Transcript Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Ropes and Knots


• Rope is one of the most important and routinely used tools in the fire service • In this chapter, you will learn: – How to select the proper rope – The proper uses of rope in fire service – The essential skill of knot tying – How to properly inspect, maintain, and store rope 15.2

Rope Materials and Their Characteristics

• Constructed of a wide variety of materials • Each material has different characteristics • Earliest ropes were made of natural materials • The fire service has re-examined the type of rope materials being utilized as

life safety lines


Natural Materials

• Materials that fall into this category – Manila, sisal, and cotton • Share same poor characteristics with regard to: – Rot – Mildew – Abrasion resistance – Natural deterioration – Low shock load absorption capability 15.4

Figure 15-2 Type 1 manila rope.


Synthetic Materials

• Primary synthetic materials utilized: – Nylon – Polypropylene – Polyethylene – Polyester • Today, ropes made of these are the rule rather than the exception • High strength-to-weight ratio 15.6

Figure 15-6 Brightly colored polyethylene rope floating on water.


Construction Methods and Their Characteristics

• Natural fiber ropes dominating fire service were constructed using laid method • Modern ropes utilize a number of different construction techniques • Two broad categories: – Static – Dynamic 15.8

Laid (Twisted)

• Most common type of construction for natural fiber ropes • Formed by twisting individual fibers together to form strands or bundles • Tends to accentuate spinning and twisting • Advantage is that all fibers are exposed – Easy to inspect – Exposed fibers also susceptible to damage 15.9

Figure 15-7 Example of laid construction method.



• Utilized predominantly with synthetic fibers • Formed by weaving small bundles of fibers together, much the same as braided hair • Smooth to touch, high flexibility • Does not accentuate spinning • Every fiber exposed to abrasion, sunlight, and physical damage 15.11


• Formed by braiding a sheath over a smaller braided core • Ropes of this kind are quite dynamic • Soft sheath more susceptible to damage from abrasion Figure 15-9 Example of braid-on-braid construction method.



• Kern is a derivative of the term kernel • Mantle is defined as “anything that cloaks, envelops, covers, or conceals” • Kern carries vast majority of load • Can be dynamic or static depending on configuration of fibers of kern • Quite resistant to abrasion 15.13

Figure 15-10 Example of kernmantle construction method with the outer kern cut and pulled back at the end, showing the inner mantle section.


Primary Uses

• Fire service utilizes ropes on a regular basis • Operations divided into two classifications: – Utility – Safety • Firefighter should be familiar with department standard rope use 15.15


• Rope used for utility purposes has no governing standards • Firefighters must take extra precautions when using

utility rope

• Firefighters should become familiar with common uses within their own department 15.16

Firefighting and Rescue Uses

• Ropes for structural search and rescue guide ropes do not fall into category of life safety ropes • Ropes, harnesses, and hardware utilized anywhere there will be life supported must comply with NFPA 1983 • NFPA 1983 categorizes life safety ropes as: – Light-use – General-use • NFPA 1983 also sets tensile strength requirements for each 15.17

Fire Service Knots

• Each service will have preferred methods and knots • Consult local protocol, policies or SOPs to find which knots expected for various situations • Some knots introduced with switch to synthetic fibers 15.18

Terms Used for Rope and Knots

• Three separate and distinct parts of a rope: – Working end – Standing part – Running end • Firefighters need to know terms used to describe elements combined to form knots 15.19

Figure 15-12 The three parts of a rope: working end, standing part, and running end.


Figure 15-13 Left to right: a round turn, a bight, and a loop. Take the loose end of the working end after tying the primary knot, and secure it by making a round turn around the standing knot and bringing the loose end through. Make a round turn in the standing portion of the rope, and slide the round turn down over the object being hoisted.




make sure parts of the knot are lying in the proper orientation to other parts •


make sure knot is snug in all directions • Most commonly used: – Half hitch and overhand (safety) knot – Clove hitch – Becket bend and double becket bend – Bowline knot and figure eight knots – Rescue knot and water knot 15.22

(A) (B) Figure 15-14 (A) A loose and sloppy knot. (B) A knot properly dressed and set.



• All ropes must be inspected and properly maintained • Inspections should be a matter of department policy • Life safety rope found damaged must be removed from service • Ropes should be inspected along their entire length 15.24

Figure 15-16 It is very important that rope is inspected as it is being put back into a rope bag.


Laid (Twisted)

• Firefighters should look and feel for: – Foreign matter – Slippery spots – Voids in center fibers – Stiff or hard spots and soft spots • Laid ropes should be untwisted at random intervals to inspect between strands 15.26

Figure 15-18 It is important to twist apart a laid rope to inspect between strands.



• Should be visually and tactilely inspected as well • Inspecting inside is not possible • All strands appear on the surface somewhere along the rope 15.28


• When inspecting braid-on-braid rope, there is no way to see the inside braided rope • Pay attention to tactile inspection – Watch and feel for damage • Outside braid will sometimes slip over the inner braid causing the rope to invert – Immediately remove from service • Outside braid represents 50 percent of strength 15.29


• Cannot see kern portion – Represents 75 percent of total strength of rope • Tactile inspection is best and only way to discover damage to kern • Key is to search for a different feel – Flat spots, voids, bunches, stiffness, and limpness 15.30


• Maintenance of ropes is not difficult • Firefighter may be called on to assist with placing new rope into service • Carefully adhere to manufacturer's instructions 15.31


• Follow manufacturer's instructions • Brush dirt off natural materials; do not use water – Lose 50 percent of strength when wet – Do not regain strength when dry • Ropes manufactured from synthetic materials can be cleaned in a number of ways – Hand wash – Rope washer – Clothes washing machine 15.32

Figure 15 24 A kernmantle rope can also be “chained” and washed in a front-loading washing machine.



• Rope must be completely dried prior to storage • Different drying methods: – Lay flat to dry – Hang to dry • Use clothing dryer with extreme caution – Even a low temperature setting could surpass manufacturer’s recommendations 15.34


• Quick identification is important – Type – Length • Different material types, sizes, or colors of bags or tags can be used to differentiate • Each department needs to establish policy • Standard coiling • Utilization of special bags 15.35

Figure 15-27 The two most common methods of storing life safety ropes (bagged or coiled).


Rigging for Hoisting

• One of the primary uses of rope on emergency scene • Much smaller rope can be utilized • Can be stored bagged or coiled • Some departments have policies governing the use of

tag/guide lines


Specific Tools and Equipment

• Small figure eight on a bight with half hitch up handle is easiest and quickest way to hoist an ax • Pike poles should be hoisted point up • Hoselines can be hoisted charged or uncharged • Power tools have closed handles or support pieces • Ladders are hoisted on regular basis 15.38

Securing a Rope between Two Object s

• Need to secure a rope between two objects may arise at any emergency scene • Rope may be used as a barrier using one of two methods • Figure eight on a bight may be used to secure an anchor point 15.39

Lessons Learned

• Ropes have many uses • Fire service uses ropes on a regular basis • Experience is the most effective teacher • Firefighters are encouraged to practice the basics learned • Maintenance of rope is not difficult or complicated 15.40