Transcript Document

Division Two
---- The Bible And
Ⅰ General Introduction
1.(选) 要点
 *Christianity is by far the most influential in the
west .
 2. Judaism and Christianity are closely related.
 * ♂(一句话简答):一字不漏必背型
 →Why do we say Judaism and Christianity are
closely related ?
 ⑴ In fact , it was the Jewish tradition which
gave birth to Christianity .
 ⑵ Both originated in Palestine --- the hub of
migration and trade routes , which led to
exchange of ideas over wide areas. 世界各地
3. (选) Some 3800 years ago the ancestors of
the Jews ---- the Hebrews ---- wandered
through the deserts of the Middle East.
 4. (选) “Hebrews” , means “wanderers”.
 5.(选) About 1300 B.C., the Hebrews came to
settle in Palestine, known as Canaan迦侬/南
 圣地 at that time .
 6.* (选) The Hebrew history was recorded later
in the Old Testament《旧约》, which still later
became the first part of the Christian Bible《圣经》.
*(一句话简答): What great contribution did
the Hebrews make for the world civilization?
 答: The Bible and Christianity. 圣经及基督教
Ⅱ The Old Testament旧约
♀♂ 名词解释:
⑴ The Old Testament:
① The Bible is a collection of religious writings comprising two
parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament.
② The Old Testament is about God and the Laws of the God,
③ The word “Testament ” means “agreement” ---- namely, the
agreement between God and Man .
⑵ The New Testament:
① The Bible is a collection of religious writings comprising two
parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament.
② The New Testament is about the doctrine of Jesus Christ.
③ The word “Testament ” means “agreement” ---- namely, the
agreement between God and Man .
1. The Pentateuch 摩西五经
1.↘* The Old Testament consists of 39 books, the
oldest and most important of which are the first five
books, called Pentateuch.39卷 开篇5卷
2. Pentateuch includes:
* Genesis , Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.共5个n.
⑴ Genesis:《创世纪》
① Genesis belongs to the Pentateuch , the Old
Testament , the Bible.---出处
② It is a religious account of
(选) a. the origin of the Hebrew people
b. including the origin of the world and of man
c. the career of Issac and the life of Jacob约伯和
and his son Joseph. 约瑟夫
⑵ Exodus: 《出埃及记》
① Exodus belongs to the Pentateuch, the Old
Testament, the Bible. ----出处
② It is a religious history of the Hebrews during their
flight 出逃 from Egypt, the period when they began to
receive God’ s Law.上帝的意志
⑶ Leviticus: 《利未记》
* It is a collection of primitive laws. 早期法律的集合体
⑷ Numbers: 《民数记》
* 其实是《出埃及记》的续篇~
* It is a continuation of the account of the flight from
Egypt with two censuses about the Exodus.
⑸ Deuteronomy 《申命记》/ 《摩西遗言记》
* the final words of Moses to his people, restating his
orders and fifty years’ experiences as a leader.
a. The Fall of Man 人类的堕落 (选)
* The Fall of Man is from Genesis , the Pentateuch,
the Old Testament, the Bible. ---出处
b. Noah’s Ark 诺亚方舟 (选)
*① The Noah’s Ark is from the Genesis, the
Pentateuch, the Old Testament, the Bible. ---出处
* ② As the legend goes, around 1900 B.C., there lived
a descendent of Noah in Ur (乌尔国:古代美索不达亚南部苏美尔的重
要城市) by the name of Abraham.亚伯拉罕
*③the Promised Land ---- Canaan. 上帝允诺之地
*④ Around 1300 B.C. Moses, the famous Hebrew
leader, went to see the pharaoh of Egypt.古埃及的法
老 With this began the Exodus出埃及, which lasted
forty years.
*⑤In Mt.Sinai, Moses received from God message ---known as the Ten Commandments. 《摩西十诫》
2. The Historical Books 历史卷(共十卷)
介绍:This part of the Old Testament includes
these books:
 ⑴ Book of Joshua 《约书亚记》
 ⑵ Book of Judges 《判官记》
 ⑶ Books of Samuel 《萨穆尔记》(Ⅰand Ⅱ)
 ⑷ Books of Kings 《列王记》 (Ⅰand Ⅱ)
 ⑸ Books of the Chronicles 《编年史记》
(Ⅰand Ⅱ)
 ⑹ Book of Ezra 《以斯拉记》
 ⑺ Book of Nehemiah. 《纳希米亚积》
 ① The Historical Books were written sometime
between 800 B.C. and 500 B.C., dealing with
the history of the Hebrew people from their
entry into Palestine around 1200B.C. till the fall
of Palestine into hands of Assyrians and
Chaldeans in 586 B.C.
