SmartCare Overview Presentation - Scottish Centre for Telehealth

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Transcript SmartCare Overview Presentation - Scottish Centre for Telehealth

Marlene Harkis
Development manager
Scottish Centre Telehealth and Telecare/NHS24
• What is SmartCare
• What does it aim to do
• How is it going to do it
• Progress so far
• Next steps
SmartCare in Scotland aims..
“to improve the health, care and wellbeing of
10,000 people aged 50+ within Ayrshire and
Clyde Valley, by enabling a better co-ordinated
and more effective approach to falls prevention
and management … focusing on the role that
ICT services and applications can play in
supporting integrated care ”
Current falls impact on Scottish System →
Falls & the consequences of falls are a major and growing concern older
people/carers/health & social care providers
Falls are the leading cause of accident related death in older people (WHO, 2004)
and are a common problem amongst older people with long term health conditions
Falls and fractures result in over 18,000 unplanned hospital admissions and 390,500
bed days each year in Scotland (ISD 2010/11). This is greater than average stays
for COPD admission in the same age group
30% of population aged 65-79 and 45% of those aged 80+ fall annually (DoH 2009) =
absolute risk of 0.34 falls per person for those aged 65+
1% of falls result in hip fracture = over 6,000 hip fractures in Scotland p.a. The
acute management of hip fractures costs NHS Scotland £73m+ p.a.
20% of older people who sustain a hip fracture die within 6 months (SIGN 2009),
half will never be functional ‘walkers’ again (WHO, 2004)
Falls are one of the leading causes of Emergency Dept attendance and are
implicated in over 40% of Care Home admissions (BGS,2001)
There are clear links between prevalence of falling & chronic diseases (BMJ 2003)
………………………However, falls are NOT an inevitable consequence of old age!!
(Cochrane Review 2012 etc)
SmartCare in Scotland
 SCTT/NHS 24 has a national
responsibility in Scotland as
advisor, facilitator and promoter of
technology enabled health, care &
wellbeing for 5.2m population
 SmartCare overarching pop – 1.1m
 Involving 7 local authorities (22%)
– social care/housing/education
 3 territorial Health Boards (21%)
 Range of voluntary, charitable &
independent sector organisations
or care
Rehabilitation and
Staying independent
Increasing Frailty
Community wellbeing
Fill the gaps
Improve existing processes and communication
Promote prevention
Collaborate with service users and carers
Use technology to improve existing self
assessment tools – triage – MFA
• Implement SmartCare concept
Person Profile
Diary/ Calendar
Community engagement
Independence and
Community Engagement
• Signposting- local services, events social
• social networking
• Keep in touch- Skype family and friends
• Prevent isolation – keep active – be part of
Independence and enablement
Self assessment fast access to telecare –&equipment
Basic screening information
Triage tool
Multifactorial assessment
inform multidisciplinary assessment and hospital
• Intervention record
• Personal targets
• Apps for exercise, personal targets diet, games
• Diary - enhance coordination
• Co ordination - Persons needs will be varied
according to LTC and level of independence
• Pull together key events supports
• Link with agencies- GP Hospital appointments
• Adapting existing systems – home care- EquipU
Person profile
Who am I – how do I want things organised
Person held information – input practitioners
Key Information Summary
Health info
Social info
Comprehensive Integrated information system
Influenced and tested by SmartCare
What changes
Access varied
Info dispersed
resource led
Response varied
Single entry
One place
Outcome focused
Response consistent
More effective sharing of information
Better coordination of care
More effective use of technology
Quicker assessment – access to resources
Increased self management
Early identification
Sustainable solutions
Falls pathway redesign – service specification
Key partners are contributing to the design
Users and carer reference group
Increased awareness of SmartCare Objectives
Concept/technology is being defined
National events in October and January + Local
• Local governance arrange meetings – Boards
Next steps
Progress Service Specification
Continue to Raise awareness of SmartCare
Partnership with suppliers and Academia
Complete specification