Chapter 9 Quiz 5 Review

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Transcript Chapter 9 Quiz 5 Review

 What
event led to the death of the
Federalist party?
 Hartford Convention
 Embargo Act
 Macon’s Bill Number Two
 Chesapeake affair
Hartford Convention
 Who
was America’s popular president
during “the Era of Good Feelings”?
 John Quincy Adams
 Thomas Jefferson
 James Monroe
 James Madison
James Monroe
 What
treaty established a
permanently disarmed region on
America’s northern border?
 Adams-Onis Treaty
 Treaty of Ghent
 Treaty of Fort Greenville
 Rush-Bagot Treaty
Rush-Bagot Treaty
What was the main provision of the
Monroe Doctrine?
 The United States would aid any Latin
American country that asks for it
 The United States would support any
independence effort in the Western
 No European country could intervene in the
Western Hemisphere
 The United States would no longer trade
with any country that retains its trade
No European country could intervene in the
Western Hemisphere
What region did the Unites States
government buy as a result of the
Adams-Onis Treaty with Spain ?
 A) John Quincy Adams
 B) Hartford Convention
 C) Simon Bolivar
 D) Adams-Onis Treaty
 E) Francis Scott Key
 ___
author of the national anthem
E) Francis Scott Key
 A) John Quincy Adams
 B) Hartford Convention
 C) Simon Bolivar
 D) Adams-Onis Treaty
 E) Francis Scott Key
 ___
secretary of state whose hard line
won Florida from Spain
A) John Quincy Adams
 A) John Quincy Adams
 B) Hartford Convention
 C) Simon Bolivar
 D) Adams-Onis Treaty
 E) Francis Scott Key
 ___
revolutionary in Latin America
C) Simon Bolivar
 A) John Quincy Adams
 B) Hartford Convention
 C) Simon Bolivar
 D) Adams-Onis Treaty
 E) Francis Scott Key
 ___
a threat by New England
representatives to secede
B) Hartford Convention
 A) John Quincy Adams
 B) Hartford Convention
 C) Simon Bolivar
 D) Adams-Onis Treaty
 E) Francis Scott Key
 ___
the transfer of Florida from Spain
to America
D) Adams-Onis Treaty
______ Andrew Jackson exceeded his
orders when he captured the capital of