 ② The Historical Books also talk about :
 The development of system of landed nobles
大土地所有制 ,
 development of monarchy君主制 ,
 age of great prosperity under Saul , David and
Solomon, 所罗门,以色列国王
 and establishment of the two Kingdoms.
 ⅰ A new leader , Joshua ,(禅让制) brought
the Hebrew people safely back to Canaan.
But after Joshua’ s death, the tribes split
 ⅱ The first king to unite the Hebrews was a
warrior – farmer named Saul. 战士为兵;平日务农
 ⅲ Saul was succeeded by David, rallied the
Hebrew tribes against the enemy and
established his political and religious capital ,
Jerusalem. 政教合一的耶路撒冷
4. The Prophets.先知
⑴ For more than a thousand years in the
Middle East there had been a class of people
known as “prophets” or the spokesmen of god.
 神的代言人
 ⑵ Earlier prophets lived in groups as temple
officials神庙长老. Later on there appeared
independent prophets.各自为政的先知
 ⑶ The prophets can be classified into two
 ↘The Major Prophets and the Minor Prophets
5. The Book of Daniel 丹尼尔记/卷
1. ☆ 名词解释 (重点)
 ↘ ① The Book of Daniel appeared in the early
days of the rebellion when the Jews revolted
against the Syrian叙利亚 King Antiochus Ⅳ.安
 ② It is a story mixed with vision, describing how
Daniel and his friends 他的部落 were taken
prisoner to Babylon after the fall of Jerusalem
and how they refused to compromise their faith.
 ③ The former church in 6th century B.C. is
called : synagogues. (注意拼写)
Ⅲ. Rise of Christianity
→ What are the major differences between Christianity and the
other religions?
→ What are the two distinctive beliefs that differentiate
Christianity from the other religions?
⑴ One is that Jesus Christ is the Son of God上帝之子, and that
God sent him to earth to live as humans live, suffer as human
suffer,饱尝人世间的酸甜苦辣 and die to redeem mankind. 唤醒
⑵The other is that God gave his only begotten
Son, so that whosoever believes in him should not perish , but
have everlasting life.
核心思想:Thus, at the heart of Christianity is the life of Jesus;
How ha lived and died to redeem the whole human race . 基督
1~2. The Life of Jesus
~The Spread of Christianity
 A. Prevailing in the small areas ---- 传播
 B. More people to believe in it
 C. All the people to believe it
 D. Legislation by government ---- 合法化
 E. The official religion ----官方的统治工具
* 论述题:
→ How did Christianity originate and develop in
A. Prevailing in the small areas ---- 传播
→ After Jesus died, the disciples such as St. Peter
and St. Paul tried to spread his gospel and began to
preach to people in the Mediterranean region. ∥
* In 64 A.D. , when half of Rome was burned to the
ground, Nero, seeking to recover his popularity with
the mob(乌合之众), illuminated his garden with a
public display of burning Christians, on the
pretense(借口称) that the incomprehensible Christian
fanatics盲信者 had set fire to Rome.
→ Christianity 一大耻辱
* In 73 B.C. ,slave uprising led by Spartacus(斯巴达克
B. More people to believe in it
 → It was a time of great unrest and upheaval in
Europe.(欧洲动荡不安)Under such
conditions, the poor and humble found comfort
in the Christian Gospel .(穷人和地位低下的人)
C. All the people to believe it
 → Men and women from all classes in Europe
began to believe in Christianity.
 The Romans grew tired of war and feared the
collapse of the empire.
D. Legislation by government ---- 合法化
* Constantine believed that God had helped him in
winning the battle and so issued the Edict of Milan in
313. 颁发了米兰特赦令 It granted religious freedom to
all, and made Christianity legal.
E. The official religion ----官方的统治工具
* In 392 A.D., Emperor Theodosius made Christianity
the official religion of the empire and outlawed all other
* Now Christianity had changed from an object of
oppression to a weapon in the hands of the ruling
class to crush their opponents.
(选) After the fifth century Nestorianism reached China.
(唐朝时, 景教作为基督教的一个支教传到了中国)
Ⅳ The New Testament
Pope 罗马教皇
Bishops ↘ diocese 
Priest ↘ a parish
Disciples 门徒
⑴. (选) By 300 A.D. , each
local church was called a
parish 教区(最小组成单位)
and had a full time leader
known as a priest.
⑵ Several parishes were
grouped together into a large
unit called diocese(主教教区),
which was headed by a
⑶ The most important
bishops were called
早期的教会组合: (选)
 ⑷ the Christian scriptures 圣经经文, or the New
Testament .
⑸ As Jesus had left no written records, his
disciples in the first century, (1A.D.) wrote down
in Greek 希腊语 about his life and teaching.
