eta day 2011 the crucible - eta-day

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Transcript eta day 2011 the crucible - eta-day

The Answer:
O Question (If only we knew!)
O Module (AOS)
O Elective (Belonging)
O Supported by specific,
detailed textual
analysis (The Crucible + related text)
Exam Rubric –
What you get marks for!
1. understanding of the concept of belonging using the
BOS rubric ideas
1. The way language is used to construct ideas
1. Your ability to write an analytical response.
Stage 6 Syllabus Rubric
Area of Study - Key Points
An Area of Study is the exploration of a concept that affects our
perceptions of ourselves and our world.
explore, analyse, question and articulate the ways in which
perceptions of this concept are shaped in and through a variety of
(Use of language)
explore and examine relationships between language and text, and
interrelationships among texts.
(Links or connections in and between texts)
examine closely the individual qualities of texts while considering the
texts’ relationships to the wider context of the Area of Study.
(Think about the individual ideas of the text but also connect them to
synthesise ideas to clarify meaning and develop new meanings.
(look at all the ideas and come up with your own conclusions about
belonging – EVALUATE)
opportunities to explore,
The Area of Study provides students with
assess, analyse
and experiment with:
O meaning conveyed, shaped, interpreted and reflected in and
through texts
(language and ideas)
O ways texts are responded to and composed
(different texts, audience, purpose, and construction)
O ways perspective may affect meaning and interpretation
(different ways of seeing)
O connections between and among texts
(similarities and differences)
O how texts are influenced by other texts and contexts.
Related Material:
In addition, students will explore texts of their own choosing
relevant to the Area of Study. Students draw their chosen
texts from a variety of sources, in a range of genres and
Stage 6 Syllabus Rubric
Belonging- Key Points
These ideas should be at the core of
your analysis. Use these dot points as a scaffold for your
revision of The Crucible and your related texts.
O explore the ways in which the concept of belonging is represented in
and through texts.
O Perceptions and ideas of belonging, or of not belonging, vary.
The next two points will allow you to demonstrate depth of understanding about the concept
of belonging as you will move from identifying aspects of belonging within to identifying the
social and cultural aspects of belonging that the text as a whole represents.
O These perceptions are shaped within personal, cultural, historical and
social contexts.
O A sense of belonging can emerge from the connections made with
people, places, groups, communities and the larger world.
Within this Area of Study, students may consider
aspects of belonging in
terms of experiences and
notions of identity, relationships, acceptance and understanding.
O Texts explore many aspects of belonging, including the potential of
the individual to enrich or challenge a community or group.
O They may reflect the way attitudes to belonging are modified over
O Texts may also represent choices not to belong, or barriers which
prevent belonging.
O Perceptions and ideas of belonging in texts can be constructed
through a variety of language modes, forms, features and structures.
Dos and Don’ts –
a markers perspective