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• Answer all multiple choice questions.
• If you don’t know the answer: eliminate
the answers that you know are incorrect
and then make an educated guess.
• Answer all short answer questions.
• Write at least 4 sentences for the 2 pt.
questions and 6-8 sentences for the 4 pt.
The use of atomic weapons at the end of
World War II fostered fears about their
potential use during the Cold War years.
These fears were critical in determining the
U.S. response to
A. the Marshall Plan.
B. the Berlin Blockade.
C. the Cuban Missile Crisis.
D. the independence movement in India.
The concepts of equality and democracy were basic to
the U.S. Constitution. Yet many Americans in the
19th century did not consider Indian nations worthy
of concern or protection. This resulted in
discrimination and conflict between European
settlers and Native Americans.
For example, many Native Americans were
A. displaced from their former homelands.
B. prevented from trading with European settlers.
C. forced to maintain their cultural heritage.
D. persecuted for killing buffalo on the Great Plains.
Economies must address how to produce goods
and services. In the economy of a certain
country, some factories are owned by
individuals and private companies, and other
factories are owned and controlled by the
What type of economy does this country have?
A. mixed
B. market
C. traditional
D. command
In the late 19th century, industrialization led to harsh
working conditions in the United States. Which policies of the
U.S. government allowed such conditions to develop and later led
to the growth of labor unions to correct abuses of workers?
A. laissez-faire policies toward big business
B. antitrust policies toward monopolies
C. imperialist policies regarding territorial expansion
D. isolationist policies regarding international alliances
The European Union’s objectives include
reducing tariffs, promoting a single market,
and creating a common currency. Based on
these objectives, what type of world region
does the European Union primarily
A. cultural
B. physical
C. political
D. economic
In a democracy, the source of
authority for the government is the
A. head of state.
B. legislature.
C. courts.
D. people.
The 1890 U.S. Census led some people to
conclude that there was no longer a frontier
line in the West. Early in the 20th century,
President Theodore Roosevelt advocated the
conservation of the nation’s natural
resources. These events signaled a change in
how people perceived
A. farmland.
B. urban areas.
C. wilderness areas.
D. centers of industry and technology.
How do absolute monarchs differ from constitutional
monarchs in their ability to use power?
A. The power of absolute monarchs is unlimited.
B. The power of absolute monarchs is maintained
through periodic elections.
C. The power of absolute monarchs is limited by the
fundamental laws of the country.
D. The power of absolute monarchs depends on
continued support from their political party.
In a command economy, the
question of what goods to produce
is primarily determined by
A. cultural traditions.
B. decisions by individuals.
C. government plans.
D. corporate policies.
During World War I, conscientious objectors to military service
were often accused of disloyalty, and some conscientious
objectors were sentenced to prison. However, other
conscientious objectors were willing to accept noncombatant
The assignment of conscientious objectors to noncombatant
service was an attempt by the government to
A. promote ethnic diversity within the military.
B. educate people about their constitutional rights.
C. balance individual rights and the common good.
D. encourage people to apply for conscientious objector status.
Following World War II, France attempted to reestablish control over its colony, Indochina, which
included Vietnam. Leaders of the Vietminh, a
communist-supported independence movement in
Vietnam, fought against France’s efforts to retake
the colony. The United States viewed this conflict
as part of the Cold War and aided France.
This U.S. action was based on which policy?
A. a policy of opposing colonialism
B. a policy of helping Japan rebuild its economy
C. a policy of containing the spread of communism
D. a policy of participating in United Nations’
peacekeeping efforts
What economic factor primarily contributed to the
movement of African-Americans from the South to
the North in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?
A. greater employment opportunities in urban areas
B. increased imports from newly acquired U.S.
C. the availability of free land under the Homestead Act
D. the need for agricultural workers to feed a growing
Minority students in public schools were
given constitutional guarantees to
equal educational opportunities as a
result of the
A. decision in Plessy v. Ferguson.
B. ratification of the 19th amendment.
C. ratification of the 26th amendment.
D. decision in Brown v. Board of
What action by the leaders of the French Revolution
demonstrates that they were influenced by
Enlightenment ideas?
A. They called for the fall of the absolute monarchy.
B. They encouraged the conquests of Napoleon.
C. They fought to maintain France’s colonial empire.
D. They supported the combination of church and
In the United States, reporters’ exercise of
freedom of the press may be legally restricted
under what circumstances?