⑹ Towards the end of the fourth century300年
后, four accounts 四福音书 were accepted
as part of the New Testament, which tells the
beginning of Christianity.
* The four accounts were believed to have been
written by :
Matthew 圣马赛福音书
John 约翰福音书four of Jesus ’ early followers.
* They tell of the birth , teaching, death and
Resurrection 复活 of Jesus.
* Then come:
The Acts of the Apostles; 使徒卷
The Epistles; 信札卷
The book of Revelation 致胜篇
1. The Birth of Jesus 耶稣的诞生
* The Birth of Jesus is from St. Matthew , the New
Testament, the Bible.
4. The Last Supper 最后的晚餐 (重点考点)
 * 1. The Last Supper is from St. John, the New
Testament , the Bible.
2. Da Vinci put the Christian story The Last
Supper into painting named Last Supper in the
Renaissance period.
5. The Crucifixion. 被钉死在十字架上的故事
* The Crucifixion is from St. John , the New testament,
the Bible.
Ⅴ. Translations of the Bible
1. Why do we say the Bible shaped the western
civilization more decisively than anything else
ever written?
 * Because it is much more than a religious book.
Reflecting most extensively western ideas and
culture, the Bible is really an encyclopaedia.
 百科全书
 All in one, it is history; it is literature; it is record
of great minds(思想之集大成者). It has left an
enormous influence on the human race.
What are the major translation
versions of the Bible?
1. Except a few passages in the related
Aramaic dialect 阿拉米克语 the Old Testament
was originally written in Hebrew.
 2. And the New Testament was originally written
in a popular form of Greek.
Version 1:
⑴The oldest extent Greek translation of the Old
Testament is known as the Septuagint.
⑵ It was the version used by
the Hellenistic
the Greek–speaking Christians
⑶ And it is still in use in the Greek Church today.
Version 2: 拉丁版足本圣经
⑴ The most ancient extent Latin version of the whole
Bible is the Vulgate edition , which was done in
383~405 A.D. by St. Jerome圣.杰罗米 in common
people’s language.
⑵ It became the official Bible of the Roman Catholic
church throughout the world.
⑶ It was also the basis of the earlier translations into
English and other European tongues.
 * By 1963, the whole of the Bible had been
translated in 228 languages and parts into 974
languages --- a total of 1202, including tribal
tongues. (部落语言)
Version 3 :
 ⑴ The first English version of whole Bible (足本
圣经) was translated from the Latin Vulgate in
1382 and was copied out by hand by the early
group of reformers led by John Wycliff.
Version 4:
 ⑴ After John Wycliff’ s version, appeared
William Tyndale’ s version. 汀德尔版圣经
 ⑵ It was based directly on the original Hebrew
and Greek sources. 直接译原文
 ⑶ Many passages of his translations are still
preserved in the English Bible of today. 价值很
Version 5:
⑴ The Great Bible大圣经 ordered by HenryⅧ
亨利八世 in 1539 to be placed in all the English
churches was in part founded on Tyndale’ s
Version 6 : 官方版/詹姆士版圣经(成教科书了)
 ⑴ The most important and influential of
English Bible is the “Authorized ” or King James’
version, first published in 1611.
 ⑵ It was published by [54 biblical scholars不必
记忆] at the command of King James.
 ⑶ With its simple, majestic Anglo – Saxon
tongue 盎格鲁-萨克逊部落语言, it is known as
the greatest book in the English language.
Version 7: 修订版圣经
 The Revised Version appeared in 1885, and the
standard American edition .
Version 8: 新版圣经
⑴ Other important recent translations, done in the
sixties and seventies (1960~1970’s)are the Good
News Bible and the New English Bible.
⑵ The former is popular for its simple and vivid
current idiom; the latter , an entirely fresh rendering of
the original Hebrew and Greek.
1. * How has the English developed ?
A. 古英语的代表Old English: Beowulf
B. 中古英语 Middle English : the Cantebury Tales. ---- Chaucer 乔叟
C. 现代英语 Modern English : the English Bible and
Shakespeare are two great reservoirs 两大代表 of
Modern English.
2. What great significance has the English Bible
on both British Literature and American Literature?
⑴ The use of Biblical themes has been a literary
tradition of which the noted examples are :
① Milton’s Paradise Lost
② Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress 《天路历程》
③ Byron’s Cain
→ Up to the contemporary 20C
④ Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises 《太阳依旧升起》
⑤斯坦贝克Steinbeck’ s East of Eden. 《东方伊甸园》
⑵In fact, few great English and American writers of
the seventeenth , eighteenth, nineteenth, and
twentieth century can be read and appreciated with
satisfaction without a sufficient knowledge of the Bible.