interested in having more true positives. The
false positives can be sorted out in subsequent experiments (expensive).
By controlling the FDR one can choose how many of the subsequent experiments one is
willing to be in vain.
Adjust for Multiple Testing
Next we will correct our p-values for multiple testing in two ways:
# Do Bonferroni multiple testing correction (FWER)
p.bonferroni = p.adjust(pValues, method='bonferroni')
# Do Benjamini-Hochberg multiple testing correction (FDR)
p.benjaminiHochberg = p.adjust(pValues, method='BH')
# How many miRNAs are considered significant
print(paste('Uncorrected = ',sum(pValues<=0.05),';
Bonferroni = ',sum(p.bonferroni<=0.05),'; BenjaminiHochberg = ',sum(p.benjaminiHochberg<=0.05),sep=''))
Write Out Results to CSV
We will now write out the results of the T-test analysis to a CSV file:
# Create index ordered by Benjamini-Hochberg corrected p-values to
sort each vector
o1 = order(p.benjaminiHochberg)
# Make a data.frame with the three columns
td1 = data.frame(fold.change = fc[o1],
t.stats = t1.t[o1],
t.p = t1.p[o1],
t.p.bonferroni = p.bonferroni[o1],
t.p.benjaminiHochberg = p.benjaminiHochberg[o1])
# Add miRNAs names as rownames
rownames(td1) = sub('exp.', '', rownames(mirna)[o1])
# Write out results file
write.csv(td1, file = 't.test.fc.mirna.csv')
This can now be opened in Excel for further analysis.
What are the DE miRNAs?
• Typically genes / miRNAs are considered DE if
adjusted p-value ≤ 0.05 and fold-change ± 2
– Benjamini-Hochberg FDR ≤ 0.05 and FC ± 2 = 66
• How do we figure out which 66?
#The significant miRNAs
sub('exp.', '', rownames(mirna)[
which(p.benjaminiHochberg <= 0.05 & (fc
<= 0.5 | fc >= 2)) ] )
Basic Code for a Volcano Plot
# Make a volcano plot
plot(log(fc,2), -log(t1.p, 10) , ylab = 'log10(p-value)', xlab = 'log2(Fold
Change)', axes = F, col = rgb(0, 0, 1,
0.25), pch = 20, main = "TCGA miRNA
Differential Expresion", xlim = c(-6,
5.5), ylim=c(0, 110))
p1 = par()
Volcano Plot
Adding Some Flair to the Volcano Plot
# Open a PDF output device to store the volcano plot
# Make a volcao plot
plot(log(fc,2), -log(t1.p, 10) , ylab = '-log10(p-value)', xlab = 'log2(Fold Change)', axes = F, col =
rgb(0, 0, 1, 0.25), pch = 20, main = "TCGA miRNA Differential Expresion", xlim = c(-6, 5.5), ylim=c(0,
# Get some plotting information for later
p1 = par()
# Add the axes
## Label significant miRNAs on the plot
# Don’t make a new plot just write over top of the current plot
# Choose the significant miRNAs
included = c(intersect(rownames(td1)[which(td1[, 't.p']<=(0.05/534))], rownames(td1)[which(td1[,
'fold.change']>=2)]), intersect(rownames(td1)[which(td1[, 't.p']<=(0.05/534))], rownames(td1)[which(td1[,
# Plot the red highlighting circles
plot(log(td1[included, 'fold.change'], 2), -log(td1[included, 't.p'], 10), ylab = '-log10(p-value)', xlab
= 'log2(Fold Change)', axes = F, col = rgb(1, 0, 0, 1), pch = 1, main = "TCGA miRNA Differential
Expresion", cex = 1.5, xlim = c(-6, 5.5), ylim = c(0, 110))
# Add labels as text
text((log(td1[included, 'fold.change'], 2)), ((-log(td1[included, 't.p'], 10))+-3), included, cex = 0.4)
# Close PDF output device, closes PDF file
Making a Volcano Plot
Making a PDF
• R has options that allow you to easily make
PDFs of your plots
– Nice because they can be loaded into Illustrator
and modified
• Can either be done at the command line or
through the graphical interface
Integrating miRNA Expression and CNVs
• If an miRNA was deleted or amplified it could
affect its expression in a dose dependent manner
TCGA, Nature 2012
Finding Linear Relationships
What is Linear?
y = mx + b
Can CNV Levels Predict miRNA
Expression Levels?
What kind of data do we need?
Does the TCGA have it?
Does the biology modify integration?
• Should we correlate each CNV across genome
with each miRNA?
• Is there a way to reduce multiple testing?
• Does it imply something about the causality of
the association?
Tabulating miRNA CNVs
1. Collect miRNA genomic coordinates
2. Collect CNV levels across genome
3. Identify CNV levels for each miRNA
4. Correlate a expression and CNV levels for
each miRNA
Calculating Correlation Between
miRNA CNV and Expression
Use a correlation to identify the copy number variants that have a dose
dependent effect on miRNA expression:
Input: cnvData_miRNAExp.csv - matrix of miRNA expression profiles
Desired output:
• corTestCnvExp_miRNA_gbm.csv - a matrix of correlation coefficients, correlation p-values,
and Bonferroni and Benjamini-Hochberg correction in separate columns labeled by miRNA
names (write them out sorted by Benjamini-Hochberg corrected p-values).
corTestCnvExp_miRNA_gbm.pdf – scatter plots of the top 15 miRNAs correlated with CNV
Best two candidate miRNAs for follow-up studies.
