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Transcript WATER CYCLE!!!

The water cycle is made of 4 parts. The 4
parts are evaporation, condensation,
precipitation, and collection.
Junior- My prediction was to learn
about how the water cycle works.
Madison- My prediction was to learn
about the water cycle’s 4 parts. That
are evaporation, condensation,
precipitation, and collection.
Evaporation definition and How
The Water Cycle Works!!!
Evaporation means turning liquid into
The water cycle is first, the rain falls.
That is called Precipitation. Next, the
step is evaporation. When Evaporation
happens the vapor rises. Then
condensation happens which is when
the clouds form. Finally, Transpiration
The Way The Water Cycle
The water cycle works first
evaporation-the vapors rises,
condensation- the clouds form,
precipitation- the rain falls,
transpiration- the movement through
How Do Clouds Form???
Glad that you asked. Okay so clouds
form due to water vapor. The sun’s heat
makes water in lakes, oceans, and
rivers to evaporate. Vapor combines to
form a cloud. When lower temperature
is obtained, it rains.
What is Condensation?
Condensation is when the clouds form.
The slide before this one told you about
how clouds form.
The Forms of Precipitation.
When the temperature and atmosphere
pressure are right,the small droplets of
water includes form larger droplets and
precipitation occurs. The raindrops fall to
the Earth. As a result of evaporation,
condensation, and precipitation water
travels from the surface of the Earth goes
into the atmosphere, and returns to Earth
Why is the water cycle
The water cycle is important to Earth
because it gives us water to drink and
to bathe in.
The Water Cycle Joke Page 1
Take a good look at the water. Can you
guess how old it is?
The Water Cycle Joke. Page 2
The water in your glass may have fallen
from the sky as rain just last week, but
the water itself has been around pretty
mush as long as Earth has!
The Water Cycle Joke Page 2
When the first fish crawled out of the
ocean onto the land, your glass of water
was apart of that ocean.
When the Brontosaurus walked through
lakes feeding on plants, your glass of
water was apart of the lakes.
When kings and princesses, knights and
squires took a drink from their wells,
your glass of water was apart of those
WERE OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU !!!!!!
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