A. when reporters disagree with official government
B. when reporters are granted interviews with
leaders of other countries
C. when reporters discover that elected officials
have engaged in illegal activities
D. when reporters have information that could
threaten national security if published
What method is typically used by citizens in
parliamentary and presidential
democracies to achieve governmental
A. elections
B. revolution
C. civil war
D. secession
A government was chosen by the majority party in the
legislature. The people revolted and established a
new government in which the ruler was chosen by
religious elders and used power to enforce religious
law. How did the system of government change?
A. from a theocracy to an absolute monarchy
B. from a presidential democracy to a dictatorship
C. from a dictatorship to a constitutional monarchy
D. from a parliamentary democracy to a theocracy
A political action committee produces a
television commercial that criticizes past
actions of a candidate for president.
The advertisement could be a credible source
of information if the claims in the
A. rely on the use of stereotypes.
B. are based on unstated assumptions.
C. are consistent with other credible sources of
D. are presented in a manner that is clear and easy
to understand.
What perspective of African-Americans was reflected
in the founding of the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909?
A. the desire for a return to their cultural heritage
B. the need to improve working conditions in factories
C. the desire to end legalized discrimination based on race
D. the belief in the importance of building a new country in
Freedom of assembly is guaranteed by the
First Amendment, but assemblies may
legally be broken up when protesters
A. attempt to disrupt public safety.
B. publicly oppose U.S. foreign policy.
C. express opinions that are controversial.
D. are members of a religious organization.
Religious diversity in the United States has
increased in the last fifty years. One factor
that has contributed to this increase has
been an increase in
A. emigration to Africa.
B. immigration from Asia.
C. immigration from Australia.
D. emigration to South America.
They are looking to see what you know about world
religion and if you know the difference between
emigration and immigration.
Which action could the U.S. government employ to
protect U.S. automobile manufacturers from foreign
A. increase taxes on the production of U.S. automobiles
B. create free trade agreements with automobile-producing
C. increase tariffs and import restrictions on foreign
D. implement stricter control of competition among U.S.
automobile manufacturers
Trying to see if you know the difference between taxes and
One way the U.S. Constitution evolves is through the
amendment process. How were the changes that
occurred as a result of the ratification of the
19th and 26th Amendments similar?
A. Large groups of people gained the right to vote.
B. The right of individuals to bear arms was restricted.
C. The powers of the federal government were expanded.
D. The separation of church and state was more clearly
Britain and France suffered heavy casualties during
World War I. Because of this, when faced with
Axis expansion before World War II, these
countries were
A. unwilling to take actions that might start another war.
B. prepared to use military intervention wherever
C. dependent on the United States to intervene in an
international crisis.
D. reluctant to call upon the League of Nations to settle
The proposal by Great Britain to grant Indian
independence in 1947drew opposition from Muslim
leaders. Their view was that they were denied a
voice in the Hindu dominated independence
movement. As a result, Indian Muslims wanted
A. a separate independent Muslim country.
B. the continuation of British rule until differences
could be resolved.
C. an independent India dominated by Muslims.
D. the forced evacuation of Hindus from India.
Which source of information about candidates for
public office probably would be free of bias?
A. a pamphlet written by a political campaign worker
B. a newspaper editorial stating the newspaper’s
C. a reprint of the complete text of the last
candidate debate
D. a political advertisement paid for by a political
action committee
What factor contributed to the migration of large
numbers of people from Europe to the United
States in the late 19th century?
A. Industrialization in the United States attracted
laborers from Europe.
B. Economic prosperity in Europe allowed people to
purchase land in the United States.
C. European social reform movements wanted to
spread their beliefs to the United States.
D. The United States needed people to colonize the
overseas territories it had recently acquired.
Which of these is likely to be found
in a nation ruled by a dictatorship?
A. a free press
B. a secret police
C. due process of law
D. active labor unions
One effect of widespread suburbanization in
the United States during the 1920s was
A. airlines adding routes to new cities.
B. increased reliance upon the automobile.
C. decreased immigration from Europe and
D. television replacing radio as the most
popular medium.
How did technological innovations of the late 20th
century, such as communications satellites and the
Internet, contribute to the exchange of cultural
A. They improved the efficiency of local governments.
B. They reduced economic inequality among nations.
C. They decreased the need for international
D. They increased opportunities to exchange
information and ideas
Freedom of speech and freedom of the press
are limited by
A. the 14th Amendment.
B. laws against slander and libel.
C. checks and balances of state governments.
D. the government’s power of eminent domain.
How did the U.S. Constitution change as a
result of the ratification of the 19th
A. The right of suffrage was extended to
B. Freedom of assembly was restricted.
C. The power of government decreased.
D. Freedom of the press was strengthened.
Ecuador is a major exporter of bananas, a product in
high demand in the United States. How might the
United States adjust its trade policy toward
Ecuador to assure a supply?
