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Section 4.8
Applications of
Logarithmic Functions
1. To apply logarithmic functions to
chemistry, physics, and
2. To apply exponential growth to
compound interest.
Seismologists use the Richter
scale to measure earthquake
Earthquake Intensity
M = log
M is the Richter-scale value.
I is the intensity of the
I0 is the standard minimum
EXAMPLE 1 An earthquake has an
intensity reading that is 107.5 times that of
Io (the standard minimum intensity). What
is the measurement of this earthquake on
the Richter scale?
M = log 107.5
M = log
= 7.5
M = log
In the field of chemistry, the pH
of a substance is defined using
pH Measurement
pH = –log [H+]
[H+] is the hydrogen ion
concentration of the substance
in moles per liter.
EXAMPLE 2 Determine the pH of
milk if the hydrogen ion concentration is
4  10-7 moles per liter.
pH = -log [H+]
pH = -log [4  10-7]
pH = -[log 4 + log 10-7]
= -[log 4 + (-7)]
≈ 6.4
The pH of milk is 6.4.
Forgetting Curves
The equation for the average
test score on previously learned
S(t) = A - B log (t + 1).
t is the time in months.
A and B are constants found by
experimentation in a course.
EXAMPLE 3 If the average score in
a geometry class for a certain exam is
given by s(t) = 73 – 12 log (t + 1), what was
the original average score? What will the
average score be on the same exam a
year later?
s(t) = 73 – 12 log (t + 1)
s(0) = 73 – 12 log (0 + 1)
= 73 – 12(0)
= 73 (the original average test score)
EXAMPLE 3 If the average score in
a geometry class for a certain exam is
given by s(t) = 73 – 12 log (t + 1), what was
the original average score? What will the
average score be on the same exam a
year later?
s(t) = 73 – 12 log (t + 1)
s(12) = 73 – 12 log (12 + 1)
= 73 – 12 log 13
≈ 59.63 (avg. 1 year later)
Practice: If the average score in a
geometry class is given by S(t) = 78 – 15
log (t + 1), what was the original average
S(0) = 78 – 15 log (1)
= 78 – 15(0)
= 78
Practice: If the average score in a
geometry class is given by S(t) = 78 – 15
log (t + 1), what would the average score
be after 5 years? Round to the nearest
S(60) = 78 – 15 log (61)
≈ 51.2
Continuously Compounding
A(t) = Pert
A is the total amount
r is the annual interest rate
t is the time in years
EXAMPLE 4 $400 is deposited in a
savings account with an interest rate of
6% for a period of 42 years. How much
money will be in the account at the end of
42 years if interest is compounded
A(t) = Pert
A(42) = 400e(0.06)(42)
= 400e2.52
= $4971.44
EXAMPLE 5 How long will it take
Shannon to save $800 from an initial
investment of $430 at 5½% interest with
continuous compounding?
A(t) = Pert
ln 1.86 = 0.055t
800 = 430e0.055t
ln 1.86
t ≈ 11.3
ln 430 = ln e0.055t
Practice: $550 is deposited in a
savings account with an interest rate of
5%. How much money will be in the
account after 15 years if interest is
compounded continuously?
A(t) = 550e(0.05)(15)
= $1164.35
Practice: How long will it take $800
to double at 2.75% interest with
continuous compounding? Round to the
nearest tenth.
1600 = 800e0.0275t
2 = e0.0275t
ln 2 = 0.0275t
t ≈ 25.2
pp. 213-215
►A. Exercises
Find the Richter-scale measurement for
an earthquake that is the given number of
times greater than the standard minimum
1. 106
►A. Exercises
The formula for the average score on a
particular English exam after t months is
S(t) = 82 – 8 log (t + 1).
5. What is the average score after 5
►A. Exercises
The formula for the average score on a
particular English exam after t months is
S(t) = 82 – 8 log (t + 1).
7. If a group of people lived for 40 years
after taking this English exam and
took the test again, what would the
average score be?
►A. Exercises
Find the pH in the substances below
according to their given hydrogen ion
9. Vinegar: [H+] = 7.94  10-4 moles per
►A. Exercises
Find the hydrogen ion concentration (in
moles per liter) of the following
substances, given their pH values.
11. Hominy: pH = 7.3
►B. Exercises
Find the maximum amount that a person
could hope to accumulate from an initial
investment of $1000 at
13. 5% interest for 20 years
►B. Exercises
17. How much money is in an account
after 15 years if the interest is
compounded continuously at a rate
of 7% and the original principal was
►B. Exercises
19. How much money was originally
invested in an account if the account
totals $51,539.44 after 25 years and
interest was compounded
continuously at a rate of 6%?
■ Cumulative Review
Find the domain of each function.
31. p(x) = x2 – 5
■ Cumulative Review
Find the domain of each function.
32. f(x) = tan x
■ Cumulative Review
Find the domain of each function.
2x + 1
33. g(x) =
■ Cumulative Review
Find the domain of each function.
34. h(x) = ln x
■ Cumulative Review
Find the domain of each function.
35. k(x) = x + 2