Useful functions: read.csv, cor.test, sapply, p.adjust, order, write.csv, print, pdf, plot, t, pdf, dev.off,
Formulae in R
Formulae in R are very handy:
response.variable ~ explanatory.variables
Formulae can be used in place of data vectors
for many functions. In our case:
cor.test(.exp.miRNA ~ cnv.miRNA)
Calculating Correlation
Now lets calculate the fold-changes for each of the miRNAs, values are
log2 transformed so need to reverse this before calculating fold-changes:
# Make a matrix to hold the Copy Number Variation data for each miRNA
# Most miRNAs should have a corresponding CNV entry
cnv = d1[2:360,]
# Run the analysis for hsa-miR-10b
c1 = cor.test(as.numeric(cnv['cnv.hsa-miR-10b',]), as.numeric(mirna['exp.hsa-miR10b',]), na.rm = T)
# Plot hsa-miR-10b expression vs. Copy Number levels
plot(as.numeric(mirna['exp.hsa-miR-10b',]) ~ as.numeric(cnv['cnv.hsa-miR-10b',]),
col = rgb(0, 0, 1, 0.5), pch = 20, xlab = 'Copy Number', ylab = 'hsa-miR-10b
Expression', main = 'hsa-miR-10b:\n Expression vs. Copy Number')
# Add a trend line to the plot
lm1 = lm(as.numeric(mirna['exp.hsa-miR-10b',]) ~ as.numeric(cnv['cnv.hsa-miR10b',]))
abline(lm1, col='red', lty=1, lwd=1)
Plot Correlation
# Plot hsa-miR-10b expression vs. Copy Number
plot(as.numeric(mirna['exp.hsa-miR-10b',]) ~
as.numeric(cnv['cnv.hsa-miR-10b',]), col =
rgb(0, 0, 1, 0.5), pch = 20, xlab = 'Copy
Number', ylab = 'hsa-miR-10b Expression',
main = 'hsa-miR-10b:\n Expression vs. Copy
# Add a trend line to the plot
lm1 = lm(as.numeric(mirna['exp.hsa-miR-10b',])
~ as.numeric(cnv['cnv.hsa-miR-10b',]))
abline(lm1, col='red', lty=1, lwd=1)
Not Associated with Copy Number
P-Value = 0.51
Scaling it Up to Whole miRNAome
# Create a matrix to strore the output
m1 = matrix(nrow = 359, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(rownames(cnv),
c('cor.r', 'cor.p')))
# Run the analysis
for(i in rownames(cnv)) {
# Try function catches errors caused by missing data
c1 = try(cor.test(as.numeric(cnv[i,]),
as.numeric(mirna[sub('cnv','exp',i),]), na.rm = T), silent = T)\
# If there are no errors then adds values to matrix
m1[i, 'cor.r'] = ifelse(class(c1)=='try-error', 'NA', c1$estimate)
m1[i, 'cor.p'] = ifelse(class(c1)=='try-error', 'NA', c1$p.value)
# Adjust p-values and get rid of NA’s using na.omit
m2 = na.omit(cbind(m1, p.adjust(as.numeric(m1[,2]), method = 'BH')))
Write Out Results
Write out the resulting correlations and sort
them by the correlation coefficient:
# Create index ordered by correlation coefficient to sort
the entire matrix
o1 = order(m2[,1], decreasing = T)
# Write out results file
write.csv(m2[o1,], file = 'corTestCnvExp_miRNA_gbm.csv')
Plot Top 15 Correlations
# Get top 15 to plot based on correlation coefficient
top15 = sub('cnv.', '', rownames(head(m2[order(as.numeric(m2[,1]), decreasing =
T),], n = 15)))
## Plot top 15 correlations
# Open a PDF device to output plots
# Iterate through all the top 15 miRNAs
for(mi1 in top15) {
# Plot correlated miRNA expression vs. copy number variation
plot(as.numeric(mirna[paste('exp.', mi1, sep = ''),]) ~
as.numeric(cnv[paste('cnv.', mi1, sep = ''),]), col = rgb(0, 0, 1, 0.5),
pch = 20, xlab = 'Copy Number', ylab = 'Expression', main =
paste(mi1, '\n Expression vs. Copy Number'), sep = '')
# Make a trend line and plot it
lm1 = lm(as.numeric(mirna[paste('exp.', mi1, sep = ''),]) ~
as.numeric(cnv[paste('cnv.', mi1, sep = ''),]))
abline(lm1, col = 'red', lty = 1, lwd = 1)
# Close PDF device
Associated with Copy Number
P-Value = < 2.2 x 10-16
Differential Expression
Fold-change = 0.85
P-Value =
Associated with Copy Number
P-Value = < 2.2 x 10-16
Differential Expression
Fold-change = -4.1
P-Value =
1.33 x 10-8
Sub-clonal Amplification:
Associated with Copy Number
P-Value = < 2.2 x 10-16
Differential Expression
Fold-change = 2.2
P-Value =
2.0 x10-10
Top Two Candidates for Follow-Up?
• What are your suggestions?
• What other data would help to choose?
• Can we overlap the miRNA DE and CNV
correlation studies?
– What if they don’t overlap?
• What should we do for follow-up studies?