A. eliminate the tariff on bananas from Ecuador
B. increase export taxes on U.S. products sold to
C. increase tariffs on bananas from Ecuador
D. prohibit the import of any other products from
In what way did the Treaty of Versailles establish
conditions that led to the outbreak of World War
A. It called for dissolving the League of Nations, thus
removing an organization for resolving future
B. It gave Germany too much power by letting Germany
keep the Alsace-Lorraine region of France.
C. It weakened the Allied countries by making France,
England and Russia reduce the size of their armies.
D. It imposed harsh reparations payments on Germany,
which led to economic and political instability.
Following World War II, France attempted to reestablish control over its colony, Indochina, which
included Vietnam. Leaders of the Vietminh, a
communist-supported independence movement in
Vietnam, fought against France’s efforts to retake
the colony. The United States viewed this conflict
as part of the Cold War and aided France. This U.S.
action was based on which policy?
A. a policy of opposing colonialism
B. a policy of helping Japan rebuild its economy
C. a policy of containing the spread of communism
D. a policy of participating in United Nations’
peacekeeping efforts
What economic factor primarily contributed to the
movement of African-Americans from the South to
the North in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?
A. greater employment opportunities in urban areas
B. increased imports from newly acquired U.S.
C. the availability of free land under the Homestead
D. the need for agricultural workers to feed a growing
Minority students in public schools were
given constitutional guarantees to equal
educational opportunities as a result of
A. decision in Plessy v. Ferguson.
B. ratification of the 19th amendment.
C. ratification of the 26th amendment.
D. decision in Brown v. Board of Education.
Under what system of government are
leaders typically chosen by church
officials or religious elders?
A. theocracy
B. dictatorship
C. presidential democracy
D. constitutional monarchy
A group of citizens organizes a peaceful
march through the streets of their nation’s
capital. They carry signs calling for the
nation’s leader to resign. Describe how likely
this type of protest could be held in a
presidential democracy and in a
dictatorship. Explain the reason for these
Write your answer in the Answer
Document. (2 points)
The National Organization for Women (NOW) was
created in 1966. It reflected a growing concern of
many women that they were being treated unfairly.
For example, some believed that the education of
girls was not viewed as being as important as the
education of boys. Describe the perspectives of
women in the 1960s that contributed to the creation
of NOW regarding each of the following:
• employment
• political representation
Write your answer in the Answer
Document. (4 points)
Identify one example of harsh working
conditions for British factory workers in
the 19th century. Explain how
industrialization led to that condition.
Write your answer in the Answer
Document. (2 points)
There was a connection between
industrial expansion and European
imperialism in the late 19th and early
20th centuries.
• Did imperialism increase or decrease as
a result of industrialization?
• Explain why this change occurred.
• What would be the expected effect
on spending by the public if the U.S.
government lowered personal income
tax rates? Explain your answer.
• Write your answer in the Answer
Document. (2 points)
People from the countries of Scandinavia, Finland,
Denmark, Norway and Sweden immigrated to the
United States mainly between the Civil War and
World War I. In general, they settled in the
American Midwest. Their reasons for leaving their
homelands included overpopulation, poor farm
production and dissatisfaction with their
Based on your knowledge of immigration patterns to
the United States, identify two factors that
attracted immigrants such as these to the United
Write your answer in the Answer Document. (2 points)
Monarchies may be absolute monarchies or
constitutional monarchies.
• Explain how monarchs usually acquire power
under both types of monarchies;
• Describe what limits, if any, exist on how
monarchs exercise power in both types of
Write your answer in the Answer
Document. (4 points)
Satellite-based communication systems allow
people to communicate more easily. This
increases the interdependence of nations
around the world. Describe how another
advance in global communications or
transportation contributes to the exchange
of cultural practices.
Write your answer in the Answer Document.
(2 points)
• During the years between 1945 and 1950, the
period directly following World War II, the
Soviet Union expanded its influence in Central and
Eastern Europe.
– • Describe two concerns the United States had about
this expansion.
– • For each concern, identify a related action taken by
the United States to counter Soviet activities in Europe
during this time period.
• Write your answer in the Answer Document. (4
This cartoon could be used to
support the thesis that
opposition to women’s
suffrage was
A. based on unemployment
statistics comparing men and
B. stronger among women than
among men.
C. stronger in western states
than in eastern states.
D. based on stereotyping of
women’s roles.
Historians often cite the harshness of the Treaty
of Versailles on Germany as a primary cause of the
eventual outbreak of World War II. Summarize
two provisions of the Versailles Treaty relating to
Germany and discuss how each helped lead to
World War II.
Write your answer in the Answer Document. (4