The Achilles Painter

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The Achilles Painter
Name: The Achilles Painter Lekythos
When made: 450-440BC
Size: 38.4cm
Potter: Unknown
Painter: The Achilles Painter
• The painter never signed his name to his
• Got his name from another vase he
painted where Achilles was a key subject
that has stylistic similarities.
• Student of the Berlin Painter, he took over
the Berlin Painter workshops
• His white ground Lekythoi were of high
• Many simple, balanced, two-figure
• Considered the most "classical" of all
vase-painters of the classical period in the
mid 5th century.
• Vase shape:Lekythos
• Use: Funerary vase used for storing oils
• Much narrower shape then Amasis ovoid
• Found between the two
• Kalos inscription (love
• It says “Axiophates, the son
of Alkimachos, is handsome”
• Inscription has nothing to do
with the decoration of the
• It was a common way to
graffiti vases in this way
The Scene
• Non-funerary scene but it is probable that she is
preparing to visit a tomb
• Woman and her maid servant that is holding a grey
painted casket.
• Behind them a lekythos and mantle hang on the wall
which is an indication that the scene is indoors
• Woman directs maid – see hand movement
• She is wearing a loose fitting yellow
sleeved chiton (one piece garment belted
around the waist) and red himation (large
• Hand directing maidservant
• Woman stands feet frontal, but turning to
look at the maidservant
• Much more realistic stance then in
previous vases.
• Clothing appears to be
Painting Technique
• White Ground
• Mainly used for funerary vases as these were buried and
the decorations were more fragile.
• Chalky white slip (kaolin) was painted over the leather
hard clay which gave the vase its white background
• Outline of figures painted in dilute honey coloured glaze
before firing
• Brighter colours of clothing were added after firing as
they were not derived from the glaze and meant it
couldn’t be fired
• Colours added after firing were not as durable. Hence
the servants clothes appear to be transparent.
• Stopped Meander found directly above the
• Schematic palmette on shouder of the
Painting Style
• Pupils of eyes look in the direction that the body
• They have long necks
• Faces are calm and expressionless, elegantly
• Faces are said to appear sculptured rather than
• They make few gestures. The woman directs her
maid with her hand
• Inspired by sculptre of the period
• Maid stands in profile
• Woman stands in frontal view with her face
looking to the side to her servant
• Figures are slender
• Drapery a lot less detailed than the Penthesileia
Painter Pyxis
• The woman's feet are frontal, effective
• Quiz: