Transcript Paris Salon



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Paris Salon

, beginning in 1725 was the official art exhibition of the Académie des Beaux-Arts in Paris , France . Between 1748–1890 it was the greatest annual or biannual art event in the Western world. From 1881 onward, it has been organized by the Société des Artistes Français .

Jacques-Louis David. The Tennis Court Oath, 1791, pen washed with bistre with highlights of white

Jacques-Louis David. The Sabine Women, 1796-99, oil on canvas

Jacques-Louis David. Napoleon at Saint Bernard Pass, 1800, oil on canvas

Jacques-Louis David. Madame Recamier, 1800, oil on canvas

Left: Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres. Self- Portrait, 1804, oil on canvas Below: Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres. Self- Portrait, 1858, oil on canvas

Jacques-Louis David. The Coronation of Napoleon, 1805-8, oil on canvas

Jacques-Louis David. Napoleon in his Study, 1812, oil on canvas Napoleon Bonaparte/ tirelessly at work/ elaborate furniture in the Empire Style/ tucked away hand/ Plutarch’s Lives/ Napoleonic Code/ expression of republican virtue

Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres. Grande Odalisque, 1814, oil on canvas

Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres/ odalisque/ emphasis on linear forms without visible brushstrokes/ elongated vertebrae/ debt to Mannerism and to a new Romantic movement/ love of sensuous textures

Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres. Odalisque with a Slave, 1839-40, oil on canvas

Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres. Bather of Valpincon, 1808, oil on canvas image of deceptive simplicity/ subtle distortions with erotic allusions/ flawless surface

Left: Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres. Louis Bertin, 1832, oil on canvas Right: Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres. Louis Bertin, 1832, pencil drawing (detail)

Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres. The Comtesse d’Haussonville, 1845, oil on canvas

Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres. Napoleon Enthroned, 1806, oil on canvas

Oedipus and the Sphinx,

Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres, 1808

Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres. Jupiter and Thetis, 1811, oil on canvas

Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres. The Apotheosis of Homer, 1827, oil on canvas

a doctrine of ideal form/ “sovereign geniuses”

Antonio Canova. Pauline Borghese as Venus, 1808, marble Antonio Canova/ Neoclassical taste in sculpture

Pierre Vignon. La Madeleine (Paris, France), 1807-1842 Pierre Vignon/ a classical shell on a high podium/ a link between the Napoleonic and Roman empires

Jacques-Germain Soufflot. The Pantheon, or Sainte Genevieve (Paris), 1755-92