Locomotor & Nonlocomotor Skills

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Locomotor & Nonlocomotor
CH 11
Locomotor Skills
 Body moving from one place to another in a vertical
 Develop bodily control
 Walking, running, leaping, jumping, hopping,
galloping, sliding, & skipping
 Build upon to create routines and games
Locomotor Skills
 Lessons:
 Travel in general space
 Different pathways (straight, curved, zigzag), directions
(forward, backward, sideways), & different speeds (slow,
medium, fast)
 Response to signal (stop/start, change movements, pathways,
directions, speed)
NonLocomotor Skills
 Not require body to move from place to place; not
incorporate objects into movement
 Performed in stable position standing or sitting
 Twisting, turning, bending, stretching, rocking,
curling, balance
Motor Skill Progression
 Phases:
 Develop skill
 Expand skill
 Master skill
Motor Skill Progression
 Progression tree – allows learner to chart their
individual success; visually see progress
Self-paced, fundamental skills
Task cards: instructions & examples of activities
Chasing, fleeing, dodging, jumping, landing
Different levels of learners, adapt
Chasing, Fleeing, Dodging
 Used in many games and activities
 Changing of direction and location, traveling,
ducking while moving
 Use invisible or imaginary opponent
 Versions of tag
 External cues
Task Cards
 Run under general space
 Start/stop on signal
 Travel around stationary object
 Travel in different pathways
 Shadow partner
 Dodging while avoiding stationary taggers
 Simple tag games
Task Cards
 Chasing, fleeing, & dodging while avoiding moving
Complex tag games
Take the pin basic
Capture the flag
Chasing, fleeing, dodging while manipulating object
Jumping & Landing
 Sporting activities
 Quality
 Start at age 2
 Learn to land on 2 feet progress to 1
 Takeoff, flight, landing
 Distance, height
Jumping & Landing
 Hop – jump from one foot to same foot
 Leap – jump from one foot to opposite foot
 One foot takeoff – jump from one foot to land on two
 Two footed takeoff – jumping high; jump from two
feet to land on two feet
 Jumping from two feet to land on 1
Jumping Skills
 Jump and land over stationary objects
 Jump and land in self space
 Use creative movement
 Jump and land for distance, low height
 Jump and land while traveling, over objects, add
turns, jump sequence, rope
Non-Locomotor Skills
 Movements in same place
 Mostly used in gymnastics
 Stretch, tuck, pike, straddle, turn, twist, bend
 No one best correct form
 Goals: explain meaning of skill to understand
concepts & give learners opportunities to
demonstrate understanding of skill by examples
Non-Locomotor Skills
 Balancing – keeping body’s center of gravity above
base of support
Tense & relax muscles to shift body
Teaching: base of support & stable vs unstable
Stable resists gravity or force
Unstable easily disrupted
Balance Learning Tasks
 Balance own body
 Balance an object
 Balance another person
 Perform on different bases of support
 Control muscular contractions
 Develop strength, flexibility
 Progression as able to regain balance quickly
 Work in pairs/groups
 Bases of support
 Landings
 Objects/apparatus
 Traveling
 Shoulder balance
 Hand balance, body curled
 Complex movements, partners
Peer Evaluations
 Students responsible for watching other students
perform making judgments & improvements
 Understand grade level